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Aerial and snorkelling census techniques for estimating green turtle abundance on foraging areas: A pilot study in Mayotte Island (Indian Ocean) 5
Roos, David; Pelletier, Dominique; Ciccione, Stéphane; Taquet, Marc; Hughes, George.
Monitoring the abundance of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) is necessary to assess population trends and risks of collapse. This note presents a study aimed at comparing three techniques for the direct estimation of green turtle numbers in their foraging habitats (seagrass beds and reef flats). The experiment was carried out at Mayotte Island, Western Indian Ocean. The techniques involved were surveys by snorkel, and aerial surveys using a microlight aircraft and a paramotor. Each technique had shortcomings and advantages. While each technique provided estimations of turtle numbers only surveys by snorkel permitted identification of species and sex, whenever visibility and turtle behaviour permitted. Along the shorelines, and over foraging areas, the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Foraging habitats; Snorkelling survey; Aerial survey; Abundance estimation; Chelonia mydas; Green turtle.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Caracteristiques topographiques et thermiques d'un site de ponte majeur de la tortue verte Chelonia mydas dans l'Ocean Indien sud-ouest: Europa 5
Le Gall, Jean-yves; Taquet, Marc; Cluet, Denis; Biais, Gerard.
The beach of the meteorological station of Europa Island (Indian Ocean S.W.) is a major nesting site for the green turtle. Altimetric distribution of nests on the beach is such than 95 % of nests are laid in the band located between 1.25 and 3 m above the mean level of upper tides. Nest density is a function of adult females number and varies from 0.175 to 0.043 nest/m2 for the two analyzed nesting seasons. Ground temperatures at 60 cm and 100 cm depth range from 22 (winter) to, 30°C (summer). Interannual variability of ground temperature at same depth (incubation depth) is 1.5° C from extreme hot to cold years. These intra and interannual variations are supposed to have an effect upon the sex-ratio of hatchlings
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tortue verte; Chelonia mydas; Ponte; Distribution; Température; Incubation; Green turtle; Chelonia mydas; Nest; Distribution; Temperature; Incubation.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Connecting paths between juvenile and adult habitats in the Atlantic green turtle using genetics and satellite tracking 5
Chambault, Philippine; De Thoisy, Benoît; Huguin, Maïlis; Martin, Jordan; Bonola, Marc; Etienne, Denis; Gresser, Julie; Hiélard, Gaëlle; Mailles, Julien; Védie, Fabien; Barnerias, Cyrille; Sutter, Emmanuel; Guillemot, Blandine; Dumont‐dayot, Émilie; Régis, Sidney; Lecerf, Nicolas; Lefebvre, Fabien; Frouin, Cédric; Aubert, Nathalie; Guimera, Christelle; Bordes, Robinson; Thieulle, Laurent; Duru, Matthieu; Bouaziz, Myriam; Pinson, Adrien; Flora, Frédéric; Queneherve, Patrick; Woignier, Thierry; Allenou, Jean-pierre; Cimiterra, Nicolas; Benhalilou, Abdelwahab; Murgale, Céline; Maillet, Thomas; Rangon, Luc; Chanteux, Noémie; Chanteur, Bénédicte; Béranger, Christelle; Le Maho, Yvon; Petit, Odile; Chevallier, Damien.
Although it is commonly assumed that female sea turtles always return to the beach they hatched, the pathways they use during the years preceding their first reproduction and their natal origins are most often unknown, as it is the case for juvenile green turtles found in Martinique waters in the Caribbean. Given the oceanic circulation of the Guiana current flowing toward Martinique and the presence of important nesting sites for this species in Suriname and French Guiana, we may assume that a large proportion of the juvenile green turtles found in Martinique are originating from the Suriname–French Guiana beaches. To confirm this hypothesis, we performed mixed stock analysis (MSA) on 40 green turtles sampled in Martinique Island and satellite tracked 31...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chelonia mydas; Developmental habitats; Immature green turtle; Migration routes; Mixed stock analysis.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Contrasted habitats and individual plasticity drive the fine scale movements of juvenile green turtles in coastal ecosystems 5
Chambault, Philippine; Dalleau, Mayeul; Nicet, Jean-benoit; Mouquet, Pascal; Ballorain, Katia; Jean, Claire; Ciccione, Stéphane; Bourjea, Jerome.
