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Behavior of the combined radial post-feeding larval dispersal of the blowflies Chrysomya megacephala and Chrysomya albiceps (Diptera, Calliphoridae) and implications for forensic entomology 52
Gomes,Leonardo; Sanches,Marcos Rogério; Von Zuben,Claudio José.
The aims of this work was to study the life stages of Chrysomya megacephala in a circular arena allowing the combined radial post-feeding dispersal from the center of the arena of C. albiceps and C. megacephala larvae. To determine the location of each pupa, the distance from the center, the depth and weight of each pupa formed were analyzed. For the larvae of C. albiceps, females released buried deeper than males, reaching an average depth of 10.74 cm and C. megacephala larvae presented greater average results than C. albiceps for all variables, particularly distance, which was 16.02 cm for this species and 12.30 cm for C. albiceps. C. albiceps larvae preyed on 30 C. megacephala larvae in both experiments. These results could be used in forensic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Blowflies; Calliphoridae; Dispersal; Forensic Entomology; Chrysomya albiceps; Chrysomya megacephala.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Efeito do tipo de substrato para pupação na dispersão larval pós-alimentar de Chrysomya albiceps (Diptera, Calliphoridae) 76
Gomes,Leonardo; Gomes,Guilherme; Oliveira,Helena G.; Von Zuben,Claudio J.; Silva,Iracema M. da; Sanches,Marcos R..
As moscas-varejeiras utilizam substratos discretos e efêmeros para posturas dos ovos e para alimentação das larvas. Após a exaustão de recursos, as larvas começam a procurar por um sítio de pupação no habitat ou por mais fonte de alimento adicional (dispersão larval pós-alimentar). No entanto, o tipo de substrato de dispersão pode afetar este processo; assim, procurou-se avaliar o comportamento de dispersão de Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann 1819) por meio da localização das pupas em arenas circulares preenchidas com vermiculita, comparando-se com outros estudos feitos em serragem. As arenas foram dividas em 72 setores iguais a partir do centro de dispersão para facilitar a localização das pupas no substrato. A massa, a distância de dispersão do centro de...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Calliphoridae; Chrysomya albiceps; Dispersão larval; Moscas-varejeiras; Substrato para pupação.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Epidemiological study of myiases in the Hospital do Andaraí, Rio de Janeiro, including reference to an exotic etiological agent 82
Ferraz,ACP; Almeida,VRG de; Jesus,DM de; Rotatori,GN; Nunes,R; Proença,B; Aguiar-Coelho,VM; Lessa,CSS.
Myiases are infestations with dipteran larvae in both necrosed and living tissues, the food source of these insects. These illnesses occur in warm humid climates, and are most frequent in developing countries. We assessed the epidemiological aspects and the influence of climate on the occurrence of myiases and the bioagents in patients admitted to the federal Hospital do Andaraí in Rio de Janeiro from February 2007 to 2008. The influence of abiotic factors (temperature, humidity, and rainfall) on the incidence of myiases was investigated by using the Pearson's correlation test. Of the 40 patients studied, the prevalence of myiases was higher in adults, particularly in the 40 to 65 year-old (37.5%) African descent males (57.5%). Most of the injuries were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Dipteran; Chrysomya albiceps; Cochliomyia hominivorax.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Larval predation on different instars in blowfly populations 52
Faria,Lucas Del Bianco; Godoy,Wesley Augusto Conde; Reis,Sérgio Furtado dos.
During its larval stage, Chrysomya albiceps (Diptera: Calliphoridae) is a facultative predator on other blowflies. In this study, we evaluated the predation by third instar larvae of C. albiceps on first, second and third instar larvae of Chrysomya megacephala and Cochliomyia macellaria in no-choice experiments in order to compare the vulnerability of larval instars to predation. With first and second instar prey the highest predation rate by C. albiceps was on C. megacephala. For third instar prey, the highest predation rate was on C. macellaria. With second instar prey, there was complete predation on C. megacephala within 90 min, whereas in C. macellaria only 55% of the larvae were eaten by 90 min. For third instar prey most predation on C. macellaria...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chrysomya albiceps; Blowflies; Larval predation; Optimal foraging.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Would Chrysomya albiceps (Diptera: Calliphoridae) be a beneficial species? 45
Chrysomya albiceps (Widemann) develops on animal carcasses and may cause secondary myiases. An adult female Merino sheep presented a lesion of roughly circular shape with a 7.5cm radius in the anterior part of the thorax. A large number of second-instar larvae was removed from the lesion in addition to first-instar larvae from the wool. A third-instar larva was also obtained from the same lesion site and in the laboratory gave origin to a Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) adult insect. The larvae retrieved from the lesion were nurtured in laboratory. Pairs consisting of 100 individuals were formed with the adult specimens obtained from the larvae and kept in two cages. In all of the 800 adults reared in the laboratory and examined (100 per generation) the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chrysomya albiceps; Myiasis; Species associations; Diptera.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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