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A Stochastic Multiple Players Multi-Issues Bargaining Model for the Piave River Basin AgEcon
Sgobbi, Alessandra; Carraro, Carlo.
The objective of this paper is to investigate the usefulness of non-cooperative bargaining theory for the analysis of negotiations on water allocation and management. We explore the impacts of different economic incentives, a stochastic environment and varying individual preferences on players’ strategies and equilibrium outcomes through numerical simulations of a multilateral, multiple issues, non-cooperative bargaining model of water allocation in the Piave River Basin, in the North East of Italy. Players negotiate in an alternating-offer manner over the sharing of water resources (quantity and quality). Exogenous uncertainty over the size of the negotiated amount of water is introduced to capture the fact that water availability is not known with...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Bargaining; Non-Cooperative Game Theory; Simulation Models; Uncertainty; Environmental Economics and Policy; C61; C71; C78.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Bargaining over governments in a stochastic environment AgEcon
Merlo, Antonio.
In this paper we structurally estimate a game-theoretic model of government formation in a multiparty parliamentary democracy. We focus on the timing and the terms of government agreements in the context of a multilateral stochastic model of sequential bargaining with complete information (Merlo and Wilson (1194, 1995)) where efficient delays may occur in the unique equilibrium. Besides showing that our model yields a good fit to the data on the duration of negotiations over government formation as well as government durations in postwar Italy, we use our estimates to quantify the advantage to proposing and to conduct policy experiments to evaluate the effects of changes in the bargaining procedure. We show that the gains from proposing tend to be quite...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Noncooperative bargaining; Delay; Government formation; Structural estimation; Duration models.; Political Economy; C41; C51; C73; C78; D72.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Coalitional Matchings AgEcon
Dimitrov, Dinko; Lazarova, Emiliya A..
A coalitional matching is a two-sided matching problem in which agents on each side of the market may form coalitions such as student groups and research teams who - when matched - form universities. We assume that each researcher has preferences over the research teams he would like to work in and over the student groups he would like to teach to. Correspondingly, each student has preferences over the groups of students he wants to study with and over the teams of researchers he would like to learn from. In this setup, we examine how the existence of core stable partitions on the distinct market sides, the restriction of agents’ preferences over groups to strict orderings, and the extent to which individual preferences respect common rankings shape the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Coalitions; Common Rankings; Core; Stability; Totally Balanced Games; Two-Sided Matchings; C78; J41; D71.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Constrained School Choice: An Experimental Study AgEcon
Calsamiglia, Caterina; Haeringer, Guillaume; Klijn, Flip.
The literature on school choice assumes that families can submit a preference list over all the schools they want to be assigned to. However, in many real-life instances families are only allowed to submit a list containing a limited number of schools. Subjects' incentives are drastically affected, as more individuals manipulate their preferentes. Including a safety school in the constrained list explains most manipulations. Competitiveness across schools plays an important role. Constraining choices increases segregation and affects the stability and efficiency of the final allocation. Remarkably, the constraint reduces significantly the proportion of subjects playing a dominated strategy.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: School Choice; Matching; Experiment; Gale-Shapley; Top Trading Cycles; Boston Mechanism; Efficiency; Stability; Truncation; Truthtelling; Safety School; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; C72; C78; D78; I20.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Dynamic Multilateral Markets AgEcon
Polanski, Arnold; Lazarova, Emiliya A..
We study dynamic multilateral markets, in which players’ payoffs result from coalitional bargaining. In this setting, we establish payoff uniqueness of the stationary equilibria when players exhibit some degree of impatience. We focus on market games with different player types, and derive under mild conditions an explicit formula for each type’s equilibrium payoff as market frictions vanish. The limit payoff of a type depends in an intuitive way on the supply and the demand for this type in the market, adjusted by the type-specific bargaining power. Our framework may be viewed as an alternative to the Walrasian price-setting mechanism. When we apply this methodology to the analysis of labor markets, we can determine endogenously the equilibrium firm size...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Multilateral Bargaining; Dynamic Markets; Labor Markets; Environmental Economics and Policy; C71; C72; C78; J30; L20.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Feasibility Constraints and Protective Behavior in Efficient Kidney Exchange AgEcon
Nicolo, Antonio; Rodriguez Alvarez, Carmelo.
We propose a model of Kidney-Exchange that incorporates the main European institutional features. We assume that patients do not consider all compatible kidneys homogeneous and patients are endowed with reservation values over the minimal quality of the kidney they may receive. Under feasibility constraints, patients' truthful revelation of reservation values is incompatible with constrained efficiency. In the light of this result, we introduce an alternative behavioral assumption on patients' incentives. Patients choose their revelation strategies as to “protect” themselves from bad outcomes and use a lexicographic refinement of maximin strategies. In this environment, if exchanges are pairwise, then priority rules or rules that maximize a fixed ordering...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Kidney; Matching; Protective Behavior; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; C78; D78.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Finding Maxmin Allocations in Cooperative and Competitive Fair Division AgEcon
Dall'Aglio, Marco; Di Luca, Camilla.
