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Caractérisation du comportement chimique du complexe otosac-otolithe et réaction à des perturbations induites. 5
Edeyer, Anaick.
Teleost fish have the capacity to record in their otoliths, calcareous concretions located in the inner ear, the principal events (environmental and physiological) which punctuate their life. Otolith is made of CaC03 deposits on a protein matrix according to a circadian rhythm. Due to the quasi irreversibility of this process, otoliths can be compared to biological archives largely used to apprehend the fish ecology. The otolith bathes in the endolymph, a medium in which all the precursors of otolith formation forward. The endolymph chemical analysis revealed a heterogeneity of its principal components (proteins, total C02 and total Ca) which origin lies in the non uniform spatial distribution of the ionocytes in the saccular epithelium. Thus, in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Environmental disturbances; Microchemistry; Biomineralisation; Psetta maxima; Fish; Calcification; Endolymph; Otolith; Perturbations environnementales; Microchimie; Biominéralisation; Psetta maxima; Poisson; Calcification; Endolymphe; Otolithe.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Combined effects of global climate change and nutrient enrichment on the physiology of three temperate maerl species 5
Qui-minet, Zujaila Nohemy; Coudret, Jérôme; Davoult, Dominique; Grall, Jacques; Mendez‐sandin, Miguel; Cariou, Thierry; Martin, Sophie.
Made up of calcareous coralline algae, maerl beds play a major role as ecosystem engineers in coastal areas throughout the world. They undergo strong anthropogenic pressures, which may threaten their survival. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the future of maerl beds in the context of global and local changes. We examined the effects of rising temperatures (+3°C) and ocean acidification (−0.3 pH units) according to temperature and pH projections (i.e., the RCP 8.5 scenario), and nutrient (N and P) availability on three temperate maerl species (Lithothamnion corallioides, Phymatolithon calcareum, and Lithophyllum incrustans) in the laboratory in winter and summer conditions. Physiological rates of primary production, respiration, and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Calcification; Maerl; Nitrate; Ocean acidification; Ocean warming; Phosphate; Photosynthesis; Respiration.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Contribution of matrix vesicles and alkaline phosphatase to ectopic bone formation 56
Ciancaglini,P.; Simão,A.M.S.; Camolezi,F.L.; Millán,J.L.; Pizauro,J.M..
Endochondral calcification involves the participation of matrix vesicles (MVs), but it remains unclear whether calcification ectopically induced by implants of demineralized bone matrix also proceeds via MVs. Ectopic bone formation was induced by implanting rat demineralized diaphyseal bone matrix into the dorsal subcutaneous tissue of Wistar rats and was examined histologically and biochemically. Budding of MVs from chondrocytes was observed to serve as nucleation sites for mineralization during induced ectopic osteogenesis, presenting a diameter with Gaussian distribution with a median of 306 ± 103 nm. While the role of tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP) during mineralization involves hydrolysis of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi), it is unclear...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Matrix vesicles; Endochondral ossification; Osseous plate; Alkaline phosphatase; Ectopic mineralization; Calcification.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Daily variations of endolymph composition: relationship with the otolith calcification process in trout 5
Borelli, G; Guibbohni, M; Mayer Gostan, N; Priouzeau, France; De Pontual, Helene; Allemand, D; Puverel, S; Tambutte, E; Payan, P.
Ionic and organic parameters of the otolith calcification process in the trout Oncorhynchus mykiss were analysed in plasma and endolymph over the day:night cycle. Plasma pH remained constant and total CO2 concentration was significantly lower (by 21%) during the day than at night. Calcifying parameters (total CO2, total calcium concentration) were measured in the proximal and distal endolymphs and were unchanged in the latter during the day:night cycle, but fluctuated in the former. Non-collagenous protein and collagen concentrations in endolymph were higher (1.5- and 10-fold, respectively) during the day than at night. As there was no change in total calcium concentration, we propose that Ca2+ increases during the dark period and was maximal by the end of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Endolymph; Day night cycle; Calcification; Otolith.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Decreased calcification in the Southern Ocean over the satellite record 5
Freeman, Natalie M.; Lovenduski, Nicole S..
Widespread ocean acidification is occurring as the ocean absorbs anthropogenic carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, threatening marine ecosystems, particularly the calcifying plankton that provide the base of the marine food chain and play a key role within the global carbon cycle. We use satellite estimates of particulate inorganic carbon (PIC), surface chlorophyll, and sea surface temperature to provide a first estimate of changing calcification rates throughout the Southern Ocean. From 1998 to 2014 we observe a 4% basin-wide reduction in summer calcification, with approximate to 9% reductions in large regions (approximate to 1 x 10(6) km(2)) of the Pacific and Indian sectors. Southern Ocean trends are spatially heterogeneous and primarily driven by...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Southern Ocean; Calcification; Particulate inorganic carbon; Carbonate ion; Antarctic polar front.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Influence des Peintures Antisalissures a Base d'Organostanniques sur la Calcification de la Coquille de l'Huitre Crassostrea gigas. 5
Alzieu, Claude; Heral, Maurice; Thibaud, Yves; Dardignac, Marie-jose; Feuillet, Michèle.
