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Aina, O.M.; Adetogun, A.C.; Adedokun, M.O.; Onilude, M.A..
In a conversion efficiency study, 10 sawmills were selected out of the existing 44 in Abeokuta metropolis. For 5 days per week in each of the 10 sampled sawmills, the volumes of all the round logs to be converted each day were determined using Newton’s formula. At the end of the days work, the volumes of all lumbers converted were determined and were subtracted from those obtained in the morning, whatever is obtained was the volumes of wood wastes generated in each of the sampled sawmills. This study revealed that the mean conversion efficiency of the 10 selected mills was 56.05%. As a result, the total volume of wood waste generated per day by the 10 mills was approximately 52.00m3. In the entire Abeokuta metropolis 2288m3 of wood wastes will be generated...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Charcoal; Conversion; Lumbers; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Análise da Evolução e da Estrutura da Siderurgia Brasileira e do Uso de Carvão Vegetal no período de 1980 a 2006 31
Carvalho, Thais Hortense De; Bacha, Carlos Jose Caetano.
O presente trabalho analisa a evolução e estrutura da siderurgia brasileira e do uso do carvão vegetal no período de 1980 a 2006. Os objetivos específicos são: 1) analisar a evolução da produção, consumo, exportação e importação dos principais produtos elaborados por esta indústria, separando os que usam carvão vegetal e os que usam carvão mineral; e 2) caracterizar a estrutura da indústria (número de produtores, número de consumidores, tipos de produtos selecionados, entre outras variáveis). Em relação ao primeiro objetivo deste trabalho, evolução da indústria siderúrgica, contatou-se que o Brasil vem aumentando sua capacidade produtiva e sua inserção no mercado internacional. Quanto ao segundo objetivo específico deste trabalho, estrutura da indústria,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Siderurgia; Carvão; Brasil; Indústria; Teel Industry; Charcoal; Brazil; Industry; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Biochar as substitute for organic matter in the composition of substrates for seedlings - doi: 10.4025/actasciagron.v35i3.17542 1
Lima, Stefany Lorrayny; Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso (UNEMAT); Marimon-Junior, Ben Hur; Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso (UNEMAT); Petter, Fabiano André; Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI); Tamiozzo, Suelen; Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso (UNEMAT); Buck, Gulherme Bossi; University of Florida; Marimon, Beatriz Schwantes; Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso.
In this study, we tested the hypothesis that pyrogenic carbon (biochar) has properties that enable it to replace fresh organic matter (cattle manure) in seedling substrates. These properties include specific electrophysiological interactions in soil-plant media, stability and longevity. The experiment was conducted in the nursery at the State University of Mato Grosso, located in the municipality of Nova Xavantina, between April and June 2011. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks with ten treatments and four replicates, including a commercial substrate. Linear regression analysis showed a strong positive relationship between manure treatments and number of leaves, fresh and dry biomass, diameter, height and Dickson Quality Index at 30...
Tipo: Ensaios de viveiro Palavras-chave: Solanum melongena; Charcoal; Cattle manure; Seedling production Fitotecnia Nutrição de plantas.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Changes of wood anatomical characters of selected species of Araucaria- during artificial charring - implications for palaeontology 39
Osterkamp,Isa Carla; Lara,Daniela Müller de; Gonçalves,Thaís Alves Pereira; Kauffmann,Marjorie; Périco,Eduardo; Stülp,Simone; Machado,Neli Teresinha Galarce; Uhl,Dieter; Jasper,André.
