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Impact of acute exposure to air pollution on the cardiorespiratory performance of military firemen 56
Oliveira,R.S.; Barros Neto,T.L.; Braga,A.L.F.; Raso,V.; Pereira,L.A.A.; Morette,S.R.; Carneiro,R.C..
The objective of the present study was to determine the impact of acute short-term exposure to air pollution on the cardiorespiratory performance of military fireman living and working in the city of Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil. Twenty-five healthy non-smoking firemen aged 24 to 45 years had about 1 h of exposure to low and high levels of air pollution. The tests consisted of two phases: phase A, in Bertioga, a town with low levels of air pollution, and phase B, in Cubatão, a polluted town, with a 7-day interval between phases. The volunteers remained in the cities (Bertioga/Cubatão) only for the time required to perform the tests. Cumulative load 10 ± 2 min-long exertion tests were performed on a treadmill, consisting of a 2-min stage at a load of 7 km/h,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Air pollution; Firemen; Cardiorespiratory performance; Cardiopulmonary exercise testing.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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