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40Ar/39Ar geochronology at the Instituto de Geociências, USP: instrumentation, analytical procedures, and calibration 42
Laser heating 40Ar/39Ar geochronology provides high analytical precision and accuracy, mum-scale spatial resolution, and statistically significant data sets for the study of geological and planetary processes. A newly commissioned 40Ar/39Ar laboratory at CPGeo/USP, São Paulo, Brazil, equips the Brazilian scientific community with a new powerful tool applicable to the study of geological and cosmochemical processes. Detailed information about laboratory layout, environmental conditions, and instrumentation provides the necessary parameters for the evaluation of the CPGeo/USP 40Ar/39Ar suitability to a diverse range of applications. Details about analytical procedures, including mineral separation, irradiation at the IPEN/CNEN reactor at USP, and mass...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Geochronology; 40Ar/39Ar method; Irradiation; Calibration.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Heckelei, Thomas; Mittelhammer, Ronald C.; Jansson, Torbjorn.
This paper presents a Bayesian alternative to Generalized Maximum Entropy (GME) and Generalized Cross Entropy (GCE) methods for deriving solutions to econometric models represented by underdetermined systems of equations. For certain types of econometric model specifications, the Bayesian approach provides fully equivalent results to GME-GCE techniques. However, in its general form, the proposed Bayesian methodology allows a more direct and straightforwardly interpretable formulation of available prior information and can reduce significantly the computational effort involved in finding solutions. The technique can be adapted to provide solutions in situations characterized by either informative or uninformative prior information.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Underdetermined Equation Systems; Maximum Entropy; Bayesian Priors; Structural Estimation; Calibration; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; C11; C13; C51.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A calorimetry system for metabolism trials 45
Rodríguez,N.M.; Campos,W.E.; Lachica,M.L.; Borges,I.; Gonçalves,L.C.; Borges,A.L.C.C.; Saliba,E.O.S..
An indirect calorimetry system for rapid determination of CO2 and CH4 production and O2 consumption to estimate heat production of animals was built at Escola de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil. Procedures for determination of correction and calibration factors for gas analyzers and the whole system, using standard test gases were described. In addition, a metabolic trial was performed to evaluate heat production of lambs fed ad libitum. It is concluded that the system is suitable for heat production determinations in small and medium size animals.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Calibration; Open circuit; Respirometry.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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A framework to quantify uncertainties of seafloor backscatter from swath mapping echosounders 5
Malik, Mashkoor; Lurton, Xavier; Mayer, Larry.
Multibeam echosounders (MBES) have become a widely used acoustic remote sensing tool to map and study the seafloor, providing co-located bathymetry and seafloor backscatter. Although the uncertainty associated with MBES-derived bathymetric data has been studied extensively, the question of backscatter uncertainty has been addressed only minimally and hinders the quantitative use of MBES seafloor backscatter. This paper explores approaches to identifying uncertainty sources associated with MBES-derived backscatter measurements. The major sources of uncertainty are catalogued and the magnitudes of their relative contributions to the backscatter uncertainty budget are evaluated. These major uncertainty sources include seafloor insonified area (1–3 dB),...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Multibeam echosounder; Calibration; Incidence angle.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Fragoso, Rui Manuel de Sousa; Carvalho, Maria Leonor da Silva; Henriques, Pedro Damiao de Sousa.
Neste artigo avalia-se a capacidade de calibração e de prescrição de resultados de um modelo de oferta agrícola da Região Alentejo. A capacidade de calibração é analisada para o regime de preços e de ajudas agrícolas em vigor no ano 2000, comparando os resultados de diferentes formas de especificação da função dos custos variáveis totais do modelo de programação matemática positiva com os resultados do modelo tradicional de programação linear e com os dados estatísticos observados. Depois de calibrado, o modelo de programação matemática positiva foi utilizado na prescrição dos resultados relativos ao cenário de preços e ajudas em vigor no ano de 2004. Concluiu-se que a programação matemática positiva para além de ser um eficaz instrumento de calibração dos...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Programação matemática positiva; Oferta agrícola; Calibração; Prescrição; Positive mathematical programming; Agricultural supply; Calibration; Prescription; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Manise,Nicolas; Neyt,Xavier; Acheroy,Marc.
