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Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) - Liability for Non-Permanence under the UNFCCC AgEcon
Bode, Sven; Jung, Martina.
Prior to CoP 10, our discussion paper "On the Integration of Carbon Capture and Storage into the International Climate Regime" argued that carbon capture and storage (CCS) was similar to carbon sequestration in the area of Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF). This was criticized by several readers who observed that treating CCS as a removal activity (sink) would not be compatible with the UNFCCC sink definition, what we already had mentioned in the paper. The present paper is based on the UNFCCC definition and analyses how CCS could be integrated into the climate regime. As CO2 may re-enter the atmosphere after injection into geological reservoirs, the question of long-term liability has to be considered. Apart from this aspect, additional...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage; CDM; Climate Change; UNFCCC; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q25; Q28; Q40.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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CDM Baseline Construction for Vietnam National Electricity Grid AgEcon
Tuyen, Tran Minh; Michaelowa, Axel.
For projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), a baseline has to be set to allow calculation of the greenhouse gas emissions reductions achieved. An important obstacle to CDM project development is the lack of data for baseline definition; often project developers do not have access to data and therefore incur high transaction costs to collect them. The government of Vietnam has set up all necessary institutions for CDM, wants to promote CDM projects and thus is interested to reduce transaction costs. We calculate emission factors of the Vietnam electricity grid according to the rules defined by the CDM Executive Board for small scale projects and for large renewable electricity generation projects. The emission factors lie between 365 and 899 g...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: CDM; Baseline; Electricity generation; Vietnam; Public Economics; Risk and Uncertainty; D62; F18; Q25; Q41.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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CDM Potential of Dairy Sector in India AgEcon
Sirohi, Smita; Michaelowa, Axel.
Among the co-operative mechanisms established under the Kyoto Protocol, the Clean Development Mechanism is the only one, which has the potential to assist developing countries in achieving sustainable development by promoting environmentally friendly investment from industrialized country governments and businesses. Although, apart from nuclear energy and deforestation avoidance, all other projects are eligible under CDM, so far, the CDM projects have largely been confined to industrial sector and agricultural sector, in general has been left out. To assess the issues and opportunities presented by potential international markets for greenhouse gases offsets through the CDM and facilitate implementation of CDM in India, a National Startegy Study on CDM is...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: CDM; Agriculture; Dairy; India; Environmental Economics and Policy; Livestock Production/Industries; Q54; Q18; O13.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Climate Change Economics and Policy in the Asia Pacific AgEcon
Jotzo, Frank.
The Asia-Pacific region is the major source of global growth in greenhouse gas emissions. Strong action is needed in Asian countries, particularly China and India, to reduce these global emissions. Driven by the desire to limit energy consumption, some Asian countries already have domestic policies to limit greenhouse gas emission. But much more ambitious policies are needed to turn emission trends around. This research report examines the implications of international efforts to mitigate the impacts of human activity on climate in the Asia-Pacific region.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Climate change policy; Indonesia; CDM; Central-local coordination; Environmental Economics and Policy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Derechos de emision temporales procedentes de actividades de forestacion y reforestacion en el EU ETS AgEcon
Bachiller Mendez, Ignacio; Fernandez-Cavada, Jose Luis; Martin Juez Labat, Jaime.
Resumen En este trabajo se examina el marco regulatorio establecido por la Convención Marco sobre Cambio Climático, el Protocolo de Kioto y sus Mecanismos de Flexibilidad, entre ellos el Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (MDL) y el sistema europo de Comercio de Derechos de Emisión (EU ETS). Partiendo de este marco general se expone de qué modo se han incorporado las actividades de forestación y reforestación en el ámbito del MDL y su situación actual en el EU ETS. Se analizan los costes de transacción de este tipo de proyectos de MDL y el estado del mercado de derechos temporales que genera. Finalmente, a la vista de los elementos descritos, se formulan unas conclusiones con respecto a la conveniencia y expectativas del desarrollo futuro de este mercado....
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Temporary allowances; EU ETS; Afforestation; CDM; Reforestation; Derechos temporales; EU ETS; Forestacion; MDL; Reforestación; Environmental Economics and Policy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; F18; Q23; Q54; Q56.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Development Aid and the CDM - How to Interpret "Financial Additionality" AgEcon
Dutschke, Michael; Michaelowa, Axel.
