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Abiotic Factors Affecting Seed Germination and Early Seedling Emergence of Large Crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) 87
ABSTRACT: Large crabgrass is one of the worst exotic weed in tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions of the world. In this study, the abiotic factors affecting seed germination and early seedling emergence of large crabgrass were investigated under laboratory conditions. The optimum temperatures of germination occurred at the range from 25 to 35 oC under 12 h light/12 h dark condition. Some seeds could germinate in the dark, but light exposure significantly stimulated the germination. Large crabgrass seed was tolerant to salinity level range of 0 to 160 and low water potential (11% germination at -0.8 MPa). Medium pH had no significant effect on seed germination and more than 90% seeds germination was obtained over a broad pH range from 4.0 to 10.0....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Temperature; Light; Osmotic potential; Heat-shock; Burial depth.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Effect of Environmental Factors on Seed Germination and Early Seedling Emergence of Carolina geranium (Geranium carolinianum) 87
ABSTRACT: Carolina geranium (Geranium carolinianum) is an emerging invasive weed in rape and wheat fields in China. A better understanding of its germination and emergence ecology will enable the development of integrated weed control strategies. In this study, we investigated the effects of temperature, photoperiod, soil water content, salinity, and burial depth, on germination and emergence of Carolina geranium. Germination percentages were over 74% under 15/20 and 20/25 oC night/day temperature regimes. Germination rate was independent of light/dark regime. Increasing salinity reduced germination of Carolina geranium from 81.1% at 0 mM to 0% at 160 mM NaCl. Seeds germination was peaked at 50% soil moisture, but was completely inhibited at < 20% and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Temperature; Photoperiod; Salinity stress; Soil water content; Burial depth.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Effects of Environmental Factors on Seed Germination and Emergence of Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) 87
ABSTRACT: Velvetleaf, an annual broadleaf weed, is a common and troublesome weed of cropping systems worldwide. Laboratory and field experiments were conducted to determine the effects of environmental factors on germination and emergence of velvetleaf. Seeds germinated over a range of constant temperatures from 10 to 40 oC regardless of light conditions, but no germination occurred at temperature below 5 oC and beyond 50 oC. Seeds germinated at alternating temperature regimes of 15/5 to 40/30 oC, with maximum germination (>90%) at alternating temperatures of 40/30 oC. Germination was sensitive to water stress, and only 0.4% of the seeds germinated at the osmotic potential of -0.4 MPa. There was no germination at ? 0.6 MPa. Moreover, germination was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Burial depth; Light; Osmotic potential; Saline and alkaline stress; Temperature.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Germination ecology of Rhynchosia capitata: an emerging summer weed in Asia 87
Ali,H.H.; Tanveer,A.; Nadeem,M.A.; Asghar,H.N.; Javaid,M.M..
Rhynchosia capitata is becoming an increasing problem in summer crops, such as cotton, soybean, pearl millet and mungbean in many Asian countries. Laboratory and greenhouse studies have been conducted to determine the effects of several environmental factors on seed germination patterns and seedling emergence of R. capitata. We investigated whether the diverse ecological factors such as temperature, light, salinity, moisture stress, pH, and soil depth affected germination and seedling emergence of R. capitata. Germination increased as temperature increased from 25ºC and significantly reduced at 45ºC. Presence or absence of light did not influence germination. Germination of R. capitata was sensitive to increased salt and moisture stress, as well as to seed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Moisture stress; PH; Salinity; Seedling emergence; Burial depth.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Germination Ecology of Two Troublesome Weeds of Arid Chickpea: Euphorbia dracunculoides and Astragalus Species 87
ABSTRACT: The species Euphorbia dracunculoides and Astragalus are problematic weeds of arid chickpea in the chickpea mono-cropping system in Pakistan. The influence of various ecological factors on germination and seedling emergence characteristics of these weeds was determined under laboratory conditions. The results suggested that seed germination of both species was 50% at 15 oC under light conditions, and germination decreased when the temperature was increased. The increase in drought stress from 2.5 to 15% significantly decreased germination of E. dracunculoides and Astragalus spp. Both species failed to germinate at the osmotic potential of -3.02 MPa. The increase in field capacity from 25 to 100% increased emergence percentage and emergence index...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Temperature; Burial depth; Light; Management; Emergence; Salinity.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Germination of Solanum nigrum L. (Black Nightshade) in Response to Different Abiotic Factors 87
ABSTRACT: Solanum nigrum L. (black nightshade), an annual to short-lived perennial weed, has become a problem weed in farming systems in central China. Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to examine the influence of various abiotic factors on seed germination of black nightshade to develop effective weed control programs. Seeds germinated at a range of constant temperatures from 15 to 30 oC, but no germination occurred at temperatures below 10 oC or above 35 oC. Seeds also germinated at alternating temperature regimes from 15/5 to 40/30 oC, with maximum germination (> 93.5%) at the alternating temperatures of 25/15 and 30/20 oC. Germination decreased as osmotic potential became more negative, and no germination was observed at ≤ -0.8...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Burial depth; Light; Osmotic potential; Saline and alkaline stress; Seed biology; Temperature.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Seed bank modelling of volunteer oil seed rape: from seeds fate in the soil to seedling emergence 87
Soltani,E.; Soltani,A.; Galeshi,S.; Ghaderi-Far,F.; Zeinali,E..
Studies were conducted to estimate parameters and relationships associated with sub-processes in soil seed banks of oilseed rape in Gorgan, Iran. After one month of burial, seed viability decreased to 39%, with a slope of 2.03% per day, and subsequently decreased with a lower slope of 0.01 until 365 days following burial in the soil. Germinability remained at its highest value in autumn and winter and decreased from spring to the last month of summer. Non-dormant seeds of volunteer oilseed rape did not germinate at temperatures lower than 3.8 ºC and a water potential of -1.4 MPa ºd. The hydrothermal values were 36.2 and 42.9 MPa ºd for sub- and supra-optimal temperatures, respectively. Quantification of seed emergence as influenced by burial depth was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Life cycle; Seed survival; Dormancy cycle; Hydrothermal time model; Burial depth.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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