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Australian consumers' willingness to pay and willingness to purchase a hypothetical lower cholesterol pork product 31
Bellhouse, Amy; Malcolm, Bill; Griffith, Garry R.; Dunshea, Frank.
This study investigated whether there would be an increase in consumer willingness to pay and purchase if reduced cholesterol pork was introduced to the Australian market. A stated choice analysis was used, with the following questions addressed. How are current purchases of fresh pork affected by concerns about cholesterol content? What financial premium, if any, would consumers place on reduced cholesterol pork? Would consumers buy more pork if a low cholesterol option were available? Is there a group of consumers, such as those with high cholesterol, who have an increased willingness to pay for or purchase reduced cholesterol pork when compared to consumers without this health problem? Results from this study indicated that at present the majority of...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Pork; Cholesterol; Choice analysis; Australian pork; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Farm Management; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Livestock Production/Industries; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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La importancia del atributo origen en la eleccion de productos agroalimentarios. El caso del esparrago de Navarra 31
Cortinas, Monica; Chocarro, Raquel; Elorz, Margarita; Villanueva, M. Luisa.
In this research, we analyze the importance of the extrinsic attributes in the customer's choice of the white asparagus category, paying special attention on the influence of the origin and in the asparagus designation of origin from Navarra. For this, an experiment was designed which included 18 choice screen's with choices made with combinations of the attributes. The results are analyzed according to a logit multinomial model which allows evaluating the importance of the attributes. Due to a latent segmentation, heterogeneity is controlled and we detect different customer segments. RESUMEN En este trabajo se analiza la importancia de los atributos extrínsecos en la elección del consumidor para la categoría del espárrago blanco, prestando especial...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Designation of origin; Asparaguses from Navarra; Experimental design; Choice analysis; Latent segmentation; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; M30; Q13.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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