ABSTRACT Charcoal is widely accepted as evidence of the occurrence of palaeo-wildfire. Although fossil charcoal remains have been used in many studies, investigation into the anatomical changes occurring during charring are few. The present study analyses changes in selected anatomical characters during artificial charring of modern wood of three species of the genus Araucaria (i.e. Araucaria angustifolia, Araucaria bidwillii and Araucaria columnaris). Wood samples of the studied species was charred under controlled conditions at varying temperatures. Measurements of anatomical features of uncharred wood and artificial charcoal were statistically analysed. The anatomical changes were statistically correlated with charring temperatures and most of the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anatomy; Araucariaceae; Araucaria angustifolia; Araucaria bidwillii; Araucaria columnaris; Charcoal; Wood.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Charcoal anatomy of Brazilian species. I. Anacardiaceae 42
ABSTRACT Anthracological studies are firmly advancing in the tropics during the last decades. The theoretical and methodological bases of the discipline are well established. Yet, there is a strong demand for comparative reference material, seeking for an improvement in the precision of taxonomic determination, both in palaeoecological and palaeoethnobotanical studies and to help preventing illegal charcoal production. This work presents descriptions of charcoal anatomy of eleven Anacardiaceae species from six genera native to Brazil (Anacardium occidentale, Anacardium parvifolium, Astronium graveolens, Astronium lecointei, Lithrea molleoides, Schinus terebenthifolius, Spondias mombin, Spondias purpurea, Spondias tuberosa, Tapirira guianensis, and Tapirira...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anthracology; Archaeobotany; Charcoal; Palaeoecology; Environmental conservation; Wood anatomy.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Charcoal remains from a tonstein layer in the Faxinal Coalfield, Lower Permian, southern Paraná Basin, Brazil 42
Jasper,André; Uhl,Dieter; Guerra-Sommer,Margot; Abu Hamad,Abdalla M. B; Machado,Neli T. G.
Fossil charcoal has been discovered in the Faxinal Coalfield, Early Permian, Rio Bonito Formation, in the southernmost portion of the Paraná Basin, Brazil. Three types of pycnoxylic gymnosperm woods recovered from a single tonstein layer are described and confirm the occurrence of paleowildfire in this area. A decrease of the charcoal concentration from the base to the top within the tonstein layer indicates that the amount of fuel declined during the deposition probably due to the consumption of vegetation by the fire. The presence of inertinite in coals overlying and underlying the tonstein layer indicates that fire-events were not restricted to the ash fall interval. The integration of the new data presented in the current study with previously...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Charcoal; Gymnosperms; Volcanic ashes; Coal deposits; Gondwana; Late Palaeozoic.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Combining charcoal and elemental black carbon analysis in sedimentary archives: Implications for past fire regimes, the pyrogenic carbon cycle, and the human-climate interactions 5
Thevenon, Florian; Williamson, David; Bard, Edouard; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Beaufort, Luc; Cachier, Helene.
This paper addresses the quantification of combustion-derived products in oceanic and continental sediments by optical and chemical approaches, and the interest of combining such methods for reconstructing past biomass burning activity and the pyrogenic carbon cycle. In such context, the dark particles >0.2 mu m(2) remaining after the partial digestion of organic matter are optically counted by automated image analysis and defined as charcoal, while the elemental carbon remaining after thermal and chemical oxidative treatments is quantified as black carbon (BC). The obtained pyrogenic carbon records from three sediment core-based case studies, (i) the Late Pleistocene equatorial Pacific Ocean. (ii) the mid-Holocene European Lake Lucerne, and (iii) the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biomass burning; Carbon cycle; Charcoal; Black carbon; Climate; Human impact.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Comportamento térmico, emissão de gases condensáveis e não condensáveis no processo de carbonização da madeira 190
Canal, Wagner Davel; Carvalho, Ana Márcia Macedo Ladeira; Oliveira, Aylson Costa; de Magalhães, Mateus Alves; Cândido, Welliton Lelis; Fialho, Lucas de Freitas.
O presente estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a degradação térmica da madeira e a liberação de gases condensáveis e não condensáveis em sua carbonização. Utilizou-se madeira de Eucalyptus spp. com aproximadamente 7 anos de idade, proveniente de um teste clonal de uma empresa florestal, localizado em Divinésia, MG. Foram realizadas a análise termogravimétrica da madeira (TG/DTG) e carbonizações em mufla a fim de determinar o comportamento térmico da madeira e o fator de emissão dos gases não condensáveis e condensáveis (CO, CO2, CH4, H2, e licor pirolenhoso). Instalou-se o experimento a fim de se descrever as médias das emissões de gases não condensáveis e condensáveis. A degradação térmica da madeira seguiu comportamento inverso às emissões de...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Tecnologia e utilização de produtos florestais; Energia da madeira degradação térmica da madeira liberação de gases efeito estufa carvão vegetal Thermal degradation; Charcoal; Eucalyptus.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Energetic potential of bamboo culms for industrial and domestic use in Southern Brazil 65
Balduino Junior,Ailton Leonel; Balduino,Thalles Yurgen; Friederichs,Gustavo; Cunha,Alexsandro Bayestorff da; Brand,Martha Andreia.