International climate negotiations have specified that projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) should not lead to a "diversion" of official development assistance (ODA). It is however unchallenged that ODA can be used in capacity building for the CDM. Diversion can be interpreted in financial, sectoral and regional terms. There are possibilities to use ODA benchmarks to define diversion such as the UN 0.7% target but they are unlikely to be politically acceptable. On the project level, three main options exist but none of them is perfect. The value of emissions credits (CERs) could be deducted from ODA. This however leads to a long-term pressure on the ODA level. Differentiating an ODA-financed baseline project and a "piggyback" CDM option is...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International climate policy; CDM; Development assistance; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q25; O13.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Effects of the CDM on Poverty Eradication and Global Climate Protection AgEcon
Rubbelke, Dirk T.G.; Rive, Nathan.
In an impure public good model we analyze the effects of CDM transfers on poverty as well as on the global climate protection level. We construct an analytical model of a developing and an industrialized region, both of which independently seek to maximize their utility – a function of private consumption, domestic air quality, and global climate protection. They do so by distributing their finite expenditures across (1) the aggregate consumption good, (2) end-of-pipe pollution control technologies, and (3) greenhouse gas abatement. Based on our analytical findings, we develop two sets of simulations for China in which we vary the rate of the CDM transfer. The simulations differ by the assumption of China’s domestic air quality policy – the first assumes a...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Ancillary Benefits; CDM; Climate Policy; Impure Public Goods; Transfers; Abatement Technology; Environmental Economics and Policy; Food Security and Poverty; Q54; H23; H41; O33.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Efficient Documentation and Webmarketing Strategies for DNAs AgEcon
Gupta, Naman; Michaelowa, Axel.
In accordance with the modalities and procedures for a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) decided in Marrakech 2001, "Parties participating in the CDM shall designate a national authority for the CDM." Till date only 89 Parties have established their Designated National Authority (DNA). Capacity building and marketing the national CDM programmes to buyers of Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) or project investors is one of the important tasks of host countries. In that context, website development and hosting is a key outreach mechanism for DNAs to market their national CDM programme as well as improving their country's competitiveness on the global market. But also Annex I DNA websites can play a useful role, particularly for host country companies who...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: CDM; DNA website; Non- Annex I countries; Annex-I countries; Marketing; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q540; Q560.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Equal Emissions per Capita over Time - A Proposal to Combine Responsibility and Equity of Rights AgEcon
Bode, Sven.
After Future climate policy regimes may be based on the Kyoto-Protocol or on other policy instruments such as carbon-taxes. Any effective regime based on the Protocol requires the determination of the concrete contributions by each Party. This involves namely the time of contribution and the quantification of the contribution itself. By now many proposals exist for the two issues, as for example thresholds like GDP per capita for the question of timing or emissions per capita for an allocation of emission rights. Based on the two justice principle responsibility and equity of rights that form the basis for the so-called Brazilian Proposal and Contraction & Convergence respectively, a new approach is developed: Future emission rights are allocated on...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Allocation of GHG emission entitlements; Brazilian Proposal; CDM; Contraction & Convergence; Equity; Post 2012 climate regime; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q25; Q28.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Financing Structures for CDM Projects in India and Capacity Building Options for EU-Indo Collaboration AgEcon
Deodhar, Vinay; Michaelowa, Axel; Krey, Matthias.
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) enables industrialized countries to meet a part of their emission reduction requirements through purchase of emission reduction credits from projects in developing countries. Various studies have concluded that India is likely to be one of the major countries supplying such projects. However, in order that a large number of high-quality CDM projects is developed and result in Certified Emission Reductions as specified by the international CDM Executive Board, the institutional set up in the Indian finance sector has to be suitably geared up. So far, banks and financial institutions have not developed procedures for efficient financing of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Climate Policy; CDM; Financial Institutions; India; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q25; O13.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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GHG Trading Framework for the U.S. Biofuels Sector AgEcon
Kumarappan, Subbu; Joshi, Satish V..
