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Degradación fotoquímica del carbono orgánico disuelto: Producción de peróxido de hidrógeno y efectos potenciales sobre el plancton en el Canal Beagle (Tierra del Fuego) 97
Se analizó la producción de peróxido de hidrógeno (H2O2) en función de la dosis de radiación solar en aguas del Canal Beagle, en la desembocadura del Río Lapataia, Ushuaia (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). El estudio se realizó entre Octubre y Noviembre de 2004. Durante dicho período se produce anualmente una disminución en la concentración del ozono estratosférico, lo que ocasiona un aumento en las dosis de radiación ultravioleta B (RUVB, 280-320 nm) incidente en la superficie de la tierra, en relación al resto de las longitudes de onda del espectro solar (radiación ultravioleta A [RUVA, 320-400 nm] y radiación visible [RVis, 400-700 nm]). Se observaron diferencias significativas en la foto-oxidación del carbono orgánico disuelto (COD) cuando se comparó la...
Tipo: Journal article Palabras clave: COD; Fitoplancton; Ozono; Peróxido de hidrógeno; RUVB.
Año: 2012 URL:
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Eichhornia azurea decomposition and the bacterial dynamic: an experimental research 58
Dahroug,Zaryf; Santana,Natália Fernanda; Pagioro,Thomaz Aurélio.
Abstract Organic decomposition is a complex interaction between chemical, physical and biological processes, where the variety of aquatic vascular plants is essential for the trophic dynamics of freshwater ecosystems. The goal of this study was to determine the aquatic macrophyte Eichhornia azurea (Sw.) Kunth decomposition rate, the time relation with the limnological parameters, and whether this relationship is a result of decomposition processes. To that end, we collected water and leaves of E. azurea in Surf Leopoldo, PR. The experiment consisted of two treatments: 25 containers with 450 mL of water and 0.8 g of biomass dry weight were used with or without the addition of macrophytes. Samples were collected in triplicate at times 0, 3 h, 6 h, 12 h, 24...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Decomposition rate; Dry weight; Aquatic macrophyte; COD.
Año: 2016 URL:
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Optimization studies on production of a salt-tolerant protease from Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain BC1 and its application on tannery saline wastewater treatment 58
Sivaprakasam,Senthilkumar; Dhandapani,Balaji; Mahadevan,Surianarayanan.
Treatment and safe disposal of tannery saline wastewater, a primary effluent stream that is generated by soaking salt-laden hides and skin is one of the major problems faced by the leather manufacturing industries. Conventional treatment methods like solar evaporation ponds and land composting are not eco-friendly as they deteriorate the ground water quality. Though, this waste stream is comprised of high concentration of dissolved proteins the presence of high salinity (1-6 % NaCl by wt) makes it non-biodegradable. Enzymatic treatment is one of the positive alternatives for management of such kind of waste streams. A novel salt-tolerant alkaline protease obtained from P.aeruginosa (isolated from tannery saline wastewater) was used for enzymatic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: COD; Enzymatic degradation; Leather Industry; Salt-tolerant; Waste treatment.
Año: 2011 URL:
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Reducing COD level on oily effluent by utilizing biosurfactant-producing bacteria 52
Jacobucci,Daniela Franco Carvalho; Oriani,Maria Raquel de Godoy; Durrant,Lucia Regina.
Two bacteria isolated from crude oil contaminated soil, Pantoea agglomerans and Planococcus citreus, produced biosurfactants utilizing 1.5% of kerosene and olive oil as the sole carbon sources, respectively. The bacteria and the biosurfactants produced were introduced to oily effluent, arising from margarine and soap industry. Emulsification activities were determined by increases in the absorbance of the oil-in-water emulsions at 610 nm, whereas the water-in-oil emulsions were expressed as the height (cm) of the emulsion layers formed. The 72 h incubation experiment resulted in a COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) reduction of 76% with Planococcus citreus strain and 70% with Pantoea agglomerans.The COD reduction with bacterial biosurfactants was over 50% in 24...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Biosurfactants; Bacteria; COD; Oily effluent; Bioremediation.
Año: 2009 URL:
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