ABSTRACT: This study aimed to determine the energetic quality of the Bambusa vulgaris culms for combustion (in natura) and as a charcoal. Five individuals (culms) of Bambusa vulgaris of 3 years of age were analyzed, gathered in the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. In the in natura culms it was determined the moisture content freshly gathered (39%); basic density (0.624gcm-3); the chemical composition (total extractive content (16.26%) and lignin content (25.76%)); the proximate chemical composition (volatiles content (82.25%); fixed carbon content (15.26%) and ash (2.49%)) and gross calorific value (4571kcalkg-1). In the charcoal, produced in the laboratory, the determined properties were the gravimetric yield (36.40%);the apparent density...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bambusa vulgaris; Biomass energy; Chips for boiler; Charcoal.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Experimental evaluation of bulk charcoal pad configuration on evaporative cooling effectiveness 111
Korese, Joseph Kudadam; Hensel, Oliver.
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the performance of bulk charcoal pad configuration, experimentally. For this, a number of experiments have been conducted in a wind tunnel in order to evaluate the pressure drop, cooling efficiency and specific water consumption as a function of air velocity, water flow rate and pad configuration. The test were carried out at six levels of air velocity (0.12, 0.51, 0.82, 1.05, 1.10 and 1.14 m s-1), three water flow rates (2.2, 3.2 and 5.2 l min-1) and three pad configurations: single layer pad (SLP), double layer pad (DLP) and triple layer pad (TLP) made out of small and large size charcoal particle of equivalent diameter 30 mm and 50 mm respectively. It was found that pressure drop range of small size charcoal pads...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Charcoal; Pad configuration; Wind tunnel; Evaporative cooling; Pressure drop; Cooling efficiency; Specific water consumption.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Tetto, Alexandre Franca; Hoeflich, Vitor Afonso; Rucker, Neusa Gomes De Almeida; Siva, Daros Augusto Teodoro Da; Borges, Jennifer Lovatto.
Este artigo trata de uma análise da série histórica do mercado paranaense de lenha e carvão, no período de 1997 a 2007, levando em consideração os parâmetros preço e produção. Com relação ao preço, procedeu-se a análise envolvendo a lenha de bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella Benth.), eucalipto (Eucalyptus spp.), pinus (Pinus spp.) e mista – na propriedade rural (em pé), posta no carreador e entregue ao consumidor; tanto quanto se calculou a distância média percorrida entre a área original e o destino citado. Da mesma forma, comparou-se o preço obtido do carvão de pinus, bracatinga, eucalipto, lenha mista e resíduos de madeira – na propriedade rural, atacado e varejo. Além desses aspectos analisou-se a legislação pertinente à colheita florestal e às potenciais...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Lenha; Carvão vegetal; Fins energéticos; Sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento; Firewood; Charcoal; Energetic means; Sustainability and development; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Mass and energy balance of the carbonization of babassu nutshell as affected by temperature 86
Protásio,Thiago de Paula; Trugilho,Paulo Fernando; Napoli,Alfredo; Silva,Marcela Gomes da; Couto,Allan Motta.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the carbonization yield of babassu nutshell as affected by final temperature, as well as the energy losses involved in the process. Three layers constituting the babassu nut, that is, the epicarp, mesocarp and endocarp, were used together. The material was carbonized, considering the following final temperatures: 450, 550, 650, 750, and 850ºC. The following were evaluated: energy and charcoal yields, pyroligneous liquid, non-condensable gases, and fixed carbon. The use of babassu nutshell can be highly feasible for charcoal production. The yield of charcoal from babassu nutshell carbonization was higher than that reported in the literature for Eucalyptus wood carbonization, considering the final temperature of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Alternative biomass; Charcoal; Iron industry; Renewable energy.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Molecular and morphological characterization of hydrochar produced by microwave-assisted hydrothermal carbonization of cellulose 86
Guiotoku,Marcela; Hansel,Fabricio Augusto; Novotny,Etelvino Henrique; Maia,Claudia Maria Branco de Freitas.