We consider upper and lower bounds for maxmin allocations of a completely divisible good in both competitive and cooperative strategic contexts. We then derive a subgradient algorithm to compute the exact value up to any fixed degree of precision.
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Fair Division; Maxmin Allocation; Kalai Bargaining Solution; Cooperative Game Theory; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; D63; C61; C71; C78.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Group Bargaining and Conflict AgEcon
Querou, Nicolas.
We consider a situation where groups negotiate over the allocation of a surplus (which is used to fund group specific goods). Each group is composed of agents who have differing valuations for public goods. Members choose a representative to take decisions on their behalf. Specifically, representatives can decide to enter either a (cooperative) negotiation protocol or a conflict to appropriate the surplus. In the cooperative negotiations, disagreement corresponds to a pro rata allocation (as a function of the size of the groups). We analyse the conditions (on the internal composition of the groups) under which conflict will be preferred to negotiated agreements (and vice versa), and we derive welfare implications. Finally, we provide results of comparative...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Bargaining; Conflict; Agency Problem; Environmental Economics and Policy; C78; D74; J52.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Harmful Signaling in Matching Markets AgEcon
Kushnir, Alexey.
Some labor markets have recently developed formal signalling mechanisms, e.g. the signalling for interviews in the job market for new Ph.D. economists. We evaluate the effect of such mechanisms on two-sided matching markets by considering a game of incomplete information between firms and workers. Workers have almost aligned preferences over firms: each worker has “typical” commonly known preferences with probability close to one and “atypical” idiosyncratic preferences with the complementary probability close to zero. Firms have some commonly known preferences over workers. We show that the introduction of a signalling mechanism is harmful for this environment. Though signals transmit previously unavailable information, they also facilitate information...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Signaling; Cheaptalk; Matching; Environmental Economics and Policy; C72; C78; D80; J44.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Kingmakers and Leaders in Coalition Formation AgEcon
Brams, Steven J.; Kilgour, Marc.
Assume that players strictly rank each other as coalition partners. We propose a procedure whereby they “fall back” on their preferences, yielding internally compatible, or coherent, majority coalition(s), which we call fallback coalitions. If there is more than one fallback coalition, the players common to them, or kingmakers, determine which fallback coalition will form. The players(s) who are the first to be acceptable to all other members of a fallback coalition are the leader(s) of that coalition. The effects of different preference assumptions—particularly, different kinds of single-peakedness—and of player weights on the number of coherent coalitions, their connectedness, and which players become kingmakers and leaders are investigated. The...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Coalition; Fallback Process; Kingmaker Leader; Cardinally Single-peaked; Ordinally Single-peaked; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; C71; C78; D72.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Many-to-One Matching when Colleagues Matter AgEcon
Revilla, Pablo.
This paper studies many-to-one matching market in which each agent’s preferences not only depend on the institution that hires her, but also on the group of her colleagues, which are matched to the same institution. With an unrestricted domain of preferences the non-emptiness of the core is not guaranteed. Under certain conditions on agents’ preferences, we show that two possible situations in which, at least, one stable allocation exists, emerge. The first condition, called Group Togetherness, reflects real-life situations in which agents are more concerned about an acceptable set of colleagues than about the firm hiring them. The second one, Common Best Colleague, refers to markets in which a workers’ ranking is accepted by workers and firms present...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Many-to-one matching; Hedonic; Coalitions; Stability; Colleagues; Marketing; C78; D71.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Modelling Negotiated Decision Making: a Multilateral, Multiple Issues, Non-Cooperative Bargaining Model with Uncertainty AgEcon
Sgobbi, Alessandra; Carraro, Carlo.
The relevance of bargaining to everyday life can easily be ascertained, yet the study of any bargaining process is extremely hard, involving a multiplicity of questions and complex issues. The objective of this paper is to provide new insights on some dimensions of the bargaining process – asymmetries and uncertainties in particular – by using a non-cooperative game theory approach. We develop a computational model which simulates the process of negotiation among more than two players, who bargain over the sharing of more than one pie. Through numerically simulating several multiple issues negotiation games among multiple players, we identify the main features of players’ optimal strategies and equilibrium agreements. As in most economic situations,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Bargaining; Non-Cooperative Game Theory; Simulation Models; Uncertainty; Risk and Uncertainty; C61; C71; C78.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Networks with Group Counterproposals AgEcon
Nieva, Ricardo.
We study two n-player sequential network formation games with externalities. Link formation is tied to simultaneous transfer selection in a Nash demand like game in each period. Players in groups can counterpropose. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for efficiency in terms of cyclical monotonicity. The n-player group version always yields efficiency.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Efficiency; Bargaining Protocol; Counterproposals; Network Formation; Transfers; Externalities; Groups; Coalitions; C71; C72; C73; C78.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Overlapping Coalitions, Bargaining and Networks AgEcon
Agbaglah, Messan; Ehlers, Lars.