Background A strong behavioural plasticity is commonly evidenced in the movements of marine megafauna species, and it might be related to an adaptation to local conditions of the habitat. One way to investigate such behavioural plasticity is to satellite track a large number of individuals from contrasting foraging grounds, but despite recent advances in satellite telemetry techniques, such studies are still very limited in sea turtles. Methods From 2010 to 2018, 49 juvenile green turtles were satellite tracked from five contrasting feeding grounds located in the South-West Indian Ocean in order to (1) assess the diel patterns in their movements, (2) investigate the inter-individual and inter-site variability, and (3) explore the drivers of their daily...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chelonia mydas; Home range; Satellite tracking; Diel pattern; Tidal cycle.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Densitometria da vértebra dorsal, osso pleural e osso neural em tartarugas verdes hígidas por tomografia computadorizada quantitativa 65
Oliveira,Jannine Forattini de; Rossi Júnior,João Luiz; Leite,Flaviana Lima Guião; Oliveira,Daniel Capucho de; Costa,Lorena Adão Vescovi Séllos; Silva,Ieverton Cleiton Correia da; Teixeira,Marcelo Weinstein; Costa,Fabiano Séllos.
A tomografia computadorizada quantitativa (TCQ) é uma técnica com alta sensibilidade, aplicabilidade e precisão no diagnóstico de perda de massa óssea, entretanto a falta de valores de normalidade para animais silvestres limita a sua aplicação clínica. O presente estudo objetiva estabelecer valores médios de radiodensidade do osso trabecular das vértebras dorsais, osso pleural e osso neural de tartarugas marinhas juvenis hígidas utilizando a TCQ. Para isso, utilizou-se um grupo experimental de cinco animais que foram submetidos a exames de tomografia computadorizada helicoidal, sendo as mensurações da radiodensidade óssea realizadas ao nível da terceira, quarta e quinta vértebras dorsais. Os valores médios de radiodensidade do osso trabecular das vértebras...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Quelônios; Coluna; Densidade mineral óssea; Tomografia computadorizada quantitativa; Chelonia mydas.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Diversité et différentiation génétiques des populations de tortues vertes (Chelonia mydas) dans les sites de ponte et d'alimentation du sud-ouest de l'océan Indien : application aux stratégies de conservation de l'espèce 5
Taquet, Coralie.
The green turtle (Chelonia mydas) is an emblematic species of marine life. However, nowadays it is subject to many threats (poaching, by-catch). Even if there is deep growing measures for its protection, the green turtle still is an endangered species and it is listed in Appendix I of Washington Convention (CITES). In order to elaborate efficient conservation and management plans, perfect knowledge of green turtle biology, but also of its population structure and their characteristics, are needed. In this thesis, we have assessed genetic structure of green turtle populations in the South-Western Indian Ocean by using genetic tools. In all, 1551 tissue samples have been collected from our study zone and from our control site French Polynesia (37 samples)....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Management units; Microsatellites; Mitochondrial DNA; Foraging sites; Nesting sites; South Western Indian Ocean; Population genetics; Chelonia mydas; Green turtle; Unités de gestion (MUs); Microsatellites; ADN mitochondrial; Sites d'alimentation; Sites de ponte; Génétique des populations; Chelonia mydas; Tortue verte.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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DYMITILE – DYnamique MIgratoire des Tortues marines nidifiant dans les ILEs françaises de l'Océan Indien 5
Bourjea, Jerome; Ciccione, Stephane; Dalleau, Mayeul.
Chez les tortues marines, la migration est un processus indispensable tout au long de leur cycle biologique. Décrire et caractériser le cycle spatial des tortues marines est donc nécessaire pour définir une stratégie de conservation efficace à long terme. Nous avons étudié, grâce à la télémétrie satellitaire, la dynamique spatiale de deux espèces à différents stades de leur vie : 105 tortues vertes adultes Chelonia mydas en migration post reproductive dans le Sud-ouest de l’océan Indien (SOOI), et 18 tortues caouannes juvéniles Caretta caretta en phase océanique capturées accidentellement par la pêcherie palangrière réunionnaise.Le suivi des tortues vertes femelles a permis d’obtenir 77 trajets complets de migration post reproductive (Europa (17), Mayotte...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tortue verte; Chelonia mydas; Tortue caouanne; Caretta caretta; Migration; Couloir migratoire; Télémétrie satellitaire; Site d’alimentation; Saisonnalité; Îles Eparses; Mayotte; Comores; Oman; Océan Indien.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Estimation du nombre de tortues vertes femelles adultes Chelonia mydas par saison de ponte à Tromelin et Europa (Océan Indien) (1973-1985) 5
Le Gall, Jean-yves; Bosc, Pierre; Taquet, Marc.
A research programm on the marine green turtle Chelonia mydas nesting on the two major reproduction sites for the species in the Indian Ocean, conducled over last 15 years, included intensive tagging programm. Processing of these lagging data provides estimations of adult female populations {or each site and season from two independent methods. First classical method is the ratio of total number of nests produced over a define time on the mean individual number of nests by female during the same time (November, December, January). The computed mean individual number ranges from 3 to 3.5 obtained over 2 to 3 months. The second method is the multiple capture-recapture method (JOLLY, 1965; SEBER, 1965; MANLY, 1984). Il is an original tentative of applying...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tortue verte; Chelonia mydas; Reproduckion; Ponte; Population; Femelles; Marquage; Recapture; Océan Indien.; Marine green turtle; Chelonia mydas; Capture; Recapture; Indian Ocean; Nesting; Populations; Tagging; Reproduction.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Foraging of the green sea turtle Chelonia mydas on seagrass beds at Mayotte Island (Indian Ocean), determined by acoustic transmitters 5
Taquet, Coralie; Taquet, Marc; Dempster, T; Soria, M; Ciccione, S; Roos, David; Dagorn, L.
We studied the foraging rhythms of green sea turtles Chelonia mydas on the seagrass beds of N'Gouja Bay, Mayotte Island (Comoros Archipelago) with acoustic transmitters and moored listening stations. We monitored 8 tagged turtles (4 probable males, 3 probable females and 1 immature), from 70 to 109 cm curved carapace length (CCL), for durations ranging from 5 to 92 d. The turtles exhibited a regular diel pattern: they foraged mainly during the day (on average 87% of seagrass detections were between 06:00 and 18:00 h) and rested on the inner reef slope during the night. Night time feeding activities were observed on the seagrass bed when the night light was high. The presence of turtles on the seagrass bed at night was significantly correlated with a night...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Foraging rhythm; Listening station; Acoustic transmitter; Green sea turtle; Mayotte; Southwestern Indian Ocean; Chelonia mydas.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) genetic diversity at Paranaguá Estuarine Complex feeding grounds in Brazil 74
Jordão,Juliana Costa; Bondioli,Ana Cristina Vigliar; Guebert,Flavia Maria; Thoisy,Benoit de; Toledo,Lurdes Foresti de Almeida.
Sea turtles are marine reptiles that undertake long migrations through their life, with limited information regarding juvenile stages. Feeding grounds (FGs), where they spend most of their lives, are composed by individuals from different natal origins, known as mixed stock populations. The aim of this study was to assess genetic composition, natal origins and demographic history of juvenile green turtles (Chelonia mydas) at the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex (PEC), Brazil, considered a Natural World Heritage site. Tissue samples of stranded animals were collected (n = 60), and 700 bp mitochondrial DNA sequences were generated and compared to shorter sequences from previously published studies. Global exact tests of differentiation revealed significant...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Chelonia mydas; MtDNA; Feeding grounds; Mixed stock analysis; Connectivity.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Green turtle head trauma with intracerebral hemorrhage: image diagnosis and treatment 65
Goldberg,Daphne Wrobel; Adeodato,Alex; Almeida,Daniella Torres de; Corrêa,Leandro Gomes; Wanderlinde,Juçara.
Sea turtles are threatened to the point of extinction. The major goal of rehabilitating injured individuals is to eventually reintroduce them back into their habitat. Sea turtles are vulnerable to anthropogenic effects, and impact traumas are a common cause of death among these animals. Carapace and skull fractures are usually related to vessel collisions or propeller impacts. However, intentional traumas inflicted by humans are also considered as a potential threat. The purpose of this article is to describe the diagnosis and rehabilitation procedures of a juvenile green turtle (Chelonia mydas) after severe head trauma with brain hemorrhage. The data presented here can be used as a reference for future cases of head trauma in chelonians.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brain injury; Chelonia mydas; Green turtle; Head trauma; Sea turtle.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Influence de la temperature sur la differentiation sexuelle des gonades chez la tortue luth (Dermochelys coriacea ); etude en incubation artificielle et naturelle 5
Rimblot, F; Fretey, J; Lescure, J; Pieau, C.
Sexual differentiation of the marine leatherback turtle is sensitive to temperature. Incubation of eggs below 29 degree C results in 100% males, whereas incubationa bove 30 degree C results in 100% potential females at hatching. Therefore, the threshold temperature lies between 29 and 30 degree C as has been found for other marine turtles (Caretta caretta, Chelonia mydas ). Among hatchlings from natural nests in French Guiana, 10% were males, 20% were potential females and 70% had an intermediate phenotype. The sand temperature at 60 cm of depth, near one nest, was recorded and was found to vary between 29 and 30 degree C during the presumed thermosensitive period. These results will be useful to marine turtle hatcheries which seek to manipulate sex ratios...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dermochelys coriacea; Chelonia mydas; Reptilia; Hatcheries; Natural populations; Incubation; Turtle culture; Eggs; Temperature effects; Sexual dimorphism.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Ingestão de resíduos antropogênicos por tartarugas marinhas no litoral norte do estado da Bahia, Brasil 65
Macedo,Gustavo Rodamilans; Pires,Thaís Torres; Rostán,Gonzalo; Goldberg,Daphne Wrobel; Leal,Danielle Custódio; Garcez Neto,Américo Fróes; Franke,Carlos Roberto.
Este trabalho descreve a presença de resíduos antropogênicos no trato digestório de tartarugas marinhas no Litoral Norte da Bahia, Brasil. Foram realizadas necropsias no trato digestório de 45 tartarugas marinhas encontradas mortas (Chelonia mydas n=36; Eretmochelys imbricata n=9), no período de janeiro de 2006 a outubro de 2007. Em 60% (27/45) das tartarugas necropsiadas foram encontrados resíduos, especialmente aqueles relacionados à atividade de pesca. Os resíduos encontravam-se ao longo de todo o trato gastrointestinal, com predominância no intestino grosso. A ingestão de resíduos pelas tartarugas marinhas do Litoral Norte da Bahia pode levar a debilidade e até mesmo provocar a morte destes animais.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chelonia mydas; Eretmochelys imbricata; Lixo; Necropsia.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Learedius learedi Price 1934 (Digenea, Spirorchiidae) in Chelonia mydas Linnaeus 1758 (Testudines, Chelonidae) in Brazil: case report 45
Werneck,M.R.; Becker,J.H.; Gallo,B.G.; Silva,R.J..
This study reports the occurrence of Learedius learedi Price 1934 (Digenea, Spirorchiidae) in Chelonia mydas Linnaeus 1758 (Testudines, Chelonidae) in Brazil. Eleven animals were included in this study, 54.6 % of them were parasitized. Two hundred and fifty five parasite specimens were recovered from heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, mesenterium, and body wash. Results contribute to the knowledge about the helminthofauna of marine chelonian and their geographical distribution. This is the first report of L. learedi in the Southwestern Atlantic.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Learedius learedi; Spirorchiidae; Chelonia mydas; Chelonidae; New host.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Les îles Éparses : vingt-cinq ans de recherche sur les tortues marines 5
Bourjea, Jerome; Ciccione, Stephane; Lauret-stepler, Marie; Marmoex, Cyril; Jean, Claire.
Depuis le milieu des années 70, les activités de recherche sur les tortues marines des îles Éparses se sont développées de manière constante. Elles ont mis en évidence l’importance des quatre îles Éparses émergées (Europa, Juan de Nova, Glorieuses et Tromelin) qui font partie des principaux sites de ponte des tortues vertes (Chelonia mydas) de l’océan Indien et qu’elles appartiennent à 2 stocks génétiques différents pour l’espèce. Mais ces îles ne sont pas que des réservoirs de générations futures. Plus récemment, il a été montré qu’elles sont également des habitats primordiaux pour le développement des Tortues vertes et imbriquées (Eretmochelys imbricata) immatures qui y trouvent une protection contre les prédateurs et de la nourriture. L’ensemble des...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Îles Éparses; Océan Indien; Chelonia mydas; Eretmochelys imbricata; Stock; Migration; Capture accidentelle; Éparses Islands; Indian Ocean; Chelonia mydas; Eretmochelys imbricata; Stock; Migration; By-catch.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Oceanic survival and movements of wild and captive-reared immature green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the Indian Ocean 5
Pelletier, Dominique; Roos, David; Ciccione, Stéphane.
The ability of captive-reared turtles to survive in the wild is not precisely known, nor are movements of immature turtles in the open ocean. To provide information on these issues, a satellite tracking experiment was conducted in the western Indian Ocean to monitor oceanic movements of immature green turtles. Two wild turtles and four captive-reared individuals were tracked. The latter had been displaced after birth from nesting sites to a distant rearing site. Wild turtles survived after release, but did not move far away from release site. We hypothesize that this resident behaviour may be explained by stage-specific habitat requirements. Captive-reared turtles survived after release and migrated over thousands of kilometres. Among these, the oldest...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Indian Ocean; Captive reared; Migration pattern; Satellite telemetry; Chelonia mydas; Marine turtle.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Phylogeography of the green turtle, Chelonia mydas, in the Southwest Indian Ocean 5
Bourjea, Jerome; Lapegue, Sylvie; Gagnevin, L; Broderick, D; Mortimer, J.a.; Ciccione, S; Roos, David; Taquet, Coralie; Grizel, Henri.
Patterns of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation were used to analyse the population genetic structure of southwestern Indian Ocean green turtle (Chelonia mydas) populations. Analysis of sequence variation over 396 bp of the mtDNA control region revealed seven haplotypes among 288 individuals from 10 nesting sites in the Southwest Indian Ocean. This is the first time that Atlantic Ocean haplotypes have been recorded among any Indo-Pacific nesting populations. Previous studies indicated that the Cape of Good Hope was a major biogeographical barrier between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans because evidence for gene flow in the last 1.5 million years has yet to emerge. This study, by sampling localities adjacent to this barrier, demonstrates that recent gene...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phylogeography; Mozambique Channel; Mitochondrial DNA; Indian Ocean; Control region; Chelonia mydas.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Plastic ingestion by sea turtles in Paraíba State, Northeast Brazil 76
Poli,Camila; Mesquita,Daniel Oliveira; Saska,Cinthia; Mascarenhas,Rita.
ABSTRACT Currently, plastics are recognized as a major pollutant of the marine environment, representing a serious threat to ocean wildlife. Here, we examined the occurrence and effects of plastic ingestion by sea turtles found stranded along the coast of Paraíba State, Brazil from August 2009 to July 2010. Ninety-eight digestive tracts were examined, with plastic found in 20 (20.4%). Sixty five percent (n = 13) of turtles with plastic in the digestive tract were green turtles (Chelonia mydas), 25% (n = 5) were hawksbills (Eretmochelys imbricata), and 10% (n = 2) were olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea). More plastic was found in the intestine (85%) than in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. We observed complete blockage of the gastrointestinal...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Marine debris ingestion; Gastrointestinal blockage; Chelonia mydas; Eretmochelys imbricata; Lepidochelys olivacea.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Population structure enhances perspectives on regional management of the western Indian Ocean green turtle 5
Bourjea, Jerome; Mortimer, Jeanne A.; Garnier, Julie; Okemwa, Gladys; Godley, Brendan J.; Hughes, George; Dalleau, Mayeul; Jean, Claire; Ciccione, Stephane; Muths, Delphine.
To refine our understanding of the spatial structure of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) populations in the South West Indian Ocean (SWIO), we analysed patterns of mitochondrial DNA (396 base pairs control region fragment) variation among 171 samples collected at five distinct locations (Kenya, Northern Mozambique, and three locations in the Republic of Seychelles: the Granitic, Amirantes, and Farquhar groups) and compared them to genetic data (n = 288), previously collected from 10 southern locations in the SWIO. We also analysed post-nesting satellite tracks (n = 4) from green turtles nesting in the Amirantes group. Pairwise comparisons of haplotype frequencies showed significant genetic differentiation amongst rookeries and suggest that the SWIO hosts...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Indian Ocean; MtDNA; Satellite tracking; Phylogeography; Management unit; Chelonia mydas.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Présence de la Tortue verte, Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758), en Méditerranée française 5
Lescure, Jean; Cateau, Sidonie; Senegas, Jean Baptiste; Oliver, Guy; De Massary, Jean Christophe; Poisson, Francois; Cesarini, Catherine; Sacchi, Jacques.
The presence of the Green Turtle, Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758) is very rare in Mediterranean French waters. There is no record before 1987. Thirteen records were reported from 1987 to 2014, eight during the five last years (five in 2014). This increase is mainly due to the recent development of survey network. Green Turtles are seen from June to September.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chelonia mydas; Tortues marines; Méditerranée française; Espèce rare.; Chelonia mydas; Sea Turtles; French Mediterranean Sea; Rare species..
Ano: 2015 URL:
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