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Amélioration de la sélectivité des chalutiers Pêcherie multispécifique – Manche - Mer du Nord (selecmer) ArchiMer
Leonardi, Sophie; Rubin, Alex; Meillat, Marc; Coppin, Franck; Delpech, Jean-paul; Morandeau, Fabien; Larnaud, Pascal.
Ce rapport fait la synthèse des travaux réalisés en 2008 et en 2009 au cours du programme Selecmer. Celui-ci, réalisé à l'initiative des professionnels de la pêche en partenariat avec l'Ifremer, avait pour objectif de travailler à améliorer la sélectivité du chalut de fond qu'ils utilisent afin de diminuer les rejets des individus hors-tailles1, en particulier pour le merlan, tout en limitant les pertes commerciales immédiates. Une première phase a consisté à tester l'efficacité de fenêtres à mailles carrées. La deuxième phase a eu pour objectif de développer une grille sélective. Des essais en bassin et des campagnes vidéo en mer ont permis d'apporter des ajustements aux dispositifs sélectifs. L'ensemble des essais de sélectivité à bord des navires de...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Professional fishermen; Square mehs; Flume tank; Selective grid; North Sea; Channel; Bottom trawl; Selectivity; Fishing; Professionnels; Mailles carrées; Campagnes à la mer; Bassin d'essais; Grille sélective; Mer du Nord; Manche; Chalut de fond; Sélectivité; Pêche.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Efficiency of the bottom trawl used for the Mediterranean international trawl survey (MEDITS) ArchiMer
Fiorentini, Loris; Dremiere, Pierre-yves; Leonori, Iole; Sala, Antonello; Palumbo, Vito.
The aim of the work presented in this paper was to assess the relative efficiency of the GOC 73 sampling trawl used for the Mediterranean international trawl survey programme (MEDITS) compared with that of a typical Italian commercial trawl. The latter was chosen because it is commonly used by fishermen in the central Adriatic, where the experiment was conducted, and therefore appeared as the best possible sampler of the commercial species present in those areas. Moreover, this trawl is similar to the various trawls used for the Italian national survey programme (GRUND). Four fishing trips were conducted between 1996 and 1997 in different areas and seasons to sample different species. Each trip was conducted in the same fishing area. A codend cover mounted...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Efficacité du chalut; Chalut de fond; Pêche expérimentale; Technologie des engins; Chalutage; Méditerranée; Trawl efficiency; Bottom trawls; Experimental fishing; Gear research; Trawl survey; Mediterranean.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Essai et mise au point d'un chalut de fond à grande ouverture verticale (gov) OceanDocs
Bdioui, M.; M’rabet, R.; Ben Naceur, L..
The main object of this study is to develop a big vertical opening bottom trawl (GOV) adapted to the Tunisian fisheries. Two models of trawls were tested. One for a trawler with 600 horse power engine and another model for a trawler with 900 horse power engine. The obtained results in this study show that the two models of trawls tested are efficient, especially in the areas where we found benthic and pelagic species together. Further more, the yield of these trawls is higher than that of the shrimp’s trawl, the most gear used in Tunisian water.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Chalut de fond; Fisheries technologies; Technique de pêche; Bottom trawl; Trawls.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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International Program of Standardised Trawl Surveys ArchiMer
Mahe, Jean-claude.
The IPROSTS project had two main objective : - Completionn of research vessel surveys in the autumn of 1999 and 2000 in ICES areas VI, VII and VIII in order to provide abundance indices at age for the major commercial species exploited in these areas, - Standardisation of the methodology used in bottom trawl surveys. For completion of the first objective, the French Research institute IFREMER conducted surveys in the Celtic Sea and the Bay of Biscay on board the Research Vessel, Thalassa. The Marine Institute of Dublin conducted surveys in the Irish Sea and Celtic Sea on board the Research Vessel Celtic Voyager and in the Western area of Ireland on board two chartered commercial fishing vessels (Marliona and Shauna Ann). The Marine Laboratory of Aberdeen...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Irish sea; Celtic sea; Abundance indices at age; Gear performance; Sampling stratégies; Species distribution; Conversion coefficients; Gear calibration; Trawl surveys; Bottom trawl; Mer d'Irlande; Mer Celtique; Indices d'abondance; Performance technique; Stratégies d'échantillonnage; Distribution des espèces; Coefficients de conversion; Calibration d'engins; Campagne de chalutage; Chalut de fond.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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