The objective of this work was to characterize the morphology and molecular composition of the hydrochar produced by microwave-assisted hydrothermal carbonization of cellulose. The produced hydrochar consists mainly of aggregate microspheres with about 2.0 µm in diameter, with aliphatic and aromatic structures and the presence of carbonyl functional groups. The aromatic groups are formed mainly by benzofuran-like structures, being chemically different from common cellulose char. Microwave-assisted hydrothermal carbonization yields a functionalized carbon-rich material similar to that produced by the conventional hydrothermal process.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anthropogenic dark earth of Amazonia; Biochar; Charcoal; Gas chromatography; Mass spectrometry; Nuclear magnetic resonance.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Morphological and molecular identification of four Brazilian commercial isolates of Pleurotus spp. and cultivation on corncob 52
Menolli Junior,Nelson; Asai,Tatiane; Capelari,Marina; Paccola-Meirelles,Luzia Doretto.
The species of Pleurotus have great commercial importance and adaptability for growth and fructification within a wide variety of agro-industrial lignocellulosic wastes. In this study, two substrates prepared from ground corncobs supplemented with rice bran and charcoal were tested for mycelium growth kinetics in test tubes and for the cultivation of four Pleurotus commercial isolates in polypropylene bags. The identification of the isolates was based on the morphology of the basidiomata obtained and on sequencing of the LSU rDNA gene. Three isolates were identified as P. ostreatus, and one was identified as P. djamor. All isolates had better in-depth mycelium development in the charcoal-supplemented substrate. In the cultivation experiment, the isolates...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Charcoal; Edible mushroom cultivation; Molecular analysis; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Palinomorfos e partículas de carvões nos sedimentos holocênicos na região do alto rio Paraná e sua aplicação nas reconstruções paleoambientais e paleoclimáticas - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v30i4.5864 3
Medeanik, Svetlana; UFRGS; Stevaux, José Cândido; UEM.
Foram analisadas as amostras de dois perfis num horizonte de paleossolo da planície de inundação do rio Paraná, sendo processada uma datação pelo método 14C na profundidade de 1,95 m, atingindo idade de 1.700 ± 70 anos AP. Foram avaliados pólen e esporos de plantas terrestres juntamente com as partículas de carvão. Dois estágios, no desenvolvimento paleoambiental, foram estabelecidos com respeito ao desenvolvimento da vegetação. Um estágio mais antigo é caracterizado pela distribuição limitada das florestas ripárias e predomínio de campo nas condições de clima mais seco. Quantidade notável de partículas de carvão encontradas nas amostras deste estágio sugere ocorrência de queimadas locais ou regionais durante um clima seco. No estágio mais novo, a expansão...
Palavras-chave: Palinologia; Partículas de carvão; Paleoambiente; Impacto antrópico; Rio Paraná. palynology; Charcoal; Palaeoenvironment; Anthropogenic impact; Paraná river.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Panorama atual da produção de carvão vegetal no Brasil e no Cerrado. 14
ABSTRACT: The charcoal production from planted forests has been insufficient to take care of the demand and has implied in more pressure on the forest remainders, in special of the biome Cerrado. In 2005, the charcoal consumption in Brazil reached 38 million of MDC (Meter of Charcoal). The evolution of the charcoal consumption produced from native species passed of 86 % of the total, in 1980, to approximately 49.6 %, in 2005, whereas the charcoal produced from planted forests jumped of 14,1 %, in 1980, to 50,4 %, in 2005. Minas Gerais is the greatest consumer of charcoal and consumed 66 % of the Brazilian production, in 2005. In Brazil, in 2004, 115,580 ha of energy forests had been planted, of which 83.6 % in Minas Gerais. Of the 5,5 million tons of...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Sistema agroflorestal; Carvão Vegetal; Eucalipto; Silvicultura; Eucalyptus; Agroforestry; Charcoal; Silviculture.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Particle size effects on combustion properties of hardwood charcoal 111
Ijabo, O. J.; Awulu, J.O..
