Registros recuperados: 33 | |
Dardignac, Marie-jose; Prou, Jean. |
A retrospective study has been carried out on the possible relationships between the spat recruitment of mussels from the Pertuis Breton (France) and some environmental factors at different periods of the year. A significant negative correlation between recruitment and temperature has been found at two periods of the reproductive cycle; the first one coinciding with gametogenesis and the second one taking place just before spawning. But, no relation was noticed with temperature or salinity during the plantonic stage. These results are discussed. An interesting relationship was found between recruitment and "E.T.P.", an index expressing the drying power of air, taking into account temperature, wind, sunshine and moistness. Dessication appears to be... |
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Palavras-chave: Charente Maritime; Pertuis Breton; ETP; Salinité; Température; Estimation biomasse; Mytilus edulis; Moules; Captage. |
Ano: 1995 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1995/publication-3826.PDF |
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Piquet, Jean-come; Fillon, Alain; Thomas, Gerard. |
L’estuaire de la Seudre est situé dans le bassin de Marennes-Oléron, au cœur de l’écosystème des Pertuis Charentais. L’estuaire alimente la majorité des surfaces de claire de la région, qui elle même, assure plus de la moitié de la commercialisation nationale. La contamination microbiologique de l’estuaire de la Seudre est donc un enjeu majeur pour l’ostréiculture. L’estuaire possède un bassin versant de faible dimension et dont le fonctionnement hydrologique est particulier. Il est relié à un très important ensemble de zones humides, et les débits d’eau douce sont dépendants de la gestion d’ouvrages hydrauliques. Les périodes d’étiage sont sévères et longues, et les apports d’eau douce à l’estuaire sont quasiment nuls en fin d’été et en début... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Microbiologie; Contamination microbiologique; Bactériologie; Estuaire; Seudre; Charente Maritime. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00129/24048/22011.pdf |
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Le Moine, Olivier; Geairon, Philippe; Razet, Daniel. |
Our objectives can be broken down into two main axes: -Mapping of the swamp and of its use - Thematic mapping of the trophic availability of the hydraulic units. Data acquisition has been continued throughout the year 2003 To do so, a number of technical adjustments have been necessary. In this final phase of the contract, a new point of view has been tackled: that of modelisation. Indeed, considering the complexity of the calculations used, the evaluation of the trophic availability in the different hydraulic units requires the use of such techniques and software. Spatial analyses have been continued, and a number of models aimed at simplifying measurement acquisitions have been created. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Modélisation; Traitement spatiaux; Cartographie; Charente Maritime; Zone littorale; Marais. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2004/rapport-6377.PDF |
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Bacher, Cedric. |
The residence time of the water in different parts of the Marennes-Oléron Bay is one important characteristic of the biological system (Raillard, 1990). For instance, the primary production potentiality of a given area depends on the local turbidity and the residence time of the waters in that area. Further, global assessments of the nitrogen flow between the biological compartments and inflows from the ocean or the Charente river derived from the ecosystem model by Raillard (1990), showed the predominance of the latter term onto the former. A new hydrological model of the Marennes-Oléron Bay yielded two dimensional velocity fields for sorne standard tidallevels: neap-tide, spring-tide, mean tide (Lazur, unpub.). These computations were the basis for the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ecosystem modelling; Box model; Marennes Oleron Bay; Charente Maritime. |
Ano: 1992 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00102/21306/18919.pdf |
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Barille, Laurent; Prou, Jean. |
Ecophysiological experiments conducted in situ in the Bay of Marennes-Oléron during a spring and neap tide cycle in May 1991 , were designed to get a better representation of 2 important components of the energy budget of the Japanese oyster Crassostrea gigas : clearance rate and selection efficiency. The relationships previously established by Raillard et al. ( 1993) are re-evaluated by integrating the effects of high seston loads, typical of tidal effect within estuaries, on the physiological processes. For the clearance rate, the re-evaluated parameterization includes: - a negative effect of turbidity. - a clogging threshold set to 192 mg/l. Selection efficiency parameterizations are modified by incorporating : - a constant inorganic ingestion for... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Matematical model; Oyster; Crassostrea gigas; Clearance rate; Seclection efficency; Marennes Oleron; Charente Maritime. |
Ano: 1993 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00102/21299/18913.pdf |
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Robert, Serge; Paticat, Francois. |
