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Aplicación de nuevos equipos o artes de pesca en la flota de altura y costera OceanDocs
En la actualidad, existen pocos secretos en la pesca y sus sistemas, los métodos de trabajo, los diseños de embarcaciones y artes de pesca son en general muy conocidos pero debemos tener presente que muchas veces un sistema de pesca que produce gran rendimiento en una región y con determinada especie, no siempre dará los mismos resultados en otras regiones. El funcionamiento básico de los varios tipos de artes ha cambiado muy poco a través del tiempo, fuera del posible éxito de la pesca con electricidad no se han introducido nuevos métodos de pesca. En cambio, todos los artes de pesca se están modificando constantemente para poder aumentar su eficiencia mediante la aplicación de nuevos inventos y adelantos tecnológicos. en el diseño y uso de las artes de...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Fishing gear; Catching methods; Marine fisheries; Coastal fisheries.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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Diagnostic des pêcheries du poulpe (Octopus vulgaris) dans les eaux sous juridiction sénégalaise: Rapport définitif OceanDocs
Les seiches, poulpes, calmars et nautiles forment la Classe des Céphalopodes de l’Embranchement des Mollusques de grande taille, exclusivement marins. Leur croissance est rapide, leur arrivée à la maturité sexuelle précoce et leur durée de vie courte. Le poulpe a une très large aire de distribution incluant les eaux maritimes tropicales. Elle abonde surtout en Méditerranée, dans les eaux japonaises (Océan Pacifique) et dans l’Atlantique Centre-Est qui s’étend du Maroc à l’Angola. La pêche du poulpe s’est développée au large du Sahara dans les années 1960. Son importance dans la zone du COPACE notamment, au Maroc, en Mauritanie et au Sénégal, s’expliquerait par la raréfaction de ses prédateurs potentiels (Serranidés, Sparidés). Au Sénégal, elle est...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Cephalopod fisheries; Reproduction; Fishing gear; Fishery industry; Catching methods; Fishing nets; Season regulations; Fishing effort; Fishing rights; Fishery regulations; Living resources; Commercial legislation; Octopus fisheries; Fishery statistics.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Donnees nouvelles sur le germon Thunnus alalunga Bonnaterre 1788 dans le Nord-Est Atlantique. 1iere partie. Rythmes alimentaires et circadiens chez legermon Thunnus alalunga dans le nord-est Atlantique. ArchiMer
Aloncle, Henri; Delaporte, Francis.
This work is divided into 4 parts. First, in a broad introduction, a short history is given on albacore fishing in the bay of Biscay from its origin until its present extension in the neighbourhood of the Acores. This is followed by a history of the research beginning with the first attempts at classifying the albacore and then with the first investigations done on research ships; then the authors explain the reasons and the evolution of their work with reference to what was already known. The 2nd part of the study describes the campaigns of research from 1967 to 1972 to study the albacore in the north east Atlantic and the fishing and prospecting techniques used during these campaigns. The 3rd part of this investigation shows the research works sensu...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ANE; Thunnus alalunga; Catching methods; Feeding behaviour; Biological rhythms; Ecology.
Ano: 1973 URL:
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Guam Fish Aggregating Device programme ArchiMer
Torres, A.
Installation and maintenance of FADs by the Government of Guam began in 1979, initially with funding from the Salstonstall-Kennedy Act through the Pacific Tuna Development Foundation. Current funding for the Guam FAD project is provided through the Dingell-Johnson/Wallop-Breaux Sport Fish Restoration programme, a Federal Aid Project funded by taxes collected on the purchase of fishing equipment and motorboat fuels nationwide. There are now sixteen operational FAD sites in Guam's waters. At a cost of approximately US$10,000 per system, concern for the rising costs of replacing and maintaining FAD systems has prompted the Department of Agriculture's Division of Aquatic and Wildlife Resources (DAWR) to investigate alternative FAD maintenance strategies and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Attracting techniques; Buoys; Catching methods; Financing; Fishery economics; Fishery management; Fishery policy; Fishing technology; Governments; Maintenance and repair; Marine fisheries; Mooring lines; Tuna fisheries; Article Geographic Terms: Guam; USA.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Interaction entre les activités de pêche dans le golfe de Gabès OceanDocs
Jabeur, Ch.; Missaoui, H..
Les activités de pêche dans le Golfe de Gabès sont diverses et sont rarement monospécifiques, plusieurs espèces sont pêchées par un même engin (cas du chalutage) et une même espèce est exploitée par plusieurs engins et donc par plusieurs métiers (chalutage et pêche côtière). Les interactions qui existent entre ces métiers sont fortes et sont essentiellement de type compétition sur les ressources et l’espace. Les relations de complémentarité et de substitution sont rares.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Catching methods; Marine fisheries; Fishing; Interactions; Fishing gear.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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La pêche locale aux abords de la Réunion ArchiMer
Biais, Gerard; Taquet, Marc.
The authors deal with the coastal fisheries in the Reunion Island. In a first chapter they describe the geographical environment of this island (volcanism, climate, cyclones, hydrology, currents water masses) which has an influence on fisheries results. The second and third chapter describe the commercial species of the Reunion island (pelagic fishes: Scombridae as Thunnus albacares, Katsunonus pelamis, Euthynnus affinis, Thunnus obesus, Gymnosarda unicolor, Thunnus alalunga, other fishes as Xiphias gladius, Makaira mazara, Istiophorus platypterus. The fourth chapter deals with the fishing gears and the catching methods. The fifth chapter is devoted to fishery economics, financing
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Winds; Climate; Catching methods; Fishery economics; Pelagic fisheries; Fishing gear; Fishing vessels; Fishing.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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L'anchois ( engraulis encrasicolus) des cotes nord de la Tunisie : reproduction et exploitation OceanDocs
Gaamour, A.; Khemiri, S.; Mili, S.; Ben Abdallah, L..
