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Accumulation des sels nutritifs dans un sédiment lagunaire et environnement hydrodynamique 5
Gomez, E; Millet, B; Picot, B.
The Mejean-Perols Lagoon is situated on the French Mediterranean coast. It is a small (747 ha) and shallow (70 cm) lagoon. Some treated effluent from Montpellier flows into this hypereutrophic lagoon. The cartography of C, N and P concentrations in the sediment was studied based on 35 bottom samples. The nitrogen and organic carbon concentrations were more or less homogeneous, the highest concentrations being found in the middle of the lagoon. The phosphate was principally bound onto the sediment in the west zone. The observed distribution was independent of grain size, the distribution of which was rather homogeneous. In this lagoon water circulation is wind induced. Four different water flow structures were observed, as functions of the prevailing winds...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sédiment; Lagune côtière; Hydrodynamique; Sels nutritifs; Carbone; Sediment; Coastal lagoon; Hydrodynamics; Nutrients; Carbon.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Allocation du carbone et métabolisme azoté chez l'haptophyte Tisochrysis lutea 5
Garnier, Matthieu.
The aim of this thesis is to improve knowledge on mechanisms involved in the response to nitrogen limitation and in lipid accumulation in the microalgae haptophyte Tisochrysis lutea. The wild type strain and a lipid accumulating mutant strain were grown under different nitrogen limitation and starvation and analyzed by functional genomics. Four genes of high-affinity nitrate/nitrite transporter (Nrt2) were identified and characterized to reveal the mechanisms involved in mineral absorption in this species. Transcriptomes of both strains were sequenced and proteins affected by nitrogen starvation and differentially expressed between the two strains were identified. We so identified the functions regulated by nitrogen deficiency and potentially involved in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microalgues; Métabolisme; Azote; Carbone; Lipides; Genomique fonctionelle; Protéomique; Transcriptomique; Microalgae; Metabolism; Nitrogen; Carbon; Lipids; Functional genomics; Proteomics; Transcriptomics.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Dynamique du carbone et des nutriments dans la zone côtière Baie de l’Aiguillon-Pertuis Breton et influence des apports terrestres du bassin versant du Marais poitevin 5
Lannuzel, Reva.
Coastal zones represent key systems in biogeochemical cycle couplings between continents, oceans and the atmosphere transporting considerable amounts of matter, energy and nutrients (C, N, P et Si) from land to sea. Despite its relatively modest surface area (7 % of the global ocean surface), this zone accounts for 14–30 % of all oceanic primary production. The present study deals with nutrients and carbon dynamics during a full hydrologic cycle in 2017 over the terrestrial-aquatic continuum formed by the Poitevin Marsh-Aiguillon Bay- Breton Sound to better understand terrestrial export influence on the coastal zone. Carbon and nutrient concentrations were sampled twice a month over heterogeneous sites (estuaries, channels and coastal sites) to integrate...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Zone côtière; Biogéochimie; Carbone; Nutriments; Chlorophylle a; Limitation potentielle et réelle; Dynamique.; Coastal zone; Biogeochemistry; Carbon; Nutrients; Chlorophyll a; Real and potential limitation; Spatio-temporal dynamic..
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Dynamique hivernale des nutriments et du carbone dans les exutoires du Marais poitevin et flux terrestres associés en Baie de l’Aiguillon 5
Le Marchand, Marie.
  Coastal environments represent key systems in biogeochemical cycle couplings between continents, oceans and the atmosphere. Despite its relatively modest surface area (7 % of global ocean), this zone accounts for 14-30 % of all oceanic primary production. The amount of nutrients (N, P, C, Si) carried by terrestrial aquatic systems directly influences the primary production, the food web structure and the overall quality of these coastal environments. The present study deals with autumn-winter carbon and nutrients dynamics over terrestrial waters of the Marais poitevin watershed flowing to the Aiguillon bay (west of France). Five heterogeneous watercourses were sampled twice a month since January 2017 to measure nutrients and carbon concentrations and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Zones côtières; Cycles biogéochimiques; Carbone; Nutriments; PCO2; Marais poitevin; Coastal areas; Biogeochemical cycles; Carbon; Nutrients; PCO2; Marais poitevin.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Matière en suspension et sédimentation dans la lagune de Thau 5
Pichot, Paul; Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc; Juge, Claude.
Thau is a mediterranean lagoon with a large productive stock of molluscs (oysters, mussels) cultivated on suspended tines and colonised by epibionta (ascidia and others invertebrates, algae, etc ... ). This study was developed as part of the PNOC-OXYTHAU.programme. Its aim was to analyze the effects of oyster farrning on water-mass surrounding structures loaded with suspended molluscs and proximal watermass separating these structures. This study concems particulate suspended matter and deposits of particulate organic matter on the bottom after sedimnentation. Biochemical measurements were carried out for nitrogen, carbon,  proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. ln order to estimate sedimentaton, bottom sediment traps were used
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Méditérranée; Etang de Thau; Matière en suspension; Azote; Carbone; Protites; Lipides; Glucides; Sédimentation; Mediterranean; Lagoon of Thau; Particulate suspended mattter; Nitrogen; Carbon; Proteins; Lipids; Carbohydraes; Sedimentation.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Origine, devenir et contrôle de la matière particulaire dans les élevages de poissons marins en système recyclé 5
Franco, Miguel.
The particulate matter plays an essential role in the functioning of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). Rich in organic substances, it provides ideal conditions for the bacterial development, which contribute to its mineralization. The understanding of interactions between the bio-geochemical cycles of carbon and nitrogen in these processes is necessary to define an effective and adapted management of aquaculture facilities. A methodology using natural stable isotopes (13C and 15N) and elemental carbon and nitrogen analysis on particulate matter, allows to identify its sources and to quantify its fluxes. Applying this methodology, we found an enrichment of 13C in dorsal muscle of reared fish and non differences of 13C in fish liver compared to the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nitrogen; Carbon; Isotopes; Organic matter; Particulate matter; Dicentrarchus labrax; Seabass; Recirculating systems; Aquaculture; Azote; Carbone; Isotopes; Matière organique; Matière particulaire; Dicentrarchus labrax; Bar; Système de recirculation; Aquaculture.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Recherche et élimination des facteurs inhibiteurs de croissance dans les élevages piscicoles en circuit fermé 5
Leonard, Noemie.
Recirculation of the water of fish rearing systems requires a biological treatment based on the nitrifying activity of autotrophic bacteria. In parallel heterotrophic bacterial populations utilise the organic substrate, produced by the fish, to grow. Opposite to the autotrophic populations, the heterotrophic bacteria (1) have a quick growth and (2) might contain fish pathogenic strains. The main aim was to characterise the heterotrophic bacteria populations ?.nd to understand (1) which parameters do control the dynamics of their populations and (2) their influence on the quality of the recirculating water. In a rearing system, the heterotrophic bacterial populations are stable in number and in genus, for a given operating mode. The bacteria are either...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Carbon; Gills; Bacterium; Humics substances; Fish; Ozone; Aquiculture; Carbone; Branchies; Bacterie; Substances humiques; Poisson; Ozone; Aquaculture.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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