Fish morphormetric parameters namely; length, thickness, width at several points and weight were determined as a prelude and were used to design the furnace-dryer for investigating the effects of hardwood-charcoal particle size on five of its combustion properties under natural convection.  The tests were in a dryer at zero load.  One-factor experiment at five levels of the charcoal sizes of 10, 20, 28, 37 and 50 mm were used to study four of the properties namely, burn-out time (BOT), burning rate (BR), peak temperature (PT) and the time it takes for the temperature to peak (TTP).  For the fifth property which is temperature gradient (TG), a 5×14, two-factor experiment was used.  The above charcoal particle sizes form one factor while time after igniting...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Charcoal; Combustion properties; Temperature distribution; Fish parameters.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Substratos e extrato pirolenhoso no cultivo de orquídeas brasileiras Cattleya intermédia (John Lindley) e Miltonia clowesii (John Lindley) (Orchidaceae) - DOI: 10.4025/actasciagron.v32i1.714 1
Schnitzer, Jenniffer Aparecida; UEL; Faria, Ricardo Tadeu de; UEL; Ventura, Mauricio Ursi; UEL; Sorace, Mauren; UEL.
The vegetative and root development of the species of Brazilian orchids Cattleya intermedia (John Lindley) and Miltonia clowesii (John Lindley) using different substrates and pyroligneous extract were assessed. Seedlings from in vitro propagation were transferred to vessels with: T1 - Pinus bark (Pi), coconut fibers (Co) and charred peel of rice (Cr); T2 – PiCoCr and vegetal charcoal (Ch), T3 – PiCoCrCh with the charcoal treated with pyroligneous extract (PE); T4 - CoCrChEP and T5 - CoCrCh. The materials used in substrates were placed in the same ratio. Plant height, number of roots, length of the greater root, number of buddings, total fresh mass and pH were assessed seven months after experiment onset. For Para C. intermedia, T3 was superior than the...
Tipo: Pesquisa Empírica de Campo Palavras-chave: Agronomia Orchidaceae; Vinagre de madeira; Carvão; Ácido pirolenhoso; Desenvolvimento vegetativo; Enraizamento Orchidaceae; Wood vinegar; Charcoal; Pyroligneous acid; Vegetative development; Rooting.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Unraveling pre-Columbian occupation patterns in the tropical forests of French Guiana using an anthracological approach 5
Bodin, Stephanie; Molino, Jean-françois; Odonne, Guillaume; Bremond, Laurent.
In Amazonia, a growing body of studies has shown that rainforests were affected by human occupation in many areas during pre-Columbian times, inducing changes in their floristic compositions. The northern part of Amazonia, and in particular the Guiana Shield, is much less studied, although past human occupations have also been documented in this region. Therefore, the actual impact of pre-Columbian societies on Guianan forests is still poorly known. Here we explore 12 sites in the dense forest of Nouragues, central French Guiana, ranging from a priori non-anthropogenic to clearly anthropogenic, using an anthracological approach. Soil charcoals were radiocarbon dated to assess the chronology of the past human occupations, and identified to determine shifts...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Charcoal; Anthracology; Lasiacisthicket; Liana forest; Amazonia; Pre-Columbian occupation; Historical ecology.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Vegetation and environments since the Last Glacial Maximum in the Southern Tablelands, New South Wales 5
Kemp, Justine; Hope, Geoff.
Regional changes in vegetation and environment in the last 16 ka have been reconstructed from Micalong Swamp and Willigobung Swamp (35 degrees S) on the western Southern Tablelands of New South Wales (NSW). Micalong Swamp lies at 980m above sea level (a.s.l.), which is close to the subalpine treeline at this latitude. Willigobung Swamp (780m a.s.l.) approaches the modern ecotone between dry and wet montane forest formations. The sites are sensitive to shifts in temperature and precipitation and are the first reported pollen records from the western montane slopes of NSW. A radiocarbon-based chronology indicates that Micalong Swamp was a swampy, gravel floodplain surrounded by alpine grassland before 16.1 ka. Subalpine woodland may have become established...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Charcoal; Fen peatlands; Late Quaternary; Pollen; South-eastern Australia; Vegetation history.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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