The scatterometer on-board ERS-2, earth-observation satellite developed by the European Space Agency, is an active real aperture radar instrument designed to measure the backscatter coefficient 0 from the earth. Its main utility is to measure physical parameters such as wind speeds and directions over the sea surface. Due to malfunctions of the on-board gyroscopes and even though a new attitude and orbit control system is used, the yaw-orientation of the spacecraft still exhibits random variations from the nominal attitude. This unpredictable attitude requires re-developing the calibration chain of the scatterometer instrument. Distributed targets, such as the rain forest, are used to perform a relative calibration while transponders situated at known...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Scatterometer; Calibration; Transponder.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Aggregation and Calibration of Agricultural Sector Models Through Crop Mix Restrictions and Marginal Profit Adjustments 31
Wiborg, Torben; McCarl, Bruce A.; Rasmussen, Svend; Schneider, Uwe A..
All agricultural sector models must deal with aggregation and calibration somehow. The aggregation problem involves treating a group of producers as if they all responded in the same way as a single representative unit. The calibration problem concerns making a model reproduce as closely as possible an empirically observed set of decision maker actions. This paper shows how both calibration and aggregation are addressed through crop mix restrictions combined with marginal profit adjust-ments.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Mathematical programming; Aggregation; Calibration; Crop mix; Marginal cost; Agricultural sector model; Agribusiness; C6; C61; Q1; Q11; Q17; Q18; R12; R13; R14.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Alkenone distributions in the North Atlantic and Nordic sea surface waters 5
Sicre, Ma; Bard, E; Ezat, U; Rostek, F.
The C(37)-C(39) alkenones were quantified in suspended particulate matter obtained from the surface waters of the North Atlantic, including the Nordic seas, over a temperature range of 4degrees20 C. U(37)(K') values were linearly correlated to temperature over the entire range covered by our data set, i.e., 420 C (U(37)(K') = 0.027T + 0.036, r(2) = 0.97). The compilation of water column data from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern Ocean and Mediterranean Sea suggests that the linear model may not be the best function for fitting U(37)(K') and in situ temperature values. It also shows that suspended matter data from warm waters (T >20degreesC) are still needed to constrain the equation of the global curve. High abundances of C(37: 4) were found in the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Alkenones; Paleotemperature; Calibration; Atlantic Ocean; Plankton; Geochemistry; Marine geochemistry; Global change; Biogeochemical processes (4805); Oceanography; Paleoceanography.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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An Unstructured Numerical Model to Study Wind-Driven Circulation Patterns in a Managed Coastal Mediterranean Wetland: The Vaccares Lagoon System 5
Boutron, Olivier; Bertrand, Olivier; Fiandrino, Annie; Hoehener, Patrick; Sandoz, Alain; Cherain, Yves; Coulet, Eric; Chauvelon, Philippe.
The spatiotemporal structure of wind-driven circulation patterns and associated water exchanges can drive important bio-hydrodynamic interactions in shallow lagoons. The Vaccares lagoon system is a complex shallow hydrosystem located in the central part of the Rhone Delta (France). It is internationally recognized as part of a biosphere reserve within the framework of UNESCO's Man and Biosphere Programme, and as a RAMSAR site. Due to its frequent occurrence in this area, and considering the shallowness of the Vaccares lagoon system, wind is assumed to play a major role in the hydrodynamic and biological processes. In this study, a hydrodynamic model was developed to investigate the structure of wind-driven circulations in the Vaccares lagoon system, to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coastal lagoon; Mathematical model; Hydrodynamics; Calibration; Validation; Wind-driven circulation.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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An Updated Geophysical Model for AMSR-E and SSMIS Brightness Temperature Simulations over Oceans 5
Zabolotskikh, Elizaveta; Mitnik, Leonid; Chapron, Bertrand.
