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A box-model of carrying capacity of the Thau lagoon in the context of ecological status regulations and sustainable shellfish cultures ArchiMer
Pete, Romain; Guyondet, Thomas; Bec, Beatrice; Derolez, Valerie; Cesmat, Ludovic; Lagarde, Franck; Pouvreau, Stephane; Fiandrino, Annie; Richard, Marion.
The decrease of microbial and nutrient inputs from the watershed has long dominated lagoon ecosystem management objectives. Phytoplankton biomass and abundance have drastically decreased for more than a decade and Zostera meadow have gradually recovered, expressing lagoon ecosystem restoration such as Thau lagoon. Do the progressive achievement of the good ecological status of the Thau lagoon possibly threatens the shellfish industry in terms of production and oyster quality, by reducing the carrying capacity? To provide answers about the right balance to be achieved between conservation and exploitation, a new numerical tool was developed to help in decision-making. We hereby propose to incorporate a Dynamic Energy Budget type shellfish production model...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Shellfish farming; Carrying capacity; Stakeholder implication; Nitrogen and phosphorus inputs; Water frame directive; Ecological indicators; Phytoplankton depletion; Coupled biogeochemical-deb model.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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A spatially explicit ecosystem model of seston depletion in dense mussel culture ArchiMer
Grant, J; Bacher, Cedric; Cranford, P; Guyondet, T; Carreau, M.
A fully-coupled biological-physical-chemical model of a coastal ecosystem was constructed to examine the impact of suspended mussel culture on phytoplankton biomass in Tracadie Bay, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Due to the extent of mussel culture there, we hypothesised that shellfish filtration would control the concentration and distribution of phytoplankton and other suspended particles in the bay. Circulation was delineated with a tidally-driven 2D numerical model and used to drive an ecosystem model with a focus on pelagic components including phytoplankton production, nutrients, detritus, and mussels. The benthos were treated as a sink. Nutrients and seston were forced by tidal exchange and river input, with phytoplankton additionally forced by...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Towed sensors; Nutrient dynamics; Circulation model; Phytoplankton; Carrying capacity; Shellfish aquaculture; Estuaries; Ecosystem model.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Available Benthic Energy Coefficient (ABEC): a generic tool to estimate the food profitability in coastal fish nurseries ArchiMer
Tableau, Adrien; Le Bris, H.; Brind'Amour, Anik.
The benthic production of prey seems to be one of the main drivers among many environmental factors that influence the quality of fish nurseries and potentially limit their carrying capacity. However, the contribution of food availability in the growth and survival of juveniles is still controversial. The Available Benthic Energy Coefficient (ABEC) aims to assess the trophic profitability of benthic invertebrate prey; this concept reflects the combination of energy richness and availability of prey. A value of the coefficient was associated with each prey species. This value was calculated from the product of 4 components: (1) mass energy, (2) productivity, (3) regeneration, and (4) accessibility. Thus, this coefficient is expressed as a quantity of energy...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Predator-prey relationship; Secondary production; Prey availability; Demersal fish; Nursery habitat; Carrying capacity; Bioenergetics.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Climate Change Influences Carrying Capacity in a Coastal Embayment Dedicated to Shellfish Aquaculture ArchiMer
Guyondet, T.; Comeau, L. A.; Bacher, Cedric; Grant, J.; Rosland, R.; Sonier, R.; Filgueira, R..
A spatially explicit coupled hydrodynamic-biogeochemical model was developed to study a coastal ecosystem under the combined effects of mussel aquaculture, nutrient loading and climate change. The model was applied to St Peter's Bay (SPB), Prince Edward Island, Eastern Canada. Approximately 40 % of the SPB area is dedicated to mussel (Mytilus edulis) longline culture. Results indicate that the two main food sources for mussels, phytoplankton and organic detritus, are most depleted in the central part of the embayment. Results also suggest that the system is near its ultimate capacity, a state where the energy cycle is restricted to nitrogen-phytoplankton-detritus-mussels with few resources left to be transferred to higher trophic levels. Annually, mussel...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Climate change; Nutrient loading; Mussel culture; Carrying capacity; Coastal ecosystem; Numerical modelling.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Density-dependent growth of bivalves dominating the intertidal zone of Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania: importance of feeding mode, habitat and season ArchiMer
Van Der Geest, Matthijs; Van Der Lely, Jorge A. C.; Van Gils, Jan A.; Piersma, Theunis; Lok, Tamar.
