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Aspects technologie pêche de la campagne JUVESU 99 ArchiMer
Meillat, Marc.
IFREMER's "Fishing Technology" team participated in the JUVESU99 campaign from 1 to 13 September. The equipment tested was the same as that from the SURFET99 campaign, a pelagic trawl with a surface area of 47.75 x 43.75 with netting of 500 metres of cables, 120-metre arms of equal length above and below, and a ballast of 40 kg to each wing tip The pelagic panels used were panels from the company TYBORON of "type 8" lent through the intermediary of the Kéroman company, Dock et Entrepôts Maritimes. The trawl's collection of balls consisted of a cluster of ten 11-litre balls on each upper wing tip, and a cluster of five 11-litre balls on each side of the square. The total collection of balls was therefore thirty 11-litre balls along the back rope of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gwen Drez; Fishing technology; Pelagic trawl; Fishing gear; Trawl survey; Gwen Drez; Technologie des pêches; Chalut pélagique; Engin de pêche; Campagne de chalutage.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Evaluation des ressources halieutiques de l'ouest de l'Europe (EVHOE) par campagnes de chalutages programmes : Deuxième phase : Distribution saisonnière et évaluation des ressources halieutiques du golfe de gascogne. ArchiMer
Ifremer, -.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Campagne de chalutage; Biomasse; EVOHE; Indices d'abondance; Halieutics; Seasonal variations; Biscay bay; Trawl survey.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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International Program of Standardised Trawl Surveys ArchiMer
Mahe, Jean-claude.
The IPROSTS project had two main objective : - Completionn of research vessel surveys in the autumn of 1999 and 2000 in ICES areas VI, VII and VIII in order to provide abundance indices at age for the major commercial species exploited in these areas, - Standardisation of the methodology used in bottom trawl surveys. For completion of the first objective, the French Research institute IFREMER conducted surveys in the Celtic Sea and the Bay of Biscay on board the Research Vessel, Thalassa. The Marine Institute of Dublin conducted surveys in the Irish Sea and Celtic Sea on board the Research Vessel Celtic Voyager and in the Western area of Ireland on board two chartered commercial fishing vessels (Marliona and Shauna Ann). The Marine Laboratory of Aberdeen...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Irish sea; Celtic sea; Abundance indices at age; Gear performance; Sampling stratégies; Species distribution; Conversion coefficients; Gear calibration; Trawl surveys; Bottom trawl; Mer d'Irlande; Mer Celtique; Indices d'abondance; Performance technique; Stratégies d'échantillonnage; Distribution des espèces; Coefficients de conversion; Calibration d'engins; Campagne de chalutage; Chalut de fond.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Mission ORHAGO1, Mise au point d'un gréement de chaluts jumeaux pour les campagnes halieutiques ORHAGO ArchiMer
Vacherot, Jean-philippe; Bavouzet, Gerard.
The new ORHAGO campaigns, which aim to form a multi-year series of biological and ecological data, are relying on the use of twin trawls associated with a new type of rigging. The ORHAGO1 campaign should make it possible to make adjustments of the diverse elements of the fishing train in order to obtain an optimal configuration. This preliminary adjustment is indispensable for obtaining reliable data during ORHAGO campaigns. In order to do this, twin trawls of 25.15 metres, belonging to TMSI, were used jointly with the ship's panels (Morgère WS) and a clump specially developed for the occasion with the Morgère Company. In order to verify the correct behaviour of the device, the Scanmar setup monitoring system as well as Micrel tension and inclinometric...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Clump; Trawl doors; Trawl survey; Twin trawls; Fishing technology; Clump; Panneaux; Campagne de chalutage; Chaluts jumeaux; Technologie des pêches.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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