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Development and application of a bioeconomic efficiency index for beef cattle production in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 96
Lampert,Vinícius do Nascimento; Barcellos,Júlio Otávio Jardim; Kliemann Neto,Francisco José; Canellas,Leonardo Canali; Dill,Matheus Dhein; Canozzi,Maria Eugênia Andrighetto.
An index was developed to estimate the bioeconomic efficiency of production systems, identifying alternative scenarios that could improve their efficiency, and building isoefficiency relations in beef cattle production systems in Rio Grande do Sul. The concept of return on investment was used to develop the indicator. Scenarios regarded as efficient showed values higher than 3. The bioeconomic efficiency index for beef cattle production in the theoretical reference scenario was considered inefficient. At least four modifications in the variables method made it a bioeconomically efficient activity. These circumstances were studied using sensitivity analyses, with theoretical changes in the scenarios by changing variables two by two, while the others were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Capital; Cattle farming; Productivity.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Efeito poupa-terra de sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária. 14
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Integração lavoura-pecuária; Integrated crop-livestock; Agricultural frontier; Cattle farming; Land-use planning; Deforestation.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Salamon, Ildiko; Meszaros, Judit; Nemeth, Attila; Tell, Imre.
A magyar gyepgazdálkodás fejlesztése – a nyugat-európai színvonaltól elmara-dó részaránya és minősége következtében is – fontos feladat lenne, de a gazdál-kodók a tejelőállomány legelőre (is) alapozott takarmányozásában, a legeltetés gyakorlatának visszaállításában nem látnak jövőt. Legeltetést – a tejelő állomá-nyoknál – szinte csak a növendékek esetében alkalmaznak, jóllehet a gazdálkodók döntő hányada csatlakozott az egységes területalapú támogatás igénybevétele mellett valamelyik, a gyepterületeket, illetve gyephasználatot érintő célprog-ramhoz is. Véleményünk szerint a megoldást segítheti a magyar tarka fajta fel-karolása, illetve a húsmarhatartás. Tejelő tehenek legeltetésére a jó legelőkkel rendelkező, 20-30 tehenet tartó gazdaságok gondolhatnak....
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Vidékfejlesztés; Gyepgazdálkodás; Szarvasmarhatartás; Tejelő szarvasmarha rural development; Grass farming; Cattle farming; Dairy cows; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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The Role of Goal Structure in Enterprise Selection in U.S. Agriculture 31
Mishra, Ashok K.; Gillespie, Jeffrey M..
Farmers are likely to be motivated by alternative goals besides profit maximization. Goal structure is highly influential in farmer enterprise selection decisions. This paper addresses the roles of goal structure, location, financial situation, and socio-demographic variables and their influence on farmers' farm enterprise selection decisions. This study uses the 2003 Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS), a national farm-level data, and Tobit method to examine the impacts of goal structure and resource availability on enterprise choice. Results indicate that goal structure significantly influences enterprise selection. Farmers who indicated their primary reason for becoming a farm operator was to "Take over operation of the farm from a family...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Goal structure; Enterprise selection; Cattle farming; Crop production; Family farm; Real estate; Retirement activity; Outdoor activity; Farm Management.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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