Accurate predictions of population dynamics require an understanding of the ways by which environmental conditions and species-specific traits affect the magnitude of density dependence. Here, we evaluated the potential impact of season and habitat (characterized by sediment grain size and seagrass biomass) on the magnitude of density dependence in shell growth of 3 infaunal bivalve species dominating the tropical intertidal benthic communities of Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania. Two of our focal species were filter feeders (Senilia senilis and Pelecyora isocardia) and one was a facultative mixotroph (Loripes orbiculatus), mainly relying on organic carbon provided by sulphide-oxidizing endosymbiotic gill-bacteria (i.e. chemosymbiotic). Distinguishing 2 seasons,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Carrying capacity; Chemosymbiosis; Density dependence; Environmental heterogeneity; Feeding guild; Seagrass; Soft-sediment habitat.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Dieta y disponibilidad de forraje del vendo cola blanca (Odocoileus virginianus thomasi) en Campeche, México. Colegio de Postgraduados
Granados Rivera, Lorenzo Danilo.
En el estado de Campeche no existen estudios sobre la composición botánica de la dieta de Odocoileus virginianus; de 1999 al 2010 se conformaron 122 Unidades de Manejo Ambiental, ocupando una superficie de 761,690 ha (SEMARNAT 2011), es decir, el 13 % del territorio Campechano realiza algún tipo de aprovechamiento de fauna silvestre, incluyendo al venado cola blanca. Los objetivos fueron estimar la composición botánica de la dieta y su cambio estacional, la disponibilidad de forraje y la capacidad de carga de Odocoileus virginianus thomasi en Campeche, México. El trabajo se realizó de octubre 2010 a mayo 2012 en el campo experimental del Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Campeche. La composición botánica de la dieta se determinó mediante análisis...
Palavras-chave: Hábitat tropical; Variación estacional; Dieta; Cérvido silvestre; Capacidad de carga; Tropical habitat; Seasonal variation; Diet; Cervid wild; Carrying capacity; Ganadería; Maestría.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Ecophysiological model of growth and reproduction of the black pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera: potential applications for pearl farming in French Polynesia ArchiMer
Pouvreau, Stephane; Bacher, Cedric; Heral, Maurice.
A model of bioenergetics of the black pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) was built to simulate growth, reproduction and spawning in suspended culture at field sites in Takapoto lagoon (French Polynesia). This model was based on allometric scaling of physiological functions and scope for growth (SFG) calculations. The input functions were clearance rate (CR, 1 day(-1)), retention efficiency (RE, %) for each kind of particle encountered in suspended matter, pseudofaeces and faeces productions (PF and F, mg C day(-1)), excretion and respiration rate (U and R, mg C day(-1)). The assimilated carbon (i.e., SFG, mg C day(-1)) was partitioned to the three internal state variables (somatic tissue, shell and gonad) according to the asymptotic increase of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pearl farming; Food depletion; Scope for growth; Carrying capacity; Suspension feeding; Tropical lagoon.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Effects of blue shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris and goldlined rabbitfish Siganus lineatus in mono- and polyculture on production and environmental conditions ArchiMer
Trung Cong, Luong; Lemonnier, Hugues; Hochard, Sebastien; Royer, Florence; Letourneur, Yves.
This study was conducted to compare the effects of shrimp and rabbitfish in mono- and polyculture stocked at high biomass on production and environmental conditions in a mesocosm system. Shrimp (14 g) and/or rabbitfish (19 g) were stocked in four treatments with different density but with the same total biomass (236 g m−2), including shrimp monoculture (SM) (17 shrimp m−2), shrimp–fish polyculture (SF) (11 shrimp and 4 rabbitfish m−2), fish–shrimp polyculture (FS) (6 shrimp and 8 rabbitfish m−2) and fish monoculture (FM) (12 rabbitfish m−2). After 10 weeks of experiment, shrimp survival and biomass were low in the treatments where shrimp were dominant (SM, SF), while rabbitfish survival and biomass were high in all the treatments. Shrimp mortality was...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Polyculture; Penaeidae; Siganidae; Integrated production; Carrying capacity; Pond ecology.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Etude et modélisation des mécanismes impliqués dans la croissance de l'huître perlière, Pinctada margaritifera, au sein de l'écosystème conchylicole du lagon de l'atoll de Takapoto (Polynésie Française) ArchiMer
Pouvreau, Stephane.