Experiments in oyster-breeding areas where oyster Crassostrea gigas suffers from anomalies of calcification, show an obvious correlation between the importance of the malformation of shells and the vicinity of port areas where a great number of boats usually stay. Organotin compounds contained in antifouling paints, and more precisely Tributyltin fluoride (TBTF) induce, in experimental environment, similar anomalies to those observed in natural environment. The amounts of total tin in the tissues of oysters living in the vicinity of spots where organotin products are brought in, can reach high values, though they appear to decrease rapidly whereas the environmental contamination lessens. The authors suggest that results of organotin upon the mechanisms of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea gigas; Pollution effects; Toxicity; Calcification; Fouling control; Paints.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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La Biominéralisation de Pecten maximus L. : Anomalies liées aux Perturbations du Milieu 5
Larvor, Helene.
L'étude du brunissement pathologique des valves de la coquille Saint-Jacques a permis d'identifier différents types d'altérations des mécanismes de la calcification : des détériorations microstructurales concomitantes avec une pigmentation brune anormale de la couche interne des tests. Les mécanismes de biominéralisation contrôlant l'intégration du carbonate de calcium dans les structures coquillières ne sont pas altérés : le taux de calcium, la minéralogie et la composition en acides aminés des matrices organiques cristallines sont équivalents dans les valves brunes et les valves blanches. Par contre, la présence d'une eumélanine, responsable de la coloration brune, est détectée dans les matrices organiques insolubles des régions coquillières aux...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Calcification; Coquille; Mélanine; Microstructure; Pecten maximus; Mollusques; Perturbations environnementales; Biominéralisation.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Proteoliposomes as matrix vesicles' biomimetics to study the initiation of skeletal mineralization 56
Simão,A.M.S.; Yadav,M.C.; Ciancaglini,P.; Millán,J.L..
During the process of endochondral bone formation, chondrocytes and osteoblasts mineralize their extracellular matrix by promoting the formation of hydroxyapatite (HA) seed crystals in the sheltered interior of membrane-limited matrix vesicles (MVs). Ion transporters control the availability of phosphate and calcium needed for HA deposition. The lipidic microenvironment in which MV-associated enzymes and transporters function plays a crucial physiological role and must be taken into account when attempting to elucidate their interplay during the initiation of biomineralization. In this short mini-review, we discuss the potential use of proteoliposome systems as chondrocyte- and osteoblast-derived MVs biomimetics, as a means of reconstituting a phospholipid...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Alkaline phosphatase; Biomineralization; Calcification; Lipids; Pyrophosphate; ATP.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Reconstructing individual food and growth histories from biogenic carbonates 5
Pecquerie, Laure; Fablet, Ronan; De Pontual, Helene; Bonhommeau, Sylvain; Alunno-bruscia, Marianne; Petitgas, Pierre; Kooijman, Sebastiaan A. L. M..
Environmental conditions experienced by aquatic organisms are archived in biogenic carbonates such as fish otoliths, bivalve shells and coral skeletons. These calcified structures present an accretionary growth and variations in optical properties - color or opacity - that are used to reconstruct time. Full and reliable exploitation of the information extracted from these structures is, however, often limited as the metabolic processes that control their growth and their optical properties are poorly understood. Here, we propose a new modeling framework that couples both the growth of a biogenic carbonate and its optical properties with the metabolism of the organism. The model relies on well-tested properties of Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory. It is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Otolith; Calcification; Metabolism; Bioenergetic model; Food reconstruction; Dynamic Energy Budget theory.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Stable isotopes changes in the adductor muscle of diseased bivalve Ruditapes philippinarum 5
Dang, Cecile; De Montaudouin, X.; Savoye, N.; Caill-milly, Nathalie; Martinez, P.; Sauriau, Pierre-guy.
In this article, we show how a disease could bias stable isotope analyzes of trophic networks and propose a strategy in the choice of tissues to be analyzed. In the past few years, a new pathology (brown muscle disease or BMD) affecting the posterior adductor muscle of Ruditapes philippinarum has emerged in Arcachon Bay. BMD induces a necrosis of muscle tissues which become infused by conchiolin and hence calcified. As muscle of mollusks are often used for trophic food webs studies through stable isotopic analyzes, this work investigated the effect of BMD on carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios of anterior and posterior adductor muscles of clams collected in February and August 2007. Infected clams displayed a lower condition index and a posterior adductor...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Calcification; Disease; Adductor muscle; Stable isotopes; Ruditapes philippinarum; Clam.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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