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Carbon/polyamide 6 thermoplastic composite cylinders for deep sea applications ArchiMer
Arhant, Mael; Briancon, Christophe; Burtin, Christian; Davies, Peter.
The composite materials used at sea are today nearly all based on thermoset resins (polyester, epoxy). However, there is an increasing number of thermoplastic matrix polymers available on the market (PP, PA, PPS, PEEK…), which offer possibilities for forming by local heating, attractive mechanical properties and the potential for end of life recycling. The aim of this study was to design, manufacture and test thermoplastic composite pressure vessels for 4500 meter depth, in order to establish a technical, economic and ecological assessment of the use of these materials to replace traditional composites underwater. First, finite element calculations have been carried out to optimize the stacking sequence with respect to the external pressure and buckling...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thermoplastic; Polyamide; Carbon fibres; Buckling; Implosion.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Influence of residual stresses and geometric imperfections on the elastoplastic collapse of cylindrical tubes under external pressure ArchiMer
Le Grognec, Philippe; Casari, Pascal; Choqueuse, Dominique.
The buckling problem of a circular cylindrical shell has long been widely investigated due to its great importance in the design of aerospace and marine structures. Geometric imperfections and residual stresses are inevitable in practice and have been so far frequently considered in analytical and numerical predictions. But little attention has been paid until now on the combined influence of such initial defects on the critical and often unstable response of such elastoplastic structures. In this paper, a shell finite element is designed within the total Lagrangian formulation framework to deal with the elastoplastic buckling and post-buckling of thin cylindrical tubes under external pressure and axial compression. A specific experimental process will be...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cylindrical containers under external pressure; Residual stresses; Imperfection sensitivity; Elastoplasticity; Buckling.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Influence of winding pattern on the mechanical behavior of filament wound composite cylinders under external pressure ArchiMer
Hernandez Moreno, H; Douchin, B; Collombet, F; Choqueuse, Dominique; Davies, Peter.
The influence of winding pattern on the mechanical response of filament Wound glass/epoxy cylinders exposed to external pressure is studied by testing cylindrical specimens having stacked layers with coincident patterns in a hyperbaric testing chamber. Different analytical models are evaluated to predict buckling pressure and modes of thin wall cylinders (diameter to thickness ratio d/h of 25) and satisfactory predictions are obtained which are in the same order of magnitude that those obtained in experimental results. Test results show no evident pattern influence on either strength (implosion pressure) or buckling behavior (buckling modes) of thin wall or thick wall (d/h of 10) cylinders. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cylindrical shells; Buckling; Filament winding; Polymer matrix composites.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Optimal design of stiffened composite underwater hulls ArchiMer
Messager, Tanguy; Chauchot, Pierre; Bigourdan, Benoit.
This numerical study deals with the stiffened composite underwater vessel design. The structures under investigation are laminated cylinders with rigid end-closures and inter-nal circumferential and longitudinal unidirectional composite stiffeners. Structural buckling induced by the high external hydrostatic pressure is considered as the major failure risk. An optimization design tool has been developed to obtain the reinforcement definition which maximizes the limit of stability: an analytical model of cylindrical composite shell buckling has been coupled to a genetic algorithm procedure. The numerical optimization tests carried out corroborate design tendencies validated previously by experiments.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Optimization; Buckling; Stiffeners; Cylinders; Composite.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Optimal laminations of thin underwater composite cylindrical vessels ArchiMer
Messager, Tanguy; Pyrz, Mariusz; Gineste, Bernard; Chauchot, Pierre.
This paper deals with the optimal design of deep submarine exploration housings and autonomous underwater vehicles. The structures under investigation are thin-walled laminated composite unstiffened vessels. Structural buckling failure due to the high external hydrostatic pressure is the dominant risk factor at exploitation conditions. The search of fiber orientations of the composite cylinders that maximize the stability limits is investigated. A genetic algorithm procedure coupled with an analytical model of shell buckling has been developed to determine numerically optimized stacking sequences. Characteristic lamination patterns have been obtained. FEM analyses have confirmed the corresponding significant increases of buckling pressures with respect to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Experimental results; Optimal design; Buckling; Lamination; Cylinder; Composite.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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