This paper extends the theory of endogenous coalition formation, with complete information and transferable utility, to the overlapping case. We propose a cover function bargaining game which allows the formation of overlapping coalitions at equilibrium. We show the existence of subgame perfect equilibrium and provide an algorithm to compute this equilibrium in the symmetric case. As an application, we establish an interesting link with the formation of networks.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Overlapping Coalitions; Cover Function; Bargaining; Symmetric Game; Network; Environmental Economics and Policy; C71; C72; C78; D62; D85.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Status-Seeking in Hedonic Games with Heterogeneous Players AgEcon
Lazarova, Emiliya A.; Dimitrov, Dinko.
We study hedonic games with heterogeneous player types that reflect her nationality, ethnic background, or skill type. Agents' preferences are dictated by status-seeking where status can be either local or global. The two dimensions of status define the two components of a generalized constant elasticity of substitution utility function. In this setting, we characterize the core as a function of the utility's parameter values and show that in all cases the corresponding cores are non-empty. We further discuss the core stable outcomes in terms of their segregating versus integrating properties.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Coalitions; Core; Stability; Status-seeking; Environmental Economics and Policy; C78; J41; D71.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Structure and bargaining power in multilateral negotiations: Application to water management policies in France AgEcon
Simon, Leo K.; Thoyer, Sophie; Morardet, Sylvie; Goodhue, Rachael E.; Rio, Patrick; Rausser, Gordon C..
Environmental policies are characterized by a growing emphasis on participation, devolution and negotiated decision making. Increasingly, centralized top down decision making systems are being replaced by new forms of local governance. In their strongest versions, these involve delegation of formal authority to local stakeholders who are expected to decide collectively upon the management rules of local common-pool resources. Devolution is particularly important in relation to the allocation and management of scarce water resources. Indeed the French water law of 1992 institutionalised the notion of devolution by requiring that water management rules be negotiated at the river basin level between all stakeholders. Although stakeholder negotiation is...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; C78; Q25; D78.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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The Computational Difficulty of Bribery in Qualitative Coalitional Games AgEcon
Dowell, Andrew J.; Wooldridge, Michael; McBurney, Peter.
Qualitative coalitional games (QCG) are representations of coalitional games in which self interested agents, each with their own individual goals, group together in order to achieve a set of goals which satisfy all the agents within that group. In such a representation, it is the strategy of the agents to find the best coalition to join. Previous work into QCGs has investigated the computational complexity of determining which is the best coalition to join. We plan to expand on this work by investigating the computational complexity of computing agent power in QCGs as well as by showing that insincere strategies, particularly bribery, are possible when the envy-freeness assumption is removed but that it is computationally difficult to identify the best...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Bribery; Coalition Formation; Computational Complexity; Marketing; C63; C78.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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The Effect of Spillovers and Congestion on the Segregative Properties of Endogenous Jurisdiction Structure Formation AgEcon
Oddou, Remy.
This paper analyzes the effect of spillovers and congestion of local public goods on the segregative properties of endogenous formation of jurisdiction. Households living in the same place form a jurisdiction and produce a local public good, that creates positive spillovers in other jurisdictions and suffers from congestion. In every jurisdiction, the production of the local public good is financed through a local tax on household's wealth. Local wealth tax rates are democratically determined in all jurisdictions. Households also consume housing in their jurisdiction. Any household is free to leave its jurisdiction for another one that would increase its utility. A necessary and sufficient condition to have every stable jurisdiction structure segregated by...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Jurisdictions; Segregation; Spillovers; Congestion; Environmental Economics and Policy; C78; D02; H73; R13.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The Paradox of New Members in the EU Council of Ministers: A Non-cooperative Bargaining Analysis AgEcon
Montero, Maria.
Power indices suggest that adding new members to a voting body may increase the power of an existing member, even if the number of votes of all existing members and the decision rule remain constant. This phenomenon is known as the paradox of new members. This paper uses the leading model of majoritarian bargaining and shows that the paradox is predicted in equilibrium for past EU enlargements. Furthermore, a majority of members would have been in favor of the 1981 enlargement even if members were bargaining over a fixed budget.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Majoritarian Bargaining; Weighted Voting; Power Measures; EU Enlargement; Paradox of New Members; Environmental Economics and Policy; C71; C72; C78.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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TO NEGOTIATE OR TO GAME THEORIZE: Negotiation vs. Game Theory Outcomes for Water Allocation Problems in the Kat Basin, South Africa AgEcon
Dinar, Ariel; Farolfi, Stefano; Patrone, Fioravante; Rowntree, Kate.
The 6th MEETING ON GAME THEORY AND PRACTICE Zaragoza, Spain 10-12 July 2006
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Negotiation; Role-playing game; Core; Nucleolus; Shapley value; Water allocation; Economic efficiency; Planning models; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; C61; C71; C78; Q25; Q56; R14.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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