L'huître perlière, Pinctada margaritifera (Linné, 1758) var. cumingi (Reeve), productrice de perles noires, fait l' objet d'une aquaculture florissante en Polynésie Française. Afin de pérenniser cette activité, un programme de recherche (le PGRN) a été lancé, en 1990, sur l' atoll de Takapoto. L' un des thèmes de ce programme réside dans l'étude de la capacité trophique d'un lagon soumis à une activité de perliculture. A cet égard, un modèle déterministe expliquant la croissance et la reproduction de P. margaritifera à partir des paramètres du milieu (notamment la nourriture disponible) a été mis au point. La construction de ce modèle a impliqué : ( 1) l'analyse de l'hydrobiologie du lagon; (2) l'étude de la physiologie de P. margaritifera; (3) le sui vi...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bivalves; Huîtres perlières; Pinctada margaritifera; Physiologie; Croissance; Reproduction; Hydrobiologie; Atoll; Lagon; Écosystème; Réseau trophique; Modélisation; Capacité trophique; Polynésie française; Bivalves; Pearl oyster; Pinctada ma rgaritifera; Physiology; Growth; Reproduction; Hydrobiology; Atoll; Lagoon; Ecosystem; Trophic web; Modelling; Carrying capacity; French Polynesia.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Evaluation of the carrying capacity of molluscan shellfish ecosystems ArchiMer
Heral, Maurice.
Growth of molluscs raised in coastal zones, where the water exchange rate is low, appears to be limited, once a certain biomass level is attained, by the availability of food, making it necessary to determine as accurately as possible the trophic capacity of an ecosystem. This paper analyses the various sources of food for molluscs. It would appear that dissolved organic substances play a major role, providing up to half the energy necessary for their metabolism. Particulate material is filtered by molluscs in proportion to their size, with optimum filtration rates varying with species. The negative effect on meat production of high mineraI seston rates is demonstrated, and an analysis provided of the respective role of each component of organic matter....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Evaluation; Carrying capacity; Molluscs; Ecosystems; Cochyliculture; Ecosytemes; Molluscs; Evaluation; Capacité biotique.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Influence of planktonic foodweb structure on a system's capacity to support pelagic production: an inverse analysis approach ArchiMer
Marquis, Elise; Niquil, Nathalie; Vezina, Alain F.; Petitgas, Pierre; Dupuy, Christine.
Coupled plankton/small pelagic (SP) fish systems were analysed to assess how foodweb structure influences the export of carbon to pelagic fish during the spring bloom in the Bay of Biscay. The investigation of carbon export flows through inverse analysis was supplemented by estimating the carrying capacity for pelagic fish production by applying linear programming. A planktonic foodweb dominated by microbial pathways had the highest trophic efficiency owing to the tight coupling between planktonic trophic levels and predation pressure on mesozooplankton by fish. Moreover, the magnitude of the gap between carrying capacity and estimated carbon export was related to the size structure of primary producers, with the picophytoplankton-based foodweb having the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Biscay; Carbon export; Carrying capacity; Inverse analysis; Planktonic foodweb; Small pelagic fish.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Influence of shellfish farming activities on the biogeochemical composition of the water column in Thau lagoon ArchiMer
Souchu, Philippe; Vaquer A, André; Collos, Yves; Landrein, Sonia; Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc; Bibent, Bertrand.
Thau lagoon is a Mediterranean shellfish ecosystem with large biomasses of oysters growing in waters with high residence time due to low tidal ranges, The influence of filter feeders (oysters and their epibiota) on the spatial distribution of particulate and dissolved compounds in the water column of Thau lagoon was studied through its variation with time, In 1991/1992, daily variations were investigated in pens, corridors and outside shellfish farming zones for nutrients, chlorophyll a and primary production. Salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, organic matter and chlorophyll a were also monitored in surface waters inside and outside shellfish farming zones each week from January 1993 to March 1994. The presence of shellfish farms led to a decrease by...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thau lagoon; Carrying capacity; Nutrient cycling; Phytoplankton; Suspension feeding bivalves.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Informing Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) with numerical modelling: A case-study on shellfish aquaculture in Malpeque Bay (Eastern Canada) ArchiMer
Filgueira, Ramon; Guyondet, Thomas; Bacher, Cedric; Comeau, Luc A..
