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Flowering and pollination ecology of Cleistocactus baumannii (Cactaceae) in the Brazilian Chaco: pollinator dependence and floral larceny Acta Botanica
Ferreira,Bruno Henrique dos Santos; Souza,Camila Silveira; Fachardo,André Luiz Silva; Gomes,Aline Conceição; Sigrist,Maria Rosângela.
ABSTRACT Cleistocactus baumannii is the only ornithophilous cactus species in the Brazilian Chaco. In addition, this species of Cactaceae invests heavily in flowering in the ecoregion. Such characteristics motivated us to evaluate the temporal availability of flowers in the context of its floral visitors. The reproductive system of C. baumannii, the number of individuals in flowering, flower abundance and the frequency and richness of floral visitors were evaluated and quantified. Nectar robbery was a frequent phenomenon in the studied population; therefore, we compared the pollen load deposited on the stigma of damaged (robbery) and undamaged flowers. In the Brazilian Chaco, C. baumannii is self-incompatible and has a continuous flowering pattern,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Arid environments; Chlorostilbon lucidus; Floral damage; Nectar robbery; Ornitophily; Xylocopa splendidula.
Ano: 2020 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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