La présente étude sédimentaire revêt trois intérêts majeurs. D’abord, elle introduit différentes thématiques sédimentologiques reposant sur des techniques éprouvées (microgranulométrie, rhéométrie, détermination de la matière organique particulaire par CHN) qui, combinées entre elles, constituent une démarche originale conduisant préalablement à la caractérisation des fonds sédimentaires subtidaux des pertuis charentais jusque-là peu connus. Ensuite, elle s’inscrit dans une démarche multidisciplinaire, qui devrait permettre un certain nombre de corrélations avec les trois autres approches (halieutique, benthique, écotoxicologique). Cette dimension à différentes facettes disciplinaires pourra faire mieux comprendre la réactivité du sédiment à l’action... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Sedimentologie; Pertuis Charentais; Charente Maritime. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00175/28598/27005.pdf |
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Thomas, Gerard; Kantin, Roger; Heral, Maurice. |
A coastal river 380 km long, the Charente river has a catchment area of about 10,000 km2, flowing through the departments of Charente and Charente-Maritime, as well as a small part of the border departments: Dordogne, Deux-Sèvres, Haute-Vienne and Vienne. Its main affluents are the Tardoire, the Seugne and the Boutonne rivers. The highest part of the catchment area is located in Dordogne, at a height of 496 m, whereas the river itself originates from a spring located at a height of 250 m to the south-east of Rochechouart, in the Haute-Vienne. The average height of the catchment area is quite low. In its downstream part, from the Saint-Savinien dam to the ocean, the Charente is influenced by a dynamic tide. The actual estuarine part begins in... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Charente Maritime; Gestion eau; Qualité eaux; Conchyliculture; Capacité trophique; La Charente; Estuaire. |
Ano: 1999 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1999/publication-6289.PDF |
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Masson, Daniel. |
Suedre River, a small river in Charente-Maritime, is 45 km long and drains a 380 km2 river basin. Its flow rate is about 20 m3.s(-1). Beyond the Saujon agglomeration, the river extends to the sea via a 25-km long estuary which, through the action of tides, becomes a sea arm reaching 1 km in width. Freshwater and salt marshes line the banks of the Seudre River. Freshwater marshes are occupied by large cattle farms and intensive, irrigated crops. Salt marshes are used for oyster finishingthe final, fattening process in oyster farming. The coexistence of both types of activity is sometimes problematic, particularly in terms of water management, a frequent source of conflict. The climate in Charente-Maritime is characterised by dry summers and rainy winters,... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ostréiculture; Agriculture; Eau douce; Gestion eau; Seudre; Charente Maritime; Estuaire. |
Ano: 1997 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1997/acte-3211.pdf |
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Prou, Jean. |
Managing the water resource finds a special dimension on the coastal strip. This resource is not shared between the different users according to the classical schemes of catchment areas, linking quality and quantity. The measure of a river water flow turns into currents in the marine field and the freshwater volumes turn into salinity units illustrating the fresh water / salt water mix. As a consequence, in a participative management approach as recommended by the GIZC (Integrated Management of the Coastal Zone) procedures, it seems fundamental that the actors from the terrestrial and marine worlds and their interfaces share their perceptions in order to improve the quality of the management scenarios. This shared perception of the catchment area and... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Charente Maritime; Pertuis charentais; Gestion eau; Conchyliculture. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2007/acte-3516.pdf |
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Bodoy, Alain; Geairon, Philippe. |
Le bassin de Marennes-Oléron est le premier centre ostréicole de France, avec un stock de 93 700 tonnes en août 1987. L'opération d'échantillonnage a montré que ce chiffre comprenait 36 500 tonnes pour l'élevage à plat, 33 000 tonnes pour la première phase d'élevage sur tables, qui concerne l'élevage sur collecteurs de captage et 24 200 tonnes pour la phase finale représentée par l'élevage en poche. Le niveau du stock est en augmentation constante depuis 1984. L'importance pondérale de chaque classe d'âge est susceptible de fluctuer très largement puisque des huîtres âgées de 1 an représentaient 4 400 tonnes en 1987, alors que la classe d'âge correspondante représentait 17 000 tonnes en 1986. Ceci est dû aux variations annuelles du captage. Une méthode... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ostréiculture; Stocks; Captage; Croissance; Production; Huîtres creuses; Crassostrea gigas; Marennes Oléron; Charente Maritime. |
Ano: 1988 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00014/12480/9326.pdf |
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Raillard, Olivier. |
La complication d'un modèle déterministe est une action qui ne peut être envisagée sans raisons impérieuses. En plus des mécanismes nouveaux qu'il importe de connaître précisément pour les formaliser correctement, l'introduction de nouveaux paramètres, dont la valeur exacte n'est jamais connue, accroit l'incertitude du modèle (Klepper et Scholten, 1988) et affecte ainsi sa robustesse (Swartzman et Kaluzny, 1987). A Marennes-Oléron, l'introduction d'un modèle de production primaire doit permettre d'aborder les problèmes suivants : Quelle est véritablement l'impact des débits de la Charente sur la production ostréicole? ou plus précisément : les nutriments d'origine charentaise contrôlent-ils la production phytoplanctonique du bassin et par voie de... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Modélisation; Croissance; Phytoplancton; Modèle biologique; Bassin de Marennes Oléron; Charente Maritime. |
Ano: 1991 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00102/21313/18932.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 33 | |