A moratorium on further bivalve leasing was established in 1999–2000 in Prince Edward Island (Canada). Recently, a marine spatial planning process was initiated explore potential mussel culture expansion in Malpeque Bay. This study focuses on the effects of a projected expansion scenario on productivity of existing leases and available suspended food resources. The aim is to provide a robust scientific assessment using available datasets and three modelling approaches ranging in complexity: (1) a connectivity analysis among culture areas; (2) a scenario analysis of organic seston dynamics based on a simplified biogeochemical model; and (3) a scenario analysis of phytoplankton dynamics based on an ecosystem model. These complementary approaches suggest (1)...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Physical-biogeochemical model; Marine spatial planning; Aquaculture; Carrying capacity; Ecosystem-based management.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Novel approach for testing the food limitation hypothesis in estuarine and coastal fish nurseries ArchiMer
Tableau, Adrien; Le Bris, H; Saulnier, E; Le Pape, Olivier; Brind'Amour, Anik.
Survival success of early life stages of fish is regulated by density-dependent effects, but the limiting factors explaining these effects have not been well identified. In coastal habitats, juveniles of many fish species occur in high concentrations and possibly compete for food resources. This study compared the ratio of food consumption to benthic prey production to test whether food availability is a major factor defining the carrying capacity of fish nurseries. We developed a method to quantify the exploitation efficiency (also called ecotrophic efficiency) of the juvenile fish feeding on benthic prey, expressed as a ratio of food consumption to food production. This method includes many sources of uncertainty and a key parameter of prey...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Exploitation efficiency; Predator-prey relationship; Food consumption; Fish juvenile; Nursery habitat; Bioenergetics; Density dependence; Carrying capacity; Secondary production.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Particulate matter in Takapoto lagoon waters: potential food for cultivated pearl oysters ArchiMer
Buestel, Dominique; Pouvreau, Stephane.
Results of research concerning the food of the pearl oyster Pinctada mai margaritifera are presented, by taking Takapoto atoll (Tuamotu archipelago, French Polynesia) as a study site. Monthly sampling of several parameters representative of bivalve environment and food (water temperature, salinity, mineral and organic matter, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, chlorophyll a and phaeopigments) confirm and increase knowledge of the Takapoto lagoon hydrobiology. The variability of these parameters was analysed. Takapoto lagoon showed a remarkable spatial stability. Temporal variations showed a low seasonal trend. Local meteorology (wind, precipitation) had an influence on short-term variability (especially for mineral matter). Night and day rhythm also...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pinctada margaritifera; Matière en suspension; Capacité trophique; Huı̂tre perlière; Atoll; Pinctada margaritifera; Suspended matter; Carrying capacity; Pearl oyster; Atoll.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Performance of triploid Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) reared in high carrying capacity ecosystem : survival, growth and proximate biochemical composition ArchiMer
Goulletquer, Philippe; Joly, Jean-pierre; Gerard, Andre; Le Gagneur, Eric; Moriceau, Jacques; Peignon, Jean-marie; Heurtebise, Serge; Phelipot, Pascal.
Triploid oysters Crassllstrea gigas were: produced in 1990 by treating fertilized eggs with cytochalasin B (CS). Triploids, treated diploids, and controls were deployed early 1991 in a high carrying capacity ecosystem on the Eastern Coast of Normandy (France). A monthly monitoring in 1992 showed that triploids yielded significantly higher growth rate and biochemical composition. However, growth was more heterogeneous. No evidence was found for a length or weight bimodal frequency distribution within triploid groups after a 26 months rearing cycle. Triploids showed retardation of gametogenesis. Carbohydrates content in triploids remained almost constant (40%) from June to September. Their survival rates were significantly lower than controls. Moreover...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biochemical compostion; Survival; Carrying capacity; Triploid; Growth; Oysters; Crassostrea gigas; Composition biochimique; Survie; Capacité trophque; Triploïdes; Croissance; Huîtres; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Programme général de recherche sur la nacre. Écophysiologie de l'huître perlière, approche des relations entre la croissance de l'huître Pinctada margaritifera et le milieu dans le lagon de Takapoto ArchiMer
Buestel, Dominique; Pouvreau, Stephane; Tiapari, Jerome; Bougrier, Serge; Chabirand, Jean-michel; Geairon, Philippe; Fougerouse, A.
