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A case of homonymy in fossil verrucid barnacles: Verruca withersi (Crustacea, Thoracica) Naturalis
Jagt, J.W.M.; Buckeridge, J.S..
For fossil verrucid barnacles, the name Verruca withersi appears to have been used twice; Schram & Newman described material from the Albian-Cenomanian (Cretaceous) of Colombia, while Kruizinga had previously recorded a new species from the Pleistocene(?) or perhaps younger strata of Sumba (Indonesia). We do not consider V. withersi Schram & Newman to be a cirripede, therefore no replacement name is needed for this junior synonym. Verruca withersi Kruizinga is a valid species related to the extant V. cookei.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Crustacea; Cirripedia; Thoracica; Verrucidae; Homonymys; 42.74.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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A coral-eating barnacle, revisited (Cirripedia, Pyrgomatidae) Naturalis
Ross, Arnold; Newman, William A..
The coral-eating barnacle Hoekia monticulariae (Gray, 1831), the only internal parasite among the Thoracica described to this day, is characterized by an irregularly-shaped shell nestled cryptically between the polyps of the hermatypic coral Hydnophora Fischer, 1807, which occurs throughout most of the Indo-West Pacific. Because of its protean form, cirripedologists have failed to appreciate the diversity of taxa related to Hoekia, , a presumed monotypic genus. We describe seven new species divided between Hoekia and three new genera, Eohoekia, Parahoekia, and Ahoekia for which the Tribe Hoekiini is proposed. As in other pyrgomatids, calcareous overgrowth by the coral is inhibited around the edge of the wall and aperture. But in Hoekiini a pseudopolyp,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Cirripedia; Pyrgomatidae; Hoekia; Coral-eating barnacles; New species; Parasitism; Functional morphology.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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A Late Cretaceous gastropod homing scar (possibly ichnogenus Lacrimichnus) from southern Limburg, The Netherlands Naturalis
Jagt, J.W.M..
An isolated gastropod homing scar, etched into an arcoscalpelline (cirripede) scutum, is recorded from the upper Nekum Member (Maastricht Formation, upper Maastrichtian) at the ENCI-HeidelbergCement Group quarry. This trace may be assignable to the ichnogenus Lacrimichnus Santos, Mayoral & Muñiz, that comprises etching scars produced by Neogene calyptraeid and/or capulid gastropods and ostreid bivalves from southern Spain and Portugal. However, it differs from both ichnospecies currently contained in that ichnogenus, L. bonarensis and L. cacelensis, in showing a relatively deep depression around the rim, irregularly distributed pit- and slit-like depressions, and an irregularly subcircular outline. Despite the wealth of available hard substrates...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Trace fossil; Homing scar; Gastropoda; Lacrimichnus; Cirripedia; Upper Cretaceous; Maastrichtian; The Netherlands; 38.22; 42.73.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Cantellius cardenae spec. nov. (Cirripedia: Pyrgomatinae) from Acropora (Isopora) brueggemanni (Brook, 1893) (Anthozoa: Acroporidae), a case of host specificity in a generalist genus Naturalis
Achituv, Y.; Hoeksema, B.W..
A new species of coral inhabiting barnacle Cantellius cardenae spec. nov. (Crustacea, Cirripedia: Pyrgomatinae) is described. This barnacle was found on the staghorn coral Acropora (Isopora) brueggemanni (Scleractinia: Acroporidae). It is characterized by having transversally elongated scuta and narrow terga with a spur length more than half of the total tergal length. This species belongs to the secundus group of Cantellius, which includes barnacles with transversally elongated scuta, and which are limited to the Acroporidae. The distribution of C. cardenae supports the hypothesis that structurally specialized pyrgomatines occupy a more limited variety of hosts than do morphologicaly generalized ones.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Barnacle; Corals; Association; Cirripedia; Pyrgomatidae; Scleractinia; Acroporidae; 42.79.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Crustacean biodiversity through the marine fossil record Naturalis
Sepkoski Jr., J. John.
Approximately 2,600 genera of marine crustaceans have been recognized in the fossil record, and crustaceans constitute the major component of marine arthropod diversity from the mid-Paleozoic to the Recent. Despite problems of sporadic fossil preservation and/or taxonomic ambiguity, some general statements can be made about the history of crustacean biodiversity, based on global taxonomic data bases. Ostracodes were the first major group to radiate, attaining high diversity during the Ordovician Period with other members of the Paleozoic evolutionary fauna; rates of extinction and responses to mass extinctions were also similar to those of groups within the Paleozoic fauna. Malacostracans and barnacles (cirripedes), the two other crustacean groups with...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Crustacean biodiversity; Marine fossil record; Extinction rates; Ostracoda; Malacostraca; Cirripedia.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Crustaceans of the upper Miocene August Town Formation of southeastern Jamaica Naturalis
Collins, J.S.H.; Donovan, S.K.; Stemann, T.A.; Blissett, D.J..
Crustaceans remain poorly known from the Miocene of Jamaica. Herein, we report three species from the upper Miocene August Town Formation of Fowl House Spring, parish of St. Thomas, southeast Jamaica; poorly preserved propodi of a mud shrimp, “Callianassa” sp.; the anterior part of the carapace of Mithraculus sp. aff. Mithraculus coryphe (Herbst); and the cirripede Tetraclita sp. cf. T. stalactifera (Lamarck). Mithraculus sp. aff. M. coryphe at Fowl House Spring considerably extends the stratigraphic occurrence of the genus in the Antillean region down into the Miocene. Hitherto, fossil T. stalactifera in the Caribbean was known from the Plio-Pleistocene of Curaçao and the Pleistocene of Venezuela.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Jamaica; Miocene; Barnacles; Cirripedia; Crabs; Decapoda; 38.22.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Fossil Crustacea of the Late Pleistocene Port Morant Formation, west Port Morant Harbour, southeastern Jamaica Naturalis
Collins, J.S.H.; Donovan, S.K.; Stemann, T.A..
The Late Pleistocene Port Morant Formation of southeast Jamaica is particularly rich in fossil marine crustaceans. A new locality on the west side of Port Morant Harbour, parish of St. Thomas, has yielded decapods including the callianassids Lepidophthalmus jamaicense? (Schmitt ), Neocallichirus peraensis Collins et al. and Neocallichirus? sp.; anomurans Petrochirus bahamensis (Herbst) and Paguristes sp. cf. P. lymanni A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier; and brachyurans Hepatus praecox Collins et al., Persephona sp., Mithrax acuticornis Stimpson, Mithrax verrucosus H. Milne Edwards, Mithraculus forceps A. Milne-Edwards, aff. Hyas sp., Portunus vocans (A. Milne-Edwards), Achelous sebae (H. Milne Edwards), Actaea sp. cf. A. bifrons Rathbun, Actaea acantha (H....
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Jamaica; Pleistocene; Crustacea; Decapoda; Cirripedia; 42.74.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Geographic distribution and description of four pelagic barnacles along the south east Pacific coast of Chile - a zoogeographical approximation RChHN
The majority of zoogeographic studies along the Chilean Pacific coast have focused on benthic organisms and oceanographic conditions are considered the main factors influencing their distributions. Herein we examined the geographic distribution of pelagic barnacles of the family Lepadidae collected from floating macroalgae at seven sampling areas between 23 and 50° S. Four species were encountered and they are briefly described herein. The most abundant northern species was Lepas anatifera, and it diminished in abundance towards the south (33° S). Moreover, this species was not found in waters with a sea surface temperature (SST) of less than ~18 °C. Lepas australis, primarily a circumpolar West Wind Drift species, diminished in abundance towards the north...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Zoogeography; Lepas; Oceanography; Pelagic; Cirripedia.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Interesting records of whale epizoic crustaceans from the Dutch North Sea coast (Cirripedia, Amphipoda) Naturalis
Holthuis, L.B.; Fransen, C.H.J.M..
Interessante waarnemingen van epizoïsche kreeftachtigen op zeezoogdieren langs de Nederlandse kust (Cirripedia, Amphipoda) In de tweede helft van 2003 spoelden twee juveniele bultruggen Megaptera novaeangliae (Borowski, 1781) aan op de Nederlands kust, de eerste op 7 oktober op de Maasvlakte net ten zuiden van de ingang tot de haven van Rotterdam, de tweede op 20 december nabij Katwijk, Zuid Holland. Deze soort was nog niet eerder gemeld van de Nederlandse kust. Op de bultruggen werden vier soorten kreeftachtigen gevonden: Conchoderma auritum, Coronula diadema, C. reginae en Cyamus boopis. De laatste drie soorten zijn nieuw voor de Nederlandse fauna. Exemplaren van de parasieten zijn opgenomen in de collectie van het Nationaal Natuurhistorisch...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Cirripedia; Amphipoda; Kreeftachtigen; Crustaceans; Verspreiding; Nederland; 42.74.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Marcgraf's (1648) Brazilian Crustacea Naturalis
Holthuis, L.B..
An inventory is given of the Crustacea described and figured in N.E. Brazil during the governorship of Johan Maurits van Nassau (1637-1644). Of each of the 31 species the available sources of information are discussed and an identification has been attempted.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Georg Marcgraf; Johan Maurits van Nassau; W. Piso; Brazil; Crustacea; Cirripedia; Isopoda; Stomatopoda; Decapoda; 17th century.; 42.74.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Possible lattice organs in Cretaceous Thylacocephala Naturalis
Lange, Sven; Schram, Frederick R..
Structures, reminiscent of the lattice organs in thecostracan crustaceans, are described from the carapace cuticle of Cretaceous thylacocephalans. The new lattice organ like structures occur in pairs along the dorsal midline. While these have a similar outline to true lattice organs, they seem to lack pores and do not occur in the highly apomorphic pattern found in thecostracans. These discrepancies do not easily support earlier ideas of a position of the thylacocephalans within the thecostracans. The significance of the possible lattice organs for inferring a relationship between thylacocephalans and thecostracans is discussed.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Thylacocephala; Fossils; Lattice organs; Thecostraca; Cirripedia; Ascothoracida; Crustacea; Cretaceous.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Scanning electron microscopy of acrothoracican cypris larvae (Crustacea, Thecostraca, Cirripedia, Acrothoracica, Lithoglyptidae) Naturalis
Kolbasov, Gregory A.; Høeg, Jens T.; Elfimov, Alexei S..
Scanning electron microscopy was used to provide a full morphological description of cypris morphology in the acrothoracican species Lithoglyptes milis and L. habei (Lithoglyptidae). Special attention was given to lattice organs, antennules, thorax, thoracopods, abdomen, and furcal rami. Cypris larvae of the Acrothoracica share some putative plesiomorphic features with the cypris-like ascothoracid larvae of the non-cirripede taxon Ascothoracida. The most notable are traces of abdominal segmentation and carapace lattice organs without pore fields. Acrothoracican cyprids also share numerous synapomorphies with those of the Thoracica and the Rhizocephala. This list includes a four-segmented antennule with a triangular first segment of two sclerites set at an...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Cirripedia; Acrothoracica; Ascothoracida; Cypris larva; Morphology; Lattice organ.; SEM; Phylogenetic relationships; Larval characters.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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The colleteric glands in Sacculinidae (Crustacea, Cirripedia, Rhizocephala): an ultrastructural study of ovisac secretion Naturalis
Lange, Sven.
Ovisac secretion by the paired colleteric glands of Sacculina carcini and Heterosaccus dollfusi (Rhizocephala, Sacculinida) was documented and studied at the ultrastructural level. Preparatory to oviposition, the epithelium of each colleteric gland secretes one branched, elastic, transparent ovisac. The ovisac wall consists of a reticulated inner zone, secreted first, and a dense outer zone. After secretion, the ovisac detaches from most of the secretory epithelium but remains anchored proximally in the gland until oviposition ends. The exterior ovisac surface is predominantly smooth and impervious. Proximally, however, the surface is irregular and perforated. During oviposition the eggs enter the paired ovisacs, forcing the ovisacs through the ovipores...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Cirripedia; Rhizocephala; Sacculina carcini; Thoracica; Colleteric gland; Ovisac; Carcinus maenas.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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The find of a whale barnacle, Cetopirus complanatus (Mörch, 1853), in 10th century deposits in the Netherlands Naturalis
Holthuis, L.B.; Smeenk, C.; Laarman, F.J..
A specimen of Cetopirus complanatus dating from the 10th century A.D. is described from archaeological excavations at Tiel, the Netherlands. Two vertebral parts of northern right whales Eubalaena glacialis: a vertebral arch and an epiphysis, were also found, possibly dating from the same period. The disc-like epiphysis had been used as a cutting board. The specimens probably had reached Tiel through early trade in whale products. Cetopirus complanatus is only known from right whales of the genus Eubalaena. It has not been found in the Northern Hemisphere since the late 19th century. Its host species in the North Atlantic and North Pacific, E. glacialis, is now very rare as a result of whaling.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Cetopirus complanatus; Cirripedia; Whale barnacles; The Netherlands; Archaeological find; History; Distribution; Host species; Eubalaena; Right whales; Eubalaena glacialis; Northern right whale; North Atlantic; North Sea; Whaling.; 42.74.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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The recent species of Megabalanus (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha) with special emphasis on Balanus Tintinnabulum (Linnaeus) Sensu Lato Naturalis
Henry, D.P.; Mclaughlin, P.A..
Since Darwin's (1854) description of 11 varieties of Megabalanus tintinnabulum (Linnaeus) [as Balanus tintinnabulum], 26 Recent taxa have been assigned to the genus. In this review, two taxa confounded by Darwin are reestablished [i.e., M. crispatus (Schroter) and M. dorbignii (Chenu)]. M. antillensis (Pilsbry) and M. intermedius (Darwin) are placed in synonymy with M. tintinnabulum sensu stricto. M. galapaganus (Pilsbry) is synonymized with M. peninsularis (Pilsbry) and M. xishaensis Xianqui & Liu is considered a synonym of M. occator. Diagnoses and an illustrated key to the species are presented. Lectotypes are designated for M. tintinnabulum, M. crispatus, M. dorbignii, M. coccopoma (Darwin), M. spinosus (Chenu), M. validus (Darwin), and M. ajax...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Crustacea; Cirripedia; Balanomorpha; Megabalanus; Key; Species.; 42.74.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Type specimens of Maastrichtian fossils in the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden Naturalis
Leloux, J..
The type specimens of Maastrichtian invertebrate fossils from Limburg, The Netherlands, present in the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden, are listed. The Upper Cretaceous plant type specimens from Limburg of Miquel that were once part of the Staring collection present in the Palaeobotanical Museum of the Utrecht University are also included. Specimens of species described by Bosquet are also listed, since they possibly include type material. Short biographies of some of the important collectors and investigators are presented.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Foraminifera; Scleractinia; Bivalvia; Ammonoidea; Nautiloidea; Asterozoa; Fossil plants; Ostracoda; Brachiopoda; Cirripedia; Staring Collection; 38.22.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Определитель фауны Чёрного и Азовского морей: Свободноживущие беспозвоночные. Т.2. Ракообразные IBSS Repository
Мордухай-Болтовский, Ф. Д. (ред.).
Определитель обеспечивает возможность точного установления научного названия и систематического положения всех встречаемых в море организмов. Для каждой группы приводятся анатомо-морфологический обзор, определительные таблицы отрядов, семейств и родов с их краткими характеристиками и таблицы для определения видов. Рисунки приводятся для всех видов. Определитель выпущен в трех томах. В первый том включены простейшие, губки, кишечнополостные, черви, щупальцевые. Второй том охватывает всех свободноживущих представителей класса ракообразных, включая виды, населяющие опресненные солоноватоводные районы (с соленостью не менее 2-3%). Третий том посвящен группам свободноживущих беспозвоночных, не вошедшим в первые два тома, а именно: членистоногим (кроме...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Crustacea; Branchiopoda; Copepoda; Ostracoda; Cirripedia; Malacostraca.
Ano: 1969 URL:
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