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Energy transfer in the Congo deep-sea fan: from terrestrially-derived organic matter to chemosynthetic food webs 5
Pruski, A. M.; Decker, Carole; Stetten, E.; Vetion, G.; Martinez, P.; Charlier, K.; Senyarich, C.; Olu, Karine.
Large amounts of recent terrestrial organic matter (OM) from the African continent are delivered to the abyssal plain by turbidity currents and accumulate in the Congo deep-sea fan. In the recent lobe complex, large clusters of vesicomyid bivalves are found all along the active channel in areas of reduced sediment. These soft-sediment communities resemble those fuelled by chemoautotrophy in cold-seep settings. The aim of this study was to elucidate feeding strategies in these macrofaunal assemblages as part of a greater effort to understand the link between the inputs of terrestrially-derived OM and the chemosynthetic habitats. The biochemical composition of the sedimentary OM was first analysed in order to evaluate how nutritious the available particulate...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Congo deep-sea fan; Food webs; Vesicomyid bivalves; Chemoautotrophy; Isotopic signatures; Fatty acid biomarkers.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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The biogeochemistry of the suboxic and anoxic zones in the cariaco basin 72
Scranton,Mary I; Astor,Yrene; Percy,Dane; Xiaona,Li; Xueju,Lin; Taylor,Gordon T.
A decade-long study of the Cariaco Basin has demonstrated that the suboxic interface in this system is temporally and spatially variable and that it is the home for a diverse and active microbial community. The thickness and structure of the suboxic zone appears to be primarily controlled by the physics of the basin, with oxygen containing intrusions occurring from both eastern and western sills. The microbial populations, which include both heterotrophic and chemoautotrophic micro-organisms, are actively growing at rates which cannot be supported by vertical transport of oxidants or reductants. Our studies suggest that the microbial loop depends on cycling of intermediate oxidation state sulfur species (sulfite, thiosulfate and elemental S) possibly...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Chemoautotrophy; Sulfur; Temporal variability; Microbial loop.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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