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Matière en suspension et sédimentation dans la lagune de Thau 5
Pichot, Paul; Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc; Juge, Claude.
Thau is a mediterranean lagoon with a large productive stock of molluscs (oysters, mussels) cultivated on suspended tines and colonised by epibionta (ascidia and others invertebrates, algae, etc ... ). This study was developed as part of the PNOC-OXYTHAU.programme. Its aim was to analyze the effects of oyster farrning on water-mass surrounding structures loaded with suspended molluscs and proximal watermass separating these structures. This study concems particulate suspended matter and deposits of particulate organic matter on the bottom after sedimnentation. Biochemical measurements were carried out for nitrogen, carbon,  proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. ln order to estimate sedimentaton, bottom sediment traps were used
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Méditérranée; Etang de Thau; Matière en suspension; Azote; Carbone; Protites; Lipides; Glucides; Sédimentation; Mediterranean; Lagoon of Thau; Particulate suspended mattter; Nitrogen; Carbon; Proteins; Lipids; Carbohydraes; Sedimentation.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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