In this study, we considered the geophysical model for microwave brightness temperature (BT) simulation for the Atmosphere-Ocean System under non-precipitating conditions. The model is presented as a combination of atmospheric absorption and ocean emission models. We validated this model for two satellite instruments-for Advanced Microwave Sounding Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) onboard Aqua satellite and for Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS) onboard F16 satellite of Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) series. We compared simulated BT values with satellite BT measurements for different combinations of various water vapor and oxygen absorption models and wind induced ocean emission models. A dataset of clear sky...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Calibration; Geophysical model; Numerical simulation; SSMIS; AMSR-E; Satellite passive microwave.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Backscatter calibration of high-frequency multibeam echosounder using a reference single-beam system, on natural seafloor 5
Eleftherakis, Dimitrios; Berger, Laurent; Le Bouffant, Naig; Pacault, Anne; Augustin, Jean-marie; Lurton, Xavier.
The calibration of multibeam echosounders for backscatter measurements can be conducted efficiently and accurately using data from surveys over a reference natural area, implying appropriate measurements of the local absolute values of backscatter. Such a shallow area (20-m mean depth) has been defined and qualified in the Bay of Brest (France), and chosen as a reference area for multibeam systems operating at 200 and 300 kHz. The absolute reflectivity over the area was measured using a calibrated single-beam fishery echosounder (Simrad EK60) tilted at incidence angles varying between 0° and 60° with a step of 3°. This reference backscatter level is then compared to the average backscatter values obtained by a multibeam echosounder (here a Kongsberg EM...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Calibration; Seafloor backscatter; Multibeam echosounder; Single-beam echosounder.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Fonsah, Esendugue Greg; Krewer, Gerard; Rieger, Mark.
North America is the largest net importer of bananas on a regional basis. The United States is still the world’'s number- one importer and consumer of bananas. U.S. companies spend approximately $1.1 billion each year on banana imports, purchasing 31.1% of total world imports (Fonsah 2002; FAO 2001). Bananas and plantains together have been rated the fourth most important crop in the world in terms of food value and food security. This research is aimed at determining the feasibility and suitability of Annual Cropping Production (ACP) for a niche market under Georgia weather conditions and, determining which cultivars have the greatest potential for ornamental-landscape use and ornamental-nursery production. Phenological and pomological sampling and data...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Banana; Cultivars; Input application; Fertility; Field operations; Production; Marketing; Quality; Landscape; Green industry; Finger length; Calibration; Pseudo-stem; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Benefit Transfer as Preference Calibration 31
Smith, V. Kerry; van Houtven, George; Pattanayak, Subhrendu K..
This paper proposes and illustrates the use of a new approach to benefit transfer for the non-market valuation of environmental resources. It treats transfer as an identification problem that requires assessing whether available benefit estimates permit the parameters of a preference function to be identified. The transfer method proposed uses these identifying restrictions to calibrate preference parameters and bases the benefit estimates on that preference function. The approach is illustrated using travel cost, hedonic and contingent valuation estimates, as well as combinations of estimates. It has three potential advantages over conventional practice: (1) it allows multiple, potentially overlapping estimates of the benefits of an improvement in...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Benefit transfer; Calibration; Non-market valuation; Environmental Economics and Policy; D61; Q20; H40.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Calibração de pulverizadores terrestres e algumas informações sobre equipamentos para aplicações de defensivos no algodoeiro. 14
BELTRÃO, N. E. de M.; ARAUJO, J. D. de.
Cuidados, manutencao e principais componentes dos pulverizadores; Calibracao de pulverizadores; Pulverizadores especiais, modernos, munidos de bicos centrífugos ou de bico incorporado "Boozle" eletrodinamico.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Calibracao; Pulverizadores; Equipamentos; Pulverization; Algodão; Gossypium Hirsutum; Equipment; Calibration.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Calibração do medidor de clorofila Minolta SPAD-502 para uso na cultura do milho. 14
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Calibração; Maize; Clorofila; Fotossíntese; Milho; Medição; Pigmento; Calibration; Pigments; Photosynthesis.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Calibrating Online Survey Sample for Economic Impact Analysis 31
Devkota, Nirmala; Paudel, Krishna P.; Fannin, James Matthew; Hall, Larry M.; Caffey, Rex H..
