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Distinctive patterns of callose deposition provide an early sign of ovule abortion1 in the andromonoecious shrub Caesalpinia gilliesii Boletín de la Sociedad
Calviño,A.; Carrizo García,C..
Ovule abortion may lead to the partial or complete reduction of the number of functional ovules in the ovary and then is the primary factor that determines the sexual expression of the plant. In different species, ovule abortion was associated with the presence of callose in advanced ovules. Based on these observations, we studied the pattern of ovule development and callose deposition in both perfect and staminate flowers of the andromonoecious shrub Caesalpinia gilliesii. The obtained results showed that all ovules reached the 8-nucleate stage of embryo sac development and exhibited callose deposition at advanced stages. Nevertheless, from the 2-nucleate stage, a distinct spatial pattern of callose deposition within the ovule was observed between perfect...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Caesalpinia gilliesii; Ovule sterility; Callose; Nucellus degeneration; Sexual expression.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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What are tilosomes? An update and new perspectives Acta Botanica
Kedrovski,Halisson Rafael; Sajo,Maria das Graças.
ABSTRACT Characterization of tilosomes and study of their development revealed that they are similar to the cell wall ingrowths of transfer cells. Roots from Anathallis sclerophylla were used to examine the development, histochemistry and ultrastructure of tilosomes using light, confocal and electron microscopy (both SEM and TEM). Tilosomes initiate as cellulosic papillae in the root elongation zone, increasing the apo/symplast surface throughout the wall-membrane apparatus. Both the development and structure of tilosomes and velamen strips appear similar to the reticulated and flange cell wall ingrowths of Vicia faba transfer cells. We suggest two functional phases for tilosomes: a) in young tissues they increase the symplast connection and thus improve...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Autofluorescence; Callose; Cell wall biochemistry; Ontogeny; Oriented wall deposition; Waxes.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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