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Acquiring plant features with optical sensing devices in an organic strip-cropping system 21
Krus, Anne; van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Valero, Constantino; Ramirez, José Juan.
There is an increasing market for organic agriculture (Golijan & Popovi\vs, 2016). However, the lack of attention for biodiversity and soil fertility of current practices is a pressing issue. The SUREVEG project (CORE Organic Cofund, 2018) therefore looks at strip-cropping in organic production and its implementation in intensive farming to improve soil fertility and biodiversity throughout Europe. The aim is to enhance resilience (Wojtkowski, 2008), system sustainability, local nutrient recycling, and soil carbon storage (Wang, Li & Alva, 2010) among others. To counteract the additional labour of a multi-crop system, a robotic tool is proposed, which will operate upside down suspended from a wide-span mobile carriage. Within the project framework,...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Buildings and machinery.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Afpudsning af græsmarker 21
Sørensen, Hans Henning.
På afgræsningsfolde opstår der altid større eller mindre pletter med uensartet græsvækst og kraftigt ukrudt, for eksempel tidsler og bynker. Det er uhensigtsmæssigt, idet de ”inficerede” områder producerer for lidt. Problemet kan klares med afpudsning af folden, idet afpudsning får græs og kløver til at sætte nye skud, og bevirker, at ukrudtet svækkes meget. Folden skal klippes i ca. 8 cm højde, og afpudsningsmaterialet skal helst knuses, fordeles jævnt og blæses i bund - især hvis folden skal have afgræsningspause efter afpudsningen.
Tipo: Report chapter Palavras-chave: Buildings and machinery; Weed management.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Arbeitszeitbedarf in der ökologischen Legehennenhaltung 21
Gaio, Christina; Klöble, Ulrike; Vogt-Kaute, Werner; Mager, Kerstin; Moriz, Christoph; Heitkämper, Katja; Schick, Matthias; Ambühl, Yvonne.
Der Arbeitszeitbedarf für Legehennen in Bodenhaltung unterscheidet sich kaum von dem in der Volierenhaltung: Gesamtarbeitszeitbedarf und Verteilung auf die einzelnen Arbeitsgänge sind annähernd gleich. Der größte Arbeitszeitbedarf liegt mit einem Anteil von 53 % bei der Produktgewinnung. Die Betriebsführung macht einen Anteil von 17% am Gesamtarbeitszeitbedarf aus. Bei beiden Arbeiten handelt es sich um tägliche, meist mit hohem manuellem Aufwand verbundene Tätigkeiten. Produktgewinnung, Betriebsführung, Fütterung und Auslaufbewirtschaftung summieren sich auf 92 % des Arbeitszeitbedarfs. Einfluss auf den Arbeitszeitbedarf haben vor allem die Bestandsgröße und der Anteil an manuellen Tätigkeiten.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Farm economics; Buildings and machinery; Poultry.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Assessment of two modern milk farms (low input versus high external input) in Switzerland focused on sustainability and resilience criteria 21
Schmid, Otto; Näf, Philippe.
In many countries there is a trend in milk production to either maximize the milk yield with high inputs and modern milking technology or to choose a low external input strategy with emphasis on grazing. What about the sustainability and resilience of such types of farms? In this paper a comparison of two modern milk farms in the same region and village in Switzerland with similar climatic conditions and new free-range stables has been made. Both farms are run collectively. Farm A is a non-organic milk farm (integrated production) with milk robot machinery and high input of feed concentrates for milk production without using pasture but with a concrete outdoor run. Farm B is an organic milk farm with consequent low input milk production with full pasture...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Farming Systems; Buildings and machinery.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Ausläufe in der Schweinehaltung - Planungsempfehlungen, Bewirtschaftung und Kosten 21
Fitsche, Stephan; Hörning, Bernhard; Riegel, Marion; Schick, Matthias; Trei, Gerriet.
Betriebsleiter und Berater erhalten umfassende Informationen zur Planung, zum Bau und zur Bewirtschaftung von Ausläufen in der Schweinehaltung mit Angaben zum Investitions- und Arbeitszeitbedarf.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Regulation; Buildings and machinery; Pigs; Animal husbandry; Farm economics.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Automatische Lenksysteme zur Unterstützung der mechanischen Beikrautregulierung 21
Staub, S.; Brell, S..
Weed management without herbicides in production of field vegetables is very time consuming and therefore costly. After every mechanical treatment a weeding by hand is necessary for a satisfactory weed control. To minimize the weeding automatic steering systems connected to a shifting frame can support the mechanical weeding by making it more precise and reducing the remaining weeds in the row. Field studies in the year 2016 showed advantages and disadvantages of the systems.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Buildings and machinery; Weed management.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Automatisering av mekanisk ogräsbekämpning 21
Idag rensas ogräs oftast för hand i KRAV-odlingen. Detta är relativt dyrt och det är svårt att hitta personer som vill utföra detta jobb. För att öka volymen av de ekologiskt odlade grödorna behövs det en automatisering av ogräsbekämpningen. Målet med detta forskningsprojekt är att utveckla metoder för att kunna styra en maskin så att den kan rensa ogräs mekaniskt på egen hand. Maskinen kommer att vara utrustad med två bildbehandlingssystem: en framåtriktad kamera för att kunna känna igen raderna som gör det möjligt för maskinen att exakt kunna följa raderna på egen hand. Den andra, nedåtriktade, kameran har som uppgift att kunna skilja mellan plantan och ogräs och att styra ett mekaniskt ogräsrensningsverktyg monterat på maskinen. Den centrala...
