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A financial analysis of the effect of the mix of crop and sheep enterprises on the risk profile of dryland farms in south-eastern Australia – Part 1 31
Hutchings, Timothy R..
This study presents a method of simulating longer-term cash flows that reflect the cumulative effects of variation in seasons, prices, enterprise sequences and mixes and other management decisions. It can be used to develop full risk profiles on a whole-farm or individual-component enterprise basis for most dryland farms in southern Australia, at gross margin, profit or cash flow levels. This analysis concentrates on the cash flow implications of these various scenarios because cash flow is the indicator which includes all costs, and therefore demonstrates affordability and the long-term viability of the farm business entity. This study shows that the role of sheep in the mixed farming enterprise in south-eastern Australia is to reduce the exposure of the...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Whole-farm planning; Cash flow; Sheep; Crops; Risk; Farm Management.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A financial analysis of the impact of sheep on the risks and returns associated with mixed enterprise dryland farming in south-eastern Australia: Part II 31
Hutchings, Timothy R..
This paper extends the long-term cash-flow simulations reported in Part I (Hutchings 2009) to include a range of seasonal scenarios at four representative dryland sites in south-eastern Australia. The effect of varying the proportion of sheep and cropping in the enterprise mix at each site on cash surpluses is discussed. The analysis shows that, for most sites, the cropping enterprises require better than average seasons, prices and water-use efficiencies to generate a positive cash flow and are subject to substantial variability and risk of loss. In contrast, the sheep enterprises show small but stable cash flows in all but extreme drought conditions. This paper emphasises the need to include site-specific, long-term variability and whole-farm costs in...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Whole-farm planning; Cash flow; Sheep; Crops; Risk; Farm Management.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Ballaminut, Carlos Eduardo Carneiro; Alves, Lucilio Rogerio Aparecido; Osaki, Mauro; Ribeiro, Renato Garcia; Fonseca, Bruno Conceicao.
A análise do fluxo de caixa de uma propriedade tem por objetivo avaliar os períodos onde ocorrerão as maiores entradas de capital, bem como os meses de maior saída, propiciando um melhor planejamento ao longo do ano em relação à distribuição das vendas e dos pagamentos dos insumos agrícolas utilizados para o cultivo das culturas. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a distribuição dos custos e receitas inerentes ao cultivo de soja e algodão no estado do Goiás na safra 2006/07. Os dados foram obtidos em reuniões com produtores agrícolas de três diferentes regiões do Estado. De maneira geral, foi possível verificar uma grande concentração de vencimentos de contratos em meses como março e abril, período referente ao pagamento dos...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Fluxo de caixa; Custo de produção agrícola; Algodão; Soja; Estado de Goiás; Cash flow; Agricultural costs; Cotton; Soybean; Goiás; Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Parvin, David W., Jr.; Walden, Charles; Graves, Benny.
This report provides an estimate of selected costs incurred in sweetpotato production in Mississippi, 1999. Land, management and general farm overhead costs were not included. Per acre returns above specified costs are estimated at approximately $1,100.00 per acre.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Sweetpotatoes; Production costs; Net returns; Cash flow; Price sensitivity; Equipment; Chemicals; Production Economics.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Economical Evaluation through Gross Profit and Cash Flow in Different Beef Cattle Systems in Rio Grande Do Sul 31
Silveira, Vicente Celestino Pires; Viana, Joao Garibaldi Almeida; de Oliveira, Carolina Balbe; Vargas, Adriana Ferreira Da Costa.
Beef cattle production is suffering numerous difficulties in productive and economical terms in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Expanding new markets, competition with other meats, external competition through imported Mercosul beef, new growth and slaughter processes bring new challenges to the Brazilian livestock production. In the case of Rio Grande do Sul, another factor to be considered is the competition with Central States in the internal market. Meat prices received by farmers in the last years stayed constant, but prices of the main production inputs are still rising. This scenery brought continuous income decrease to the beef cattle farmers. As a result, many farmers are selling part of their lands or leaving beef cattle production. This paper...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Beef cattle systems; Gross profit; Cash flow; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Evolution of social science research at ICRISAT, and a case study in Zimbabwe 30
Palavras-chave: Social sciences; Crop management; Cash flow; Assets; Synergism; Farm inputs; Agricultural credit; Strategies; Policies; Weather hazards.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Bierlen, Ralph W.; Ahrendsen, Bruce L.; Dixon, Bruce L..
The sensitivity of farm inventory investment to movements in cash flow is tested. Inventories should be sensitive to shifts in cash flow because inventory investment is readily reversible and inventories are a significant portion of assets. Investment models estimated with Kansas farm panel data indicate that: (a) farms absorb internal finance shocks by adjusting inventories, (b) the inventory investment of livestock and high-debt farms are more sensitive to movements in cash flow than crop and low-debt farms, and (c) inventory investment is more sensitive to cash flow during the 1981-86 bust and the 1987-92 recovery than during the 1975-80 boom.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cash flow; Credit constraints; Farm cycles; Farm inventories; Investment; Investment models; Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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