A study of pearl oysters Pinctada margaritifera growth and mortality was done on a monthly basis between June 1990 and September 1991 in Takapoto atoll (Tuamotu archipelago). Meanwhile, sampling parameters representative of bivalves food showed a remarquable spatial stability whithin the lagoon. The amplitude of temporal variability varied in the order of some days. Carrying capacity appears low : energetic content of particulate material in waters is about 2 joules/liter, ten times lower than in temperate areas. On the opposite, seasonal effect is reduced and particulate food is always available. Oysters rearing conditions were appropriate during the studied period with a low mortality rate and a regular growth in size (from 97 mm to 136 mm). Pearls...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atoll; Pearl oyster; Carrying capacity; Growth; Pinctada margaritifera; Atoll; Huître perlière; Capacité Trophique; Croissance; Pinctada margaritifera.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Progress Toward Sustainable Mussel Aquaculture in Mar Piccolo, Italy Ecology and Society
Caroppo, Carmela; National Research Council - Institute for Coastal Marine Environment (CNR - IAMC), Taranto (Italy);; Giordano, Laura; National Research Council - Institute for Coastal Marine Environment (CNR - IAMC), Naples (Italy);; Palmieri, Nadia; National Research Council - Institute for Coastal Marine Environment (CNR - IAMC), Naples (Italy);; Bellio, Giovanna; National Research Council - Institute for Coastal Marine Environment (CNR - IAMC), Taranto (Italy);; Bisci, Antonio Paride; National Research Council - Institute for Coastal Marine Environment (CNR - IAMC), Taranto (Italy);; Portacci, Giuseppe; National Research Council - Institute for Coastal Marine Environment (CNR - IAMC), Taranto (Italy);; Sclafani, Patricia; National Research Council - Institute for Coastal Marine Environment (CNR - IAMC), Naples (Italy);; Hopkins, Tom Sawyer; National Research Council - Institute for Coastal Marine Environment (CNR - IAMC), Naples (Italy);.
Mar Piccolo of Taranto is an estuarine basin heavily exploited for commercial mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis L.) farming. The historical renown of the Taranto mussels has suffered over the last decade following policy decisions to expand the mussel farms and to relocate a portion of the urban sewage to an outfall outside of Mar Piccolo. The resulting decline in mussel quality and the quandary of how to restore stability to Taranto mussel production became the focal issue for our application of the systems approach framework (SAF). We simulated the ecological, economic, and social interactions that affect mussel production. Stakeholders and mussel farmers contributed by participating in meetings during the entire exercise. Our simulation analysis...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Bioeconomical modeling; Carrying capacity; Estuarine ecosystem simulation; Mar Piccolo; Stakeholder involvement; Sustainability.
Ano: 2012
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Report of the workshop on shellfish bivalve cultivation, growth, modelling and impact on the ecosystem ArchiMer
Heral, Maurice; Bayne, B..
The Workshop was held in Plymouth (6-10 October 1996) in the Royal Plymouth Corinthian Yacht club organised by the Plymouth Marine Laboratory under the joint charmanships of B. Bayne et M. Héral. 36 scientists were participated to this meeting from 11 countries, 8 belonging to ICES (Annex 1) 30 communications have been presented. This meeting was supported by an European Union contrat from DG14 with a concerted action AIR3 CT 942219 on Trophic capacity of coastal zone of oysters, mussels and cockles cultivation. This contract has paid the travel cost of all the participants.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coastal systems; Carrying capacity; Physiological results; Oyster; Shefflish bivalve.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Réseau trophique de l'anse de l'Aiguillon : dynamique et structure spatiale de la macrofaune et des limicoles hivernants ArchiMer
Degre, Delphine.
The Aiguillon Cove has been preserved as Natural Reserves since 1996 and 1999 for its international importance as wintering areas for waterbirds. The benthic communities of this a macrotidal bay were still little studied. In order to understand the spatial pattern and the dynamics of the main compartments of its trophic network, two cartographies were carried out at the time of the departure (March) and the arrival (October) of the waders. A monthly study was carried out too in three stations of the upper mudflat. The spatio-temporal homogeneity of the granulometry of the sediments and the strong seasonal variation of the salinity of pore water were highlighted. The molluscs' diversity is low, especially on the upper mudflat where abundance of Hydrobia...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Carrying capacity; Inverse analysis; Spatio temporal patterns; Food web; Isotope; Waders; Molluscs bivalves; Aiguillon Cove; Capacité d'accueil; Analyse inverse; Dynamique des populations; Structure spatiale; Réseau trophique; Isotope; Limicoles; Bivalves; Mollusques; Anse de l'Aiguillon.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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