Tipo: Project description Palavras-chave: Weed management; Buildings and machinery.
Ano: 2024
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Bæredygtig trafik i marken 21
Schjønning, Per; Lamandé, M..
Titlen kan lyde som en vittighed: jorden skal bære trafikken,- den skal være bæredygtig. Men driftsmetoder, der skader jorden vedvarende er ikke bæredygtige. Og nutidens maskiner giver skader. Man kunne også stille spørgsmålet, om man kan tale om ”økologisk trafik”? Økologerne har været foregangsmænd/-kvinder hvad angår udfasning af pesticider og mineralsk gødning. Budskabet i denne artikel er, at der ligger en tilsvarende udfordring og venter mht vores trafik i marken.
Tipo: Report chapter Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil tillage; Buildings and machinery.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Bedding hygiene, cleanliness and lying behaviour for heifers housed on wood chip or straw deep bedding 21
Johanssen, Juni Rosann E.; Sørheim, Kristin; Strøm, Turid; Brunberg, Emma.
The aim of this project was to compare the hygienic quality of the bedding, as well as the parasitic load, cleanliness and lying behaviour in heifers kept on either straw or wood chip deep bedding. Fourteen heifers kept in two pens were housed on straw or wood chip bedding for 43 days, after which the bedding material was switched for 43 additional days. Significantly more mould was found in wood chip than in straw and there was a tendency towards less yeast in wood chip. The heifers had a low faecal parasitic load. The results indicate that the wood chip treatment resulted in somewhat cleaner animals. The heifers had a significantly longer total lying time when kept on straw. In conclusion, wood chip deep bedding could be an option as bedding material,...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Production systems; Dairy cattle; Farming Systems; Animal husbandry; Beef cattle; Health and welfare; Buildings and machinery.
Ano: 2019
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Beef Cattle Farms’ Conversion to the Organic System. Recommendations for Success in the Face of Future Changes in a Global Context 21
Escribano, A.J..
Abstract: Dehesa is a remarkable agroforestry system, which needs the implementation of sustainable production systems in order to reduce its deterioration. Moreover, its livestock farms need to adapt to a new global market context. As a response, the organic livestock sector has expanded not only globally but also in the region in search for increased overall sustainability. However, conversions to the organic system have been commonly carried out without analyzing farms’ feasibility to do so. This analysis is necessary before implementing any new production system in order to reduce both the diversity of externalities that the variety of contexts leads to and the vulnerability of the Dehesa ecosystem to small management changes. Within this context and...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Farm economics; Beef cattle; Social aspects; Buildings and machinery; Environmental aspects.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Beite/mosjonskravet for storfe. Presentasjon av 10 løsninger 21
Bergslid, Ildri (Rose) Kristine; Ugelvik, Nina.
Rapporten omhandler hvordan ulike bønder har løst kravet om beiting/mosjon for storfe. Rapporten er et delprosjekt under prosjektet «Bedre og økt beiting i Møre og Romsdal» med Møre og Romsdal Bondelag som prosjektleder. Ti ulike gårder er besøkt, løsninger er studert og bøndene er intervjua. Åtte av gårdene har et velfungerende opplegg for beiting/mosjonering. Disse presenteres i rapportens del 1. På to av gårdene er det ikke helt klart hvordan beite-/mosjonskravet skal løses. Der er løsninger vurdert og diskutert. Resultatene fra disse presenteres i rapportens del 2.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Feeding and growth; Health and welfare; Buildings and machinery.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Beiträge von Stefan Schürrmann im Schweizer Bauer 2012 21
Schürmann, Stefan.
Arbeitsaufwand mit Bio-Weide-Beef reduzieren. Schweizer Bauer, 22.09.2012, S. 30 Eigenmechanisierung im Nebenerwerbsbetrieb. Schweizer Bauer, 25.8.2012, S. 128 Kostenmanagement in der Biomilchproduktion. Schweizer Bauer, 14.4.2012, S. 30
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Beef cattle; Buildings and machinery.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Betriebsplanung Landwirtschaft 2004/2005 21
Frisch, Dr. Jürgen.
