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Effect of chronic ammonia exposure on growth of European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juveniles 5
Lemarie, Gilles; Dosdat, Antoine; Coves, Denis; Dutto, Gilbert; Gasset, Eric; Person, Jeannine.
Chronic effects of ammonia were studied in juvenile seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax (mean weight= 11 g), exposed for 63 days to eight stable ammonia concentrations, ranging from 0.24 to 0.90 mg l(-1) unionised ammonia nitrogen (UIA-N), respectively, from 6.1 to 22.3 mg l(-1) total ammonia nitrogen (TA-N). Temperature (21.8 degreesC), pH (8.0), salinity (37.0 ppt), and oxygen concentration (over 80% saturation at the outlet) were maintained constant. Fish were fed using a self-feeder device, and they were starved during the last 8 days. Mortality of 28.9 and 42.6% occur-red within the first 8 days at the two highest UIA-N concentrations, respectively, 0.90 and 0.88 mg l(-1). From days 0 to 55, a 1.8-fold increase in weight gain was observed under the 0.90-mg...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Plasma ammonia; Growth; Seabass; Chronic toxicity; Ammonia.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Effect of chronic exposure to ammonia on growth, food utilisation and metabolism of the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) 5
Dosdat, Antoine; Person, Jeannine; Coves, Denis; Dutto, Gilbert; Gasset, Eric; Le Roux, Annick; Lemarie, Gilles.
The chronic effects of exposing sea bass (average initial weight 100 g) to ammonia in water at 22 degreesC were first evaluated over a 61-day period (period 1, P1) during which nine different groups were submitted to nine ambient ammonia levels ranging from 0.014 to 0.493 mg 1(-1) NH3-N (0.53-16.11 mg 1(-1) total ammonia nitrogen (TA-N)) and fed using self-feeders. At the end of P1, the fish were starved for 10 days (P2). Their recovery capacity was tested over 43 days (P3) after which the exogenous ammonia supply was stopped in all treatments and the fish were allowed to feed. After 20 days of exposure a highly significant effect of ammonia was evident from the decrease in feeding activity, voluntary feed intake (VFI) and specific growth rate (SGR), and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea bass; Self feeding; Compensatory growth; Chronic toxicity; Ammonia.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Long-term ammonia exposure of turbot: effects on plasma parameters 5
Person, Jeannine; Lamers, A; Le Roux, Annick; Severe, Armelle; Boeuf, Gilles; Mayer Gostan, N.
Turbot juveniles were exposed to four ammonia concentrations [0.17 (L), 0.34 (M), 0.73 (MH) and 0.88 (H) mgl(-1) NH3-N] for different exposure durations (28 days minimum to 84 days). Their physiological status and growth performances were compared to a control group [0.004 (C) mgl(-1) NH3-N]. No growth was observed in the H group, and by day 57, mass increase in the MH group was only 15% of that in group C. During the first month growth in the L group was similar to that in control group while it was lower (33%) in the M group; afterwards the L and M groups had a similar growth (half that of controls). Accumulation of total ammonia nitrogen (TA-N) in plasma was dependent on ambient ammonia concentrations. Plasma urea levels in ammonia-exposed fish were...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Urea; Total ammonia nitrogen; Scophthalmus maximus; Ion regulation; Cortisol; Chronic toxicity.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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TOPHYPAC. Tolérance des communautés phytoplanctoniques aux phytosanitaires dans le panache de la Charente. Programme Évaluation et réduction des risques liés à l’utilisation des Pesticides 5
Stachowski-haberkorn, Sabine; Guesdon, Stephane; Bechemin, Christian; Chiffoleau, Jean-francois; Brach-papa, Christophe; Soudant, Philippe; Beker, Beatriz; Jadas-hécart, Alain.
TOPHYPAC is a field study that was conducted in the Charente river estuary (Marennes-Oléron bay). The main goal was to assess the possible impact of chemical contamination with copper and pesticides on phytoplankton communities. Physical, chemical (nutrients, metals and pesticides) and biological (phytoplankton community) parameters were monitored in the field during three years, from 2011 to 2014. In 2012 and 2013, field sampling was coupled with experimental exposure of phytoplankton communities to copper and to an herbicide cocktail, after transportation to the lab: the effects were assessed using photosynthesis endpoint and cellular densities. TOPHYPAC allowed to set the framework of Charente estuary contamination with pesticides: herbicides glyphosate...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Continuum eau douce/eau côtière; Pesticides; Métaux; Communautés phytoplanctoniques; Efficacité de photosynthèse; PICT; Tolérance; Cytométrie en flux; Toxicité chronique; Freshwater/coastal water continuum; Pesticides; Metals; Phytoplankton communities; Photosynthesis efficiency; PICT; Tolerance; Flow cytometry; Chronic toxicity.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Toxicidad crónica de polvo de taninos obtenidos de corteza de Pinus caribaea Morelet por vía oral en ratas 98
Bada Barro,Ana Margarita; Santana Romero,Jorge Luis; González Navarro,Bárbara O; González Torres,Yana; González Triana,Consuelo; Arteaga Pérez,María Elena; Gómez Rosales,Dennys; Mancebo Rodríguez,Axel A.
INTRODUCCIÓN: se han demostrado los efectos antimutagénicos y no genotóxicos de los taninos de Pinus caribaea Morelet, así como su influencia en la mejoría de la calidad de vida de pacientes. OBJETIVOS: evaluar la toxicidad crónica del polvo de taninos obtenido de corteza de P. caribaea por vía oral. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio de toxicidad crónica (6 meses) por vía oral en ratas Cenp:SPRD. Se conformaron un grupo control y 3 tratados (1, 2,5 y 5 mg/kg/d/6 meses). Se realizaron observaciones clínicas diarias. El peso corporal y los consumos de agua y alimento se midieron semanalmente. Al inicio, en la semana 13 y al final del estudio se realizaron exámenes de laboratorio clínico. Al concluir los 6 meses se sacrificaron todos los animales y se efectuó...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Pinus caribaea; Polvo de taninos; Toxicidad crónica; Plantas medicinales; Pinus caribaea; Tannin powders; Chronic toxicity; Medicinal plants.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Toxicity of ammonia to turbot juveniles: I. effects oil survival, growth and food utilisation 5
Person-le Ruyet, Jeannine; Delbard, Christine; Chartois, Herve; Le Delliou, Herve.
Long-term effects of constant exogenous ammonia concentrations were investigated in two different batches of turbot juveniles (53 and 73 g) under controlled environmental and feeding conditions. Over the 84-day experiments, ambient un-ionized ammonia (UIA-N, NH3) concentrations were steady (coefficient of variation, 12-16 %) and water pH range was 7.88-7.99. Survival was maximum up to 0.33 mg.l(-1) UIA-N and at 0.73, 50 % mortalities were observed on day 52 (73 g) or day 77 (53 g). No-growth concentration was 0.73 mg.l(-1) UIA-N in the two groups and the 84-day lowest-observable-effect concentration range 0.14-0.33 mg.l(-1). In the most tolerant group (53 g), the 84-day no-observable-effect concentration was 0.14 mg.l(-1) UIA-N. The estimated 28-day...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Azote ammoniacal; Toxicité chronique; Taux de survie; Croissance; Alimentation; Ammonia; Chronic toxicity; Survival rate; Growth; Food efficiency; Psetta maxima.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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