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Application of the consolidated species concept to Cercospora spp. from Iran 16
Bakhshi, M.; Arzanlou, M.; Babai-ahari, A.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Braun, U.; Crous, P.W..
The genus Cercospora includes many important plant pathogenic fungi associated with leaf spot diseases on a wide range of hosts. The mainland of Iran covers various climatic regions with a great biodiversity of vascular plants, and a correspondingly high diversity of cercosporoid fungi. However, most of the cercosporoid species found to date have been identified on the basis of morphological characteristics and there are no cultures that support these identifications. In this study the Consolidated Species Concept was applied to differentiate Cercospora species collected from Iran. A total of 161 Cercospora isolates recovered from 74 host species in northern Iran were studied by molecular phylogenetic analysis. Our results revealed a rich diversity of...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Cercospora apii complex; Cercosporoid; Host specificity; Leaf spot; Multilocus sequence typing (MLST); Mycosphaerella; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Exploring fungal mega-diversity: Pseudocercospora from Brazil 16
Silva, M.; Barreto, R.W.; Pereira, O.L.; Freitas, N.M.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Crous, P.W..
Although the genus Pseudocercospora has a worldwide distribution, it is especially diverse in tropical and subtropical countries. Species of this genus are associated with a wide range of plant species, including several economically relevant hosts. Preliminary studies of cercosporoid fungi from Brazil allocated most taxa to Cercospora, but with the progressive refinement of the taxonomy of cercosporoid fungi, many species were relocated to or described in Pseudocercospora. Initially, species identification relied mostly on morphological features, and thus no cultures were preserved for later phylogenetic comparisons. In this study, a total of 27 Pseudocercospora spp. were collected, cultured, and subjected to a multigene analysis. Four genomic regions...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Capnodiales; Cercosporoid; Dothideomycetes; Multigene phylogeny; Mycosphaerellaceae; Plant pathogen; Systematics.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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