Die KTBL-Datensammlung Betriebsplanung Landwirtschaft ist das bewährte Datenwerk zur Betriebsplanung und -kontrolle für landwirtschaftliche Berater, Betriebsleiter, Schüler und Studenten. Die Inhalte des bisherigen KTBL-Taschenbuches Landwirtschaft wurden in die Datensammlung integriert. Für Schläge von 1, 2, 5 oder 20 ha werden feste und veränderliche Kosten, der Treibstoff-verbrauch und der Arbeitszeitbedarf ausgewiesen. In der nunmehr vorliegenden 19. Auflage sind zusätzlich Deckungsbeiträge sowie Daten zur Biogasproduktion und zur Ölsaatenverarbeitung aufgeführt. Wie bereits in den vorangegangenen Auflagen werden auch die Verfahren des Ökologischen Landbaus dargestellt. Der Datensammlung liegt wieder eine CD-ROM bei, die den Nutzer gezielt zum...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Buildings and machinery; Farm economics.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Betriebsplanung Landwirtschaft 2006/2007 21
Die KTBL-Datensammlung Betriebsplanung Landwirtschaft ist das bewährte Datenwerk zur Betriebsplanung und -kontrolle für landwirtschaftliche Berater, Betriebsleiter, Schüler und Studenten. Die Inhalte des bisherigen KTBL-Taschenbuches Landwirtschaft wurden in die Datensammlung integriert. Für Schläge von 1, 2, 5 oder 20 ha werden feste und veränderliche Kosten, der Treibstoff-verbrauch und der Arbeitszeitbedarf ausgewiesen. In der nunmehr vorliegenden 19. Auflage sind zusätzlich Deckungsbeiträge sowie Daten zur Biogasproduktion und zur Ölsaatenverarbeitung aufgeführt. Wie bereits in den vorangegangenen Auflagen werden auch die Verfahren des Ökologischen Landbaus dargestellt. Der Datensammlung liegt wieder eine CD-ROM bei, die den Nutzer gezielt zum...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Buildings and machinery; Farm economics.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Bildanalytische Farberkennung zur Geschwindigkeitsregulierung beim Jäteflieger im ökologischen Möhrenanbau 21
Langsenkamp, Frederik; Ruckelshausen, A.; Kohlbrecher, Maik; Jenz, M.; Kühling, I.; Trautz, Dieter.
Weed control in organic carrot production is time and cost intensive. There are several practicable techniques available for inter-row weed control, but the most sensitive area - ted by manual weeding. Weed regulation is usually done in uniform operations for one field, but weeds appear in a huge spatial variability, reflecting heterogeneous soil and climate conditions. Following the idea of precision farming, we developed a concept for camera-based weed detection, which displays the density as recommendation for velocity adaptation for the driver. The system was tested against the usual weeding with one constant velocity in a field trial with randomized plots. By using the new technology it was possible to increase the area performance by higher average...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Vegetables; Buildings and machinery.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Biogas from manure – a new technology to close the nutrient and energy circuit on-farm 21
Schäfer, W.; Evers, L.; Lehto, M.; Sorvala, S.; Teye, F.; Granstedt, A..
The Biodynamic Research Institute in Järna developed a two-phase on-farm biogas plant. The plant digests manure of dairy cattle and organic residues originating from the farm and the surrounding food processing units containing 17.7-19.6 % total solids. A new technology for continuously filling and discharging the hydrolysis reactor was developed and implemented. The output of the hydrolysis reactor is separated into a solid and liquid fraction. The solid fraction is composted. The liquid fraction is further digested in a methane reactor and the effluent used as liquid fertiliser. Initial results show that anaerobic digestion followed by aerobic composting of the solid fraction improves the nutrient balance of the farm compared to mere aerobic composting....
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Farm nutrient management; Buildings and machinery; Composting and manuring.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Bioraffineringsteknologien 21
Ambye-Jensen, Morten.
Præsentation af bioraffineringsteknologien. Erfaringer fra bioraffinerings-pilotanlægget ved Aarhus Universitet, Foulum.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Buildings and machinery; Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Bricoler et souder ensemble pour gagner en autonomie 21
Hirschi, Christian.
L’«Atelier paysan» est une coopérative très active en France dans l’autoconstruction. Elle met des plans à libre disposition et offre des formations pratiques dans tout l’Hexagone.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Buildings and machinery.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Caracterização da produção agroecológica do sul do Rio Grande do Sul e sua relação com a mecanização agrícola. 21
Teixeira, Sandro S.; Machado, Antônio L. T.; Reis, Ângelo V. dos; Oldoni, André.
A agricultura agroecológica tem-se destacado como uma das alternativas de renda para os pequenos agricultores devido à crescente busca por parte da população por alimentação mais saudável. No Rio Grande do Sul, a Associação Regional de Produtores Agroecológicos da Região Sul (Arpasul), constituída por 48 famílias, é representativa do processo de produção e de comercialização de produtos agroecológicos, servindo como referencial para o presente estudo. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi o levantamento das necessidades dos produtores agroecológicos em relação à mecanização agrícola. As informações obtidas foram baseadas no sistema de produção utilizado, sendo caracterizados aspectos referentes à propriedade, às operações agrícolas e às necessidades...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Buildings and machinery.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Construire ses propres machines agricoles 21
Hirschi, Christian.
L’autoconstruction permet d’économiser des coûts et de répondre à des besoins spécifiques, et pas seulement dans le bâtiment: pour les machines agricoles aussi.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Buildings and machinery.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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