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An alternative pathway for plant in vitro regeneration of chinaberry -tree Melia azedarach L. derived from the induction of somatic embryogenesis Electron. J. Biotechnol.
Sharry,Sandra; Cabrera Ponce,José Luis; Herrera Estrella,Luis; Rangel Cano,Rosa María; Lede,Silvia; Abedini,Walter.
A highly efficient somatic embryogenesis system and subsequent plant regeneration of chinaberry (Melia azedarach L.) was developed. Plants were regenerated from indirect somatic embryogenesis induction. Novel features of this improved protocol, include: a) Embryogenic callus induction with no addition of 2, 4-D in the culture media; b) Somatic embryos differentiation was achieved by using high concentration of cytokinins (BAP 10 mg/L) and adenine; c) 100% conversion of somatic embryos to plants was practically obtained and 100% of plants survived under greenhouse conditions; d) Addition of putrescine improved somatic embryos germination. The amount of somatic embryos produced by the pathway of indirect somatic embryogenesis was 447 per gram of fresh weight...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Callus induction; Clonal forestry; Embryos conversion; Micropropagation; Persian lilac; Somatic embryos.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Callus induction and plant regeneration of Ulex europaeus Electron. J. Biotechnol.
Ramírez,Ingrid; Dorta,Fernando; Cuadros-Inostroza,Álvaro; Peña-Cortés,Hugo.
A callus induction and plant regeneration protocol was developed from leaf and thorn explants for the plant Ulex europaeus. Explants were incubated on 2% sucrose half-strength Murashige and Skoog Medium (MS) with various combinations of plant growth regulators and antioxidants. The best frequency of callus and shoot formation was obtained with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) 1 mg/l x kinetin (Kin) 0.2 mg/l (DK Medium; callus induction) and zeatin (Z) 1 mg/l (DK medium; shoot induction). Both media were supplemented with ascorbic acid 200 mg/l to prevent browning and death of the explants. The regenerated shoots transferred to rooting medium (half-strength MS Medium, 2% sucrose) showed rapid growth and development of roots (100%). Rooted plantlets...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Antioxidants; Callus induction; Fabaceae; Gorse; Plant regeneration; Ulex europaeus.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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In vitro culture of jambu with different growth regulators Horticultura Brasileira
Almeida,Susan P; Souza,Joanne MM; Amorim,Andredy MT; Gusmão,Sérgio AL de; Souza,Rodrigo ORM; Santos,Alberdan S.
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to establish the best concentrations of growth regulators for in vitro cultivation of jambu for a subsequent elaboration of an efficient micropropagation protocol. After sterilized, the seeds were inoculated on different media (MS, ½MS and water-agar) for in vitro germination. Nodal segments of in vitro germinated jambu seedlings were used as explants in the micropropagation with different concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) (0.0; 0.125; 0.25; 0.50 and 0.75 mg L-1) and callus induction with 2.4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2.4-D) (0.0; 0.25; 0.50; 0.75 and 1.0 mg L-1) on Murashige & Skoog’s (MS) medium. The highest germination rates were obtained on MS medium with better seedling development and greater height...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Acmella oleracea; Micropropagation; Callus induction; BAP; 2.4-D; Nodal segments.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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In vitro culture response of barley (Hordeum vulgare) ethylene synthesis mutant MC 169 Electron. J. Biotechnol.
Biagioli,Carolina; Rios,Raúl; Basso,Alicia; Franzone,Pascual; Prina,Alberto.
Although it is generally accepted that plant in vitro culture response is influenced by the donor genotype, the genetic and molecular bases of this phenomenon are barely known. As a consequence, the optimization of tissue culture protocols is mainly empirically done. Researchers of the IGEAF studied the genetic basis of the in vitro regeneration of various plant species, including the tissue culture response of artificially induced barley mutants. One barley mutant, MC 169, carries a nuclear gene, recently described controlling the root growth in hydroponic cultivation. Under this condition, the roots of MC 169 mutant plants were longer than those of the original wild type line MC 182, a fact that was associated with a reduced ethylene biosynthesis. On the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Callus induction; Ethylene; Habituated calli; Hydroponic culture; Regeneration.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Response of root explants to in vitro cultivation of marketable garlic cultivars Horticultura Brasileira
Scotton,Danielle C; Benedito,Vagner Augusto; Molfetta,Jeanne B de; Rodrigues,Benedita Inês FP; Tulmann-Neto,Augusto; Figueira,Antonio.
Garlic cultivars are sexually sterile under standard growth conditions, with direct implications for commercial production costs as well as breeding programs. Garlic is propagated commercially via bulblets, which facilitates disease transmission and virus load accumulation over vegetative generations. Tissue culture produces virus-free clones that are more productive, while keeping the desired traits of the cultivar. Consequently, this technique allows studies of garlic genetics as well as guarantees genetic conservation of varieties. We aimed at analyzing the in vitro regeneration of eight marketable cultivars of garlic using root segments as explants. For each genotype, bulblet-derived explants were isolated and introduced into MS medium supplemented...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Allium sativum; Bulb; Callus induction; Organogenesis; Regeneration; Tissue culture.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Somatic embryogenesis in Acrocomia aculeata Jacq. (Lodd.) ex Mart using the thin cell layer technique Acta Botanica
Padilha,João Henrique Delfrate; Ribas,Luciana Lopes Fortes; Amano,Érika; Quoirin,Marguerite.
Considering the necessity of Acrocomia aculeata propagation for large-scale production, the aim of this study was to establish a somatic embryogenesis protocol using the thin cell layer (TCL) technique. Aerial parts of in vitro plants were transversally cut at the base into eight TCLs and placed in a culture medium for callus induction. The induction medium was composed of Y3 salts and Morel´s vitamins and supplemented with 150, 300 or 600 μM picloram. After 12 weeks the calli were transferred to a medium supplemented with BAP or 2-iP (12.5 or 25 μM). After 18 weeks, the somatic embryo clusters were transferred to a conversion medium (plant growth regulator-free medium). Primary callus induction rate was higher in the first three TCLs and in media...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: 2-iP; Callus induction; Histology; Macaw palm; Picloram.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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