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Tidal and wind-event variability and the distribution of two groups of Pseudo-nitzschia species in an upwelling-influenced ría 5
Diaz, Patricio A.; Ruiz-villarreal, Manuel; Velo-suarez, Lourdes; Ramilo, Isabel; Gentien, Patrick; Lunven, Michel; Fernand, Liam; Raine, Robin; Reguera, Beatriz.
High-resolution physical and biological measurements were carried out in May-June 2007 during the ‘HABIT-Pontevedra 2007' survey in Ría de Pontevedra (Galician Rías Baixas, NW Spain) to study small-scale physical-biological interactions in the distribution of microphytoplankton, with special emphasis on harmful species. Longitudinal transects from the Ría to the adjacent shelf were sampled to describe the spring-neap tidal and circadian variability. An in situ particle profiler, a moored ADCP, and a towed undulating CTD (Scanfish) were used during the survey, which took place after an upwelling pulse at neap tides during a downwelling–upwelling cycle and coincided with the annual maximum of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. Cell maxima of P. seriata (2×106 cells L−1)...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.; Upwelling-downwelling cycle; Spring-neap tidal variability; Thin layers; Circadian variability; Galician Rias.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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