Online surveys have emerged as low-cost data collection approach in empirical researches; however, the validity of data remains questionable. Therefore, we employed a stochastic frontier estimation method to calibrate online recreational expenditure. Study results suggested the presence of inefficiency on online surveys. Analysis was extended to estimate economic impact of nature based recreation on a local economy.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Calibration; Online survey; Onsite survey; Stochastic frontier approach; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Calibration and Validation of SWAT for the Upper Maquoketa River Watershed 31
Kanwar, Ramesh S.; Reungsang, Pipat; Jha, Manoj K.; Gassman, Philip W.; Ahmad, Khalil; Saleh, Ali.
A validation study has been performed using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model with data collected for the Upper Maquoketa River Watershed (UMRW), which drains over 16,000 ha in northeast Iowa. This validation assessment builds on a previous study with nested modeling for the UMRW that required both the Agricultural Policy EXtender (APEX) model and SWAT. In the nested modeling approach, edge-of-field flows and pollutant load estimates were generated for manure application fields with APEX and were then subsequently routed to the watershed outlet in SWAT, along with flows and pollutant loadings estimated for the rest of the watershed routed to the watershed outlet. In the current study, the entire UMRW cropland area was simulated in SWAT, which...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Calibration; Modeling; Nitrate; SWAT; Validation; Water quality; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Calibration and validation of the aquacrop model for the culture lettuce (lactuca sativa l.) under fertilization levels in pluvial condition 111
Amirouche, mawhoub.
The search for decision-making tools is essential in order to control agricultural practices and plan for sustainable agriculture that respects the environment. To this end, FAO has developed an evaluation model called AquaCrop, which covers most technical routes, including fertilization. In this perspective, this study focuses on the AquaCrop model (v6.1) to calibrate it for the simulation of lettuce crop yields (Lactuca sativa L), under different fertilization levels for the trial periods (2015/2016) and (2016/2017). Four levels of fertilization were examined under rain conditions, namely T1 (0 kg N/ha), T2 (60 kg N/ha), T3 (120 kg N/ha) and T4 (180 kg N/ha). The model performance was evaluated using the coefficient of determination (R2), the square root...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: AquaCrop; Lettuce; Calibration; Validation; Fertility stress; Water productivity.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Calibration of the carbon isotope composition (C-13) of benthic foraminifera 5
Schmittner, Andreas; Bostock, Helen C.; Cartapanis, Olivier; Curry, William B.; Filipsson, Helena L.; Galbraith, Eric D.; Gottschalk, Julia; Carlos Herguera, Juan; Hoogakker, Babette; Jaccard, Samuel L.; Lisiecki, Lorraine E.; Lund, David C.; Martinez-mendez, Gema; Lynch-stieglitz, Jean; Mackensen, Andreas; Michel, Elisabeth; Mix, Alan C.; Oppo, Delia W.; Peterson, Carlye D.; Repschlaeger, Janne; Sikes, Elisabeth L.; Spero, Howard J.; Waelbroeck, Claire.
The carbon isotope composition (C-13) of seawater provides valuable insight on ocean circulation, air-sea exchange, the biological pump, and the global carbon cycle and is reflected by the C-13 of foraminifera tests. Here more than 1700 C-13 observations of the benthic foraminifera genus Cibicides from late Holocene sediments (C-13(Cibnat)) are compiled and compared with newly updated estimates of the natural (preindustrial) water column C-13 of dissolved inorganic carbon (C-13(DICnat)) as part of the international Ocean Circulation and Carbon Cycling (OC3) project. Using selection criteria based on the spatial distance between samples, we find high correlation between C-13(Cibnat) and C-13(DICnat), confirming earlier work. Regression analyses indicate...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Carbon; Isotopes; Benthic; Foraminifera; Calibration.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Can Calibration Reconcile Stated and Observed Preferences? 31
Norwood, F. Bailey.
Hypothetical bias is a pervasive problem in stated-preference experiments. Recent research has developed two empirically successful calibrations to remove hypothetical bias, though the calibrations have not been tested using the same data or in a conjoint analysis. This study compares the two calibrations in a conjoint analysis involving donations to a public good. Results find the calibrations are biased predictors of true donations but that calibrated and uncalibrated models together provide upper and lower bounds to true donations.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Calibration; Experimental economics; Forecasting; Hypothetical bias; Public goods; Stated preference; Voluntary contributions; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Q51; H41.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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