The reproduction parameters necessary for stock management and catch analysis of anchovy in the North region of Tunisia were studied. The global sex-ratio is close to 1, special caution should be taken using this parameter as it is size dependant. Mean reproduction period extends from April to October. However within this period individuals of population have different spawning and maturation. The size at first sexual maturity Lm50 is about 7.3cm. In the North region of Tunisia, the anchovy landings are lower than the exploitable biomass, therefore the anchovy is an under-exploitable species in this region
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Engraulis encrasicolus; Clupeoid fisheries; Catching methods; Fishery management; Reproduction; Sex ratio; Sexual maturity; Spawning; Stock assessment; Fishery management; Spawning; Stock assessment; Reproduction; Sex ratio; Sexual maturity; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Plan de acción nacional para reducir la captura incidental de aves marinas en las pesquerías uruguayas OceanDocs
Domingo, A.; Jiménez, S.; Passadore, C..
La captura incidental en pesquerías comerciales ha sido identificada como una de las principales amenazas para la conservación de este grupo de aves, siendo los albatros (familia: Diomedeidae) y los petreles (familia: Procellariidae) las especies más afectadas. Debido a que los albatros y petreles presentan una gran longevidad y una baja fecundidad, pocas crías y un lento desarrollo, sus poblaciones son muy sensibles al aumento en la tasa de mortalidad causado por la captura incidental en las pesquerías. Anualmente son capturadas y muertas miles de aves marinas en las pesquerías comerciales que operan con diferentes configuraciones de palangre alrededor del mundo. Este arte, entre otras causas, está contribuyendo al descenso de varias poblaciones de...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: M42; Catching methods; Fisheries; Fisheries; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Préservation d’une ancienne technique de pêche : la madrague Tunisienne de Sidi Saoud et sa production de thon rouge (<Thunnus thynnus>, Linnaeus, 1758) OceanDocs
Hattour, A.
L'objectif de ce document est d’améliorer notre connaissance au sujet des activités de la plus performante des madragues tunisiennes en l’occurrence celle de Sidi Daoud. Notre intérêt va porter particulièrement sur les prises saisonnières de la principale espèce, le thon rouge ainsi que les prises accessoires. Les données proviennent des débarquements commerciaux et des observations des échantillonneurs sur place enregistrés au cours de notre suivi de cette madrague. Nous avons également fait recours aux différentes données historiques de plusieurs auteurs ayant noté les prises saisonnières des différentes madragues tunisiennes.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Catching methods; Fishing nets; Trap nets; Tuna fisheries; Thunnus thynnus; Fishing nets.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Spiny lobster fishery on the Mahe Plateau : November 2001 - January 2002 OceanDocs
Payet, R.J.; Isidore, M..
The present report reviews the spiny lobster fishery on the Mahe Plateau for the 2001/2002 fishing season. The monitoring programme, set up in 1992, was continued this season to collect more information on the spiny lobster stock in order to improve and maintain proper management of this resource around the Mahe Plateau. For the 2001/2002 lobster fishing season, a total of 40 licenses were issued namely twenty seven on Mahe, five on Praslin and eight on La Digue. Similar to previous seasons, the most frequently used lobster fishing technique was snorkelling which involved 32 fishing units, whilst only four units used the trap method and one used both snorkelling and trap. For this three-month fishing season, a total of 5.5 tonnes of spiny lobsters were...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Lobster fisheries; Fishery data; Catch/effort; Fishery management; Catching methods.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Spiny lobster fishery on the Mahe plateau November 2001 - January 2002 OceanDocs
Isidore, M.; Payet, R.J..
The present report reviews the spiny lobster fishery on the Mahe Plateau for the 2001/2002 fishing season. The monitoring programme, set up in 1992, was continued this season to collect more information on the spiny lobster stock in order to improve and maintain proper management of this resource around the Mahe Plateau. For the 2001/2002 lobster fishing season, a total of 40 licenses were issued namely twenty seven on Mahe, five on Praslin and eight on La Digue. Similar to previous seasons, the most frequently used lobster fishing technique was snorkelling which involved 32 fishing units, whilst only four units used the trap method and one used both snorkelling and trap. For this three-month fishing season, a total of 5.5 tonnes of spiny lobsters were...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Catch statistics; Fishery statistics; Lobster fisheries; Catching methods; Lobsters; Fishery data; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Techniques de pêches ArchiMer
Nedelec, Claude; Portier, Marcel; Prado, Joël.
This paper constitutes a practical hand-book prepared for the international stage of fishing technology (Nantes, 1978, May 31 to June 30). The authors give many data on the fishing technology, on the fishing gear classification, the behaviour of fish in relation with the fishing gear, the environomental effects on fishing gear and methods and on fish behaviour effects on the fishing methods. They explain the conception and the construction of the principal models of fishing gear, the conception and the equipment of fishing boats. They also give explications on the detection and the attraction of fish. They expound the organisation and the planification of a fishing technology service.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pisces; Attracting techniques; Fishing vessels; Line fishing; Trawl nets; Seine nets; Lift nets; Gillnets; Fishing nets; Manuals; Fishing gear; Catching methods.
Ano: 1979 URL:
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