Substitution of petroleum fuels with biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel has been shown to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These GHG reductions can be traded in the emerging carbon markets, and methodologies for quantifying and trading are still being developed. The main challenges in developing such GHG trading framework are analyzed. An outline of such a framework is presented that depends on the life cycle assessment of GHG reductions, along with a combination of project specific and regional standard performance measures. The advantages of assigning GHG property and trading rights to biofuel producers are discussed. At carbon prices of $10 per metric ton, estimated additional revenues to biofuel producers range from $ 17 to 64 million dollars...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Biofuels; Ethanol; Biodiesel; Carbon trading; GHG emissions trading; Methodology; CCX; CDM; Maize; Lignocellulosics; Well to wheel; Life cycle analysis; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q42; D23; D4.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Global Climate Policy and Corresponding Activities on a City-Level AgEcon
Sippel, Maike.
Cities are not affected by global climate policy and the Kyoto Protocol - however many of them engage in voluntary activities. This paper analyses how communities in general and especially the city of Hamburg can contribute to global climate protection in their citypartnerships according to the slogan "think global, act local". Possible activities are in the fields of awareness-raising, capacity-building, exchange of experiences and joint project implementation. A focus is layed on projects according to the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol in north-south citypartnerships. There is a clear potential for reduction of transaction costs in this kind of projects due to the institutional links of the citypartnership. For Hamburg, CDM-potential...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: CDM; Citypartnership; Climate policy; Hamburg; Kyoto Protocol; Transaction costs; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Indian Urban Building Sector: CDM Potential through Energy Efficiency in Electricity Consumption AgEcon
Singh, Inderjeet; Michaelowa, Axel.
Indian economic growth is likely to lead to a huge increase of energy use in buildings but so far, policies to address this issue are lacking. Standard building energy use concerning glazing, air conditioning and lighting in different climatic zones across India leads to energy use per m2 which is 3-4 times of the German average. We assess the potential to improve building energy efficiency and how measures in the building sector could be framed as projects under the Clean Development Mechanism. CDM case studies for large buildings in the Indian public and private sector are presented. They achieve annual greenhouse gas reductions of 500 to 10,000 ton, which may not be sufficient to overcome the CDM transaction cost barrier. Despite short payback periods,...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: CDM; Energy efficiency; India; Buildings; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q540; Q560; Q410.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Value and Risks of Expiring Carbon Credits from CDM Afforestation and Reforestation AgEcon
Dutschke, Michael; Schlamadinger, Bernhard; Wong, Jenny L.P.; Rumberg, Michael.
The Milan conference of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change has established two types of emission offsets under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), valid for afforestation and reforestation activities. In order to account for the non-permanent nature of carbon storage in forests, these credits expire after a predefined periods, after which the buyer needs to replace them. The present article assesses their market value in relation to "permanent" credits, identifies their specific risks and proposes how to mitigate and manage them. It analyzes strengths and weaknesses of expiring credits for sellers and buyers. Taking the example of the EU emissions trading system, the authors discuss how expiring credits could reach fungibility with permanent...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: CDM; Afforestation; Reforestation; Permanence; Insurance; LCER; TCER; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q23; Q25; Q13.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Vegetation structure, carbon sequestration potential and species conservation in four agroforestry systems in Cameroon (Tropical Africa) Acta Botanica
Noumi,Valery Noiha; Djongmo,Victor Awe; Nyeck,Boris; Mbobda,Roger Bruno Tabue; Zapfack,Louis.
ABSTRACT As the rate of forest degradation continues to rise, agroforestry may serve as a way of conserving species and carbon sinks. The aim of this study was to assess agrobiodiversity and carbon sequestration potential in agrosystems in Cameroon. Three age groups of agrosystems were studied. Data were collected in 100x50 m2 quadrates. Density ranged from 53.17±0.08 to 1463±50.11; basal area from 2.07±0.00 to 988.39±16.13 m2/ha; Shannon diversity from 3.3±0.71 to 3.68±0.72; Carbon storage from 12.1±0.27 to 54.65±1.38 t C/ha for 1-10-year-old agrosystems with lowest values in neem; 34.78±0.87 to 71.34±1.6 t C/ha for 10-20-year-old stands with lowest values in cashew; 28.24±0.04 to 108.51±2.46 t C/ha for +20-year-old stands with highest values in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agrosystems; Conservation; CDM; IUCN; Sinks.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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