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Assessment of intraocular pressure in chinchillas of different age groups using rebound tonometry Ciência Rural
Chacaltana,Flor Diana Yokoay Claros; Pigatto,João Antonio Tadeu; Denardin,Ione Terezinha.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this research was to measure the intraocular pressure (IOP) of normal chinchilla eyes using the rebound tonometer. A further aim was to assess whether there were differences in the values of intraocular pressure in relation to animals age, gender and time of day. Thirty-six chinchillas were divided into three groups of 12 chinchillas each, by age: Group I (2-6-month-old), Group II (20 and 34 months) and Group III (37 and 135 months). Ophthalmic examination was performed previously by Schirmer tear test, slit lamp biomicroscopy, indirect ophthalmoscopy and fluorescein test in all chinchillas. Three measurements of intraocular pressure were assessed on the same day (7, 12 and 19h). Tonometry was performed on both eyes using the rebound...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chinchillas; Chinchilla lanigera; Intraocular pressure; Tonometry; TonoVet.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Preservação do sistema genital de chinchila (Chinchilla lanigera) para avaliação em microscopia de luz Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Neves,M.M.; Morais,D.B.; Barbosa,L.P.; Gomes,M.G.; Balarine,M.K..
The preservation of chinchilla genital organs using a fixed solution of paraformaldehyde 10% buffered and a saturated solution of Bouin during 4, 12 and 18 hours of fixation, inclusion in paraffin and staining with hematoxylin-eosin was evaluated. The Bouin solution with 12 hours of fixation was the best protocol of fixation for the ovaries, oviduct, uterus and vagina, resulting in little tissue retraction and better cellular integration when compared to the other fixing times (4 and 18 hours). The fixation with paraformaldehyde showed good results of tissues fixation. Chinchilla genital organs can be preserved with paraformaldehyde 10% buffered and Bouin solution using 12 hours of fixation.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chinchila; Chinchilla lanigera; Sistema genital; Fêmea; Fixador; Microscopia de luz.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Relación costo_beneficio en la termorregulación de Chinchilla lanigera RChHN
Chinchilla lanigera, es un roedor endémico de Chile que habita áreas desérticas del norte de Chile. Postulamos que C. lanigera (silvestre) por habitar en ambientes con escasa disponibilidad de alimento y agua, debiera poseer atributos fisiológicos que minimicen los requerimientos (costos) de energía y agua. Se evaluó el metabolismo energético en atmósferas de aire y He-O2, la pérdida de agua por evaporación (EWL) y temperatura corporal (Tb) a diferentes temperaturas ambientales (Ta). Los resultados más relevantes muestran que la tasa metabólica basal (BMR) fue 0,66 mlO2/g h y la conductancia térmica (C) de 0,0376 mlO2/g h°C; valores que corresponden al 80,4% y 72,5% de la magnitud predicha para un mamífero euterio de similar tamaño corporal,...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Chinchilla lanigera; Metabolismo basal; Conductancia térmica; Pérdida de agua por evaporación.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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