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Coracoclavicular and Costoclavicular Joints at a Common Juncture: A Rare Phenomenon International Journal of Morphology
Rani,Anita; Mishra,Suniti R; Chopra,Jyoti; Rani,Archana; Manik,Punita; Kumar,Navneet; Dewan,R. K.
Movements at the human shoulder girdle are the result of complex interplay of glenohumeral, acromioclavicular, sternoclavicular and scapulothoracic articulations. Clavicle apart from articulating with the scapula and sternum is also connected with first rib by costoclavicular ligament and with coracoid process by coracoclavicular ligament. At times the area of attachment of these ligaments on clavicle, first rib and scapula show faceted apophysis suggesting the presence of additional diarthrodial articulations. Costoclavicular joint exists between clavicle and first rib and coracoclavicular joint between clavicle and coracoids process. Both these joints are described in the literature, but the concurrent occurrence of them in the same bone has not been...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Clavicle; Scapula; First rib; Costoclavicular ligament; Costoclavicular joint; Coracoclavicular ligament; Coracoclavicular joint.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Morphometry of Isan-Thai Clavicles as a Guide for Sex Determination International Journal of Morphology
Kaewma,Ailadda; Sampannang,Apichakan; Tuamsuk,Panya; Iamsaard,Sitthichai.
The dried clavicles have been well documented to determine individual sex and age in many races. Such morphometric investigations in Isan (Northeastern) Thais have never been reported. Therefore, this study aimed to estimate the sex from dried clavicles of Isan-Thais using morphometric analysis. The identified 454 dried clavicles (254 males and 200 females), averaged age (60.69±14.36 years) were measured and analyzed for identification point (IP) and the demarking point (DP) values. The results showed that the identified-bone percentages by IP of the maximum clavicular lengths in males and females were 90.55 % (&gt;139.9 mm) and 89 % (<140.6 mm). In addition, such percentages of the mid shaft circumference measured in male clavicles was 83.46 %...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Clavicle; Morphometry; Isan Thais; Sex determination.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Radiologic Evaluation of Clavicular Morphology in Southern Nigerians International Journal of Morphology
Udoaka,A. I; Nwokediuko,A. U.
This study was carried out to derive empirical values and indices for which clavicles on a radiograph can be correctly sexed. 1000 radiographic left clavicles of adults of both sexes (500 males and 500 females) ranging from ages 25 ­ 60 yrs collated from the Radiology departments of University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital and The General Hospital Calabar, all in Southern Nigeria, were used in this study. The values obtained in this study showed that, the males had Sternal head length of 2.52±0.33 cm, Acromial head length of 1.66±0.25 cm, a mid shaft diameter of 2.01 cm and body length of 15.28±0.66 cm. The female Sternal head length was 2.18±0.37 cm, Acromial head length was 1.65±0.22 cm, mid shaft diameter...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Clavicle; Radiographs; Demarking point.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Sex Determination Using Morphometric and Morphological Dimensions of the Clavicle within the KwaZulu-Natal Population International Journal of Morphology
Ishwarkumar,S; Pillay,P; Haffajee,M. R; Rennie,C.
Sex determination plays an essential role in forensic anthropology in the identification of an individual from skeletal remains. The aim of the study was to determine sex of an individual using the clavicle in a KwaZulu-Natal population. Various morphometric and morphological parameters were measured using 100