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Bundled turbidite deposition in the central Pandora Trough (Gulf of Papua) since Last Glacial Maximum: Linking sediment nature and accumulation to sea level fluctuations at millennial timescale 5
Jorry, Stephan J.; Droxler, Andre W.; Mallarino, Gianni; Dickens, Gerald R.; Bentley, Sam J.; Beaufort, Luc; Peterson, Larry C.; Opdyke, Bradley N..
Since Last Glacial Maximum (23-19 ka), Earth climate warming and deglaciation occurred in two major steps (Bolling-Allerod and Preboreal), interrupted by a short cooling interval referred to as the Younger Dryas (12.5-11.5 ka B. P.). In this study, three cores (MV-33, MV-66, and MD-40) collected in the central part of Pandora Trough (Gulf of Papua) have been analyzed, and they reveal a detailed sedimentary pattern at millennial timescale. Siliciclastic turbidites disappeared during the Bolling-Allerod and Preboreal intervals to systematically reoccur during the Younger Dryas interval. Subsequent to the final disappearance of the siliciclastic turbidites a calciturbidite occurred during meltwater pulse 1B. The Holocene interval was characterized by a lack...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Younger dryas event; Oxygen isotope records; Meltwater pulse 1a; Great barrier reef; Pacific warm pool; Carbonate platforms; Tropical atlantic; Surface salinity; Nicaragua rise; Caribbean sea.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Evolution of Late Oligocene - Early Miocene attached and isolated carbonate platforms in a volcanic ridge context (Maldives type), Yadana field, offshore Myanmar 5
Paumard, Victorien; Zuckmeyer, Eric; Boichard, Robert; Jorry, Stephan; Bourget, Julien; Borgomano, Jean; Maurin, Thomas; Ferry, Jean-noel.
This study investigates the stratigraphic evolution of the Late Oligocene - Early Miocene carbonate platforms of the Yadana area (offshore Myanmar). Well data, regional 2D and local 3D seismic surveys allow the identification of three shallow-water carbonate platforms (Yadana, 3DF and 3DE) showing various morphologic and stratigraphic patterns influenced by the presence of a paleohigh. The identification of seven seismic sequences in the Yadana area constrains the stratigraphic evolution in three stages: (1) development of aggrading attached and isolated platforms during the Chattian; (2) a period of platform emersion during the Oligocene - Miocene transition; (3) drowning of the smaller buildup (3DE) associated with km-scale backstepping on the large...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Yadana; Carbonate platforms; Oligocene; Miocene; Seismic stratigraphy; Geomorphology; Paleogeography; Control parameters; Burman margin.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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