Registros recuperados: 70 | |
Autret, Ronan; Dodet, Guillaume; Fichaut, Bernard; Suanez, Serge; David, Laurence; Leckler, Fabien; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Ammann, Jerome; Grandjean, Philippe; Allemand, Pascal; Filipot, Jean-francois. |
Large clastic cliff-top storm deposits (called CTSDs) are one of the most remarkable signatures that characterizes extreme storm wave events on coastal cliffs. Hence, the study of CTSDs is of key importance for understanding and predicting the impacts of extreme storm wave events on rocky coasts or establishing proxies for storm intensity. The present study uses new data including hydrodynamic measurements in both deep and intertidal waters, and records of CTSDs displacement and deposition across Banneg Island during the stormy winter 2013–2014. Two drone-based surveys were carried out in January 2013 (pre-storms) and in April 2014 (post-storms). In addition, complementary field observations were carried out during the winter, providing a comprehensive and... |
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Palavras-chave: Cliff-top storm deposit; Block transport; Extra-tropical cyclone; Run-up; Coastal erosion; Brittany. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00353/46411/46139.pdf |
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Blaise, Emmanuel; Suanez, Serge; Stephan, Pierre; Fichaut, Bernard; David, Laurence; Cuq, Veronique; Autret, Ronan; Houron, Julien; Rouan, Mathias; Floc'H, France; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Cancouet, Romain; Davidson, Robert; Costa, Stephane; Delacourt, Christophe. |
Between December 2013 and March 2014, a cluster of about 12 storm events hit the coast of Brittany with an exceptional frequency. It was in February that these storm events were the most frequent and particularly virulent. The significant wave heights measured off Finistere reached respectively 12.3 m and 12.4 m during Petra and Ulla storms on February 5 and 14. However, analysis of hydrodynamic conditions shows that only three episodes promoted extreme morphogenetic conditions because they were combined with high spring tide level. The first one occurred on January 1 to 4, it was followed by events from February 1 to 3, and March 2-3. During these three extreme events observed tide levels were above highest astronomical tide level (HAT). Maximum surge... |
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Palavras-chave: Tempête; Érosion; Trait de côte; Marée de vive-eau; Bretagne; Surcote; Storm; High spring tide; Surge; Erosion; Shoreline; Brittany. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00310/42171/43029.pdf |
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Pitel, Mathilde; Berthou, Patrick; Fifas, Spyros. |
Basically, a dredge is a bottom-towed gear and consists of a metal frame with a blade or teeth, to dig into the sediment and extract the shelled molluscs, and a mesh bag to collect the catch. Whereas hand dredging is observed on some intertidal beds (Donax trunculus in France), the use of dredge generally needs a fishing boat. There is a great diversity of dredge types, with specific designs used to target different species in particular beds: Manual dredges for Donax (Donax trunculus), Warty venus (Venus verrucosa) and clams (Venerupis pulastra, Ruditapes sp) Dredges for King scallops (Pecten maximus) Dredges for Warty venus (Venus verrucosa) Dredge for Queen scallops (black and white, Chlamys varia and Chlamys opercularia) Dredges for small... |
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Palavras-chave: Management; Environmental impact; Spisula; Bittersweet palourdi; Fishing boat; Clam; Dredge; Brittany; Gestion; Impact environnemental; Spisula; Amande; Navire de pêche; Drague; Bretagne. |
Ano: 2001 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2001/rapport-4608.pdf |
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Henaff, Alain; Le Cornec, Erwan; Jabbar, Marie; Petre, Anne; Corfou, Jeremy; Le Drezen, Yann; Van Vliet-lanoe, B.. |
Knowledge regarding the systemic vulnerability of coastal territories to erosion and flood has progressed during the last decades thanks to the consideration of hazards but also of other components such as the stakes, the management and the social representations of the coastal risks. However, in numerous cases the development and urbanization of coastal territories submitted to the coastal risks continues. It results in the increase of exposed populations as well as in the increase of the cost of exposed properties, increasing in return their vulnerability. So, in the objective to improve the management strategies and to strengthen the memory of the risk, the need to specify the characteristics of hazards remains important. In this sense, the intensity,... |
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Palavras-chave: Risques côtiers; Aléa; Érosion côtière; Submersion marine; Caractérisation spatiale; Bretagne; Coastal risks; Hazard; Coastal erosion; Coastal flooding; Spatial characterization; Brittany. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00638/75006/75785.pdf |
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Lassus, Patrick; Martin, A; Maggi, Pierre; Berthome, Jean-paul; Langlade, Aime; Bachere, Evelyne. |
Discolored waters and human diseases by shellfishes were dominant features of summer 1983 in south coast of Brittany. Vilaine Bay, the most damaged area, was successively affected by brown waters in early June, and diarrhetic intoxications by harvested mussels (July and August), just as DPS producing dinoflagellate (D. acuminata ) reached higher water or mussel guts concentrations than years before. Outspreading in the whole south coast of Brittany and possible relation with hydrological or biological parameters are analyzed. |
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Palavras-chave: Brittany; France; ANE; Protista; Dinophysis acuminata; Shellfish culture; Red tides; Biological poisons; Toxicants. |
Ano: 1983 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1983/publication-1805.pdf |
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Jabbar, Marie; Henaff, Alain; Deschamps, Anne. |
Nearshore is an integrated part of the coastal zone, as well as beaches and coastal dunes. However, they remain poorly studied compared to the emerged part of the system, because of the limited access for scientific monitoring. The nearshore of Combrit - Ile-Tudy (south Brittany, France), addressed in this paper, is a good example. The first aim of this study is to present a methodology for the interpretation of old bathymetric surveys (supplied by the French naval hydrographic and oceanographic service SHOM) which considers all the inaccuracies related to this type of data. Then, this method is implemented in order to depict the morphological evolution of the nearshore by comparing the ancient bathymetric surveys (19th and 20th centuries) and the recent... |
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Palavras-chave: Avant-plage; Morphologie sous-marine; Dynamique morpho-sédimentaire; Levés bathymétriques multi-temporels; Bretagne; Nearshore; Submarine morphology; Dynamic morphosedimentary; Multitemporal bathymetric surveys; Brittany. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00591/70263/68853.pdf |
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Dutertre, Mickael; Grall, Jacques; Ehrhold, Axel; Hamon, Dominique. |
This study used a large spatial scale approach in order to better quantify the relationships between maerl bed structure and a selection of potentially forcing physical factors. Data on maerl bed structure and morpho-sedimentary characteristics were obtained from recent oceanographic surveys using underwater video recording and grab sampling. Considering the difficulties in carrying out real-time monitoring of highly variable hydrodynamic and physicochemical factors, these were generated by three-dimensional numerical models with high spatial and temporal resolution. The BIOENV procedure indicated that variation in the percentage cover of thalli can best be explained (correlation = 0.76) by a combination of annual mean salinity, annual mean nitrate... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Benthic habitats; Brittany; Environmental factors; Estuary; Large spatial scale; Maerl. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00280/39089/37816.pdf |
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Chasse, C.. |
The wreckage of the tanker "AMOCO CADIZ" on the reefs of PORTSALL was the fourth oil spill in ten years on the coast of Brittany : it also is the largest known oil spill in the world. The patches at sea were driven eastward by westerly winds from March 17 to March 23. 140 Km of coast line was polluted. The oil spreaded more slowly towards the north west, south and north west where it spoiled some 375 Km of touristic sea coast and important fishing grounds. The coastline is six kilometers wide ; it includes islands and large reefs. The local tidal currents are very strong and reach more than three knots, during spring tides which may rise up to nine meters in a rough sea conditions. The turbulence of the water soon dispersed the slicks and mixed the oil... |
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Palavras-chave: Marée noire; AMOCO CADIZ; Bretagne; Bilan écologique; Littoral; Oil spill; AMOCO CADIZ; Brittany; Ecological assessment; Shoreline. |
Ano: 1978 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00306/41722/40933.pdf |
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Billy, Stéphanie; Peronnet, Isabelle; Salaun, Michele. |
The Gulf has very tiled sea beds, and the surface areas of habitats suitable for ormer populations are rather reduced (1.56km2). Three zones have ormer densities of interest from the point of view of profitability, Brannec, lrus and Creizig. But since their surface area is not great, the exploitable biomass, that corresponding to individuals of a size greater than 80mm (legal catch size), is average. These three zones would be exploitable but following a limited fishing effort. The sectors of Ile aux moines and Jument and Henn Tenn show average to low densities and are not therefore exploitable in a profitable way. Finally, Gavrinis and le Logeo have revealed low densities of ormers, this could be due to an intensive illegal exploitation. In fact, many... |
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Palavras-chave: Stock assessement; Exploitable population; Bay of Morbihan; Haliotis tubertulata; Brittany; Biomasse; CLPM Auray/Vannes; Population exploitable; Bretagne; Golfe du Morbihan; Haliotis tubertulata; Ormeaux. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2003/rapport-2326.pdf |
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Autissier, Isabelle; Coum, Andrée; Cuillandre, Jean Pierre; Veron, Gerard; Latrouite, Daniel. |
At the end of the seventies, as fishing abundance (based on Catch Per Unit Effort) in crabs and lobster fishery steadily declined, operating expenses increased, and fishing boats changed strategy (changing metiers, covering larger distance to fishing areas, fishing seasons being extended, ...) professionals and scientists aimed to consider reinforcing management measures. To enlighten and support potential related decisions, the Comité Régional des Pêches et Cultures Marines de Bretagne (Regional Committee for fishing and farming in Brittany), together with the ISTPM (Ifremer since 1984), conducted a survey on the exploited populations and gave a review of the involved Breton fleet. This report shows the results of a survey conducted among fishermen,... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Landings; Catch rates; Fishing area; Fishing effort; Fleet; Brittany; Edible crab; Lobster; Spider crab; Apport; Rendement; Zone de pêche; Effort de pêche; Flottille; Bretagne; Tourteau; Homard; Araignée. |
Ano: 1981 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1981/rapport-1548.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 70 | |