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Family Size, Economics and Child Gender Preference: A Case Study in the Nyeri District of Kenya 31
Kiriti, Tabitha; Tisdell, Clement A..
Kenyan women have more children, especially in rural areas, than in most developing nations. This is widely believed to be an impediment to Kenya’s economic development. Thus, factors influencing family size in the Kenyan context are important for its future. A brief review of economic theories of fertility leads to the conclusion that both economics and social/cultural factors must be considered simultaneously when examining factors that determine the number of children in a family. The need to do this is borne out in Kenya’s situation by utilising responses from a random sample of rural households in the Nyeri district of Kenya. Economic and social/cultural factors intertwine to influence family sizes in this district. After providing a summary of the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Family size; Fertility; Child gender preference; Human capital formation; Costs; Benefits; Free child labour; Marital status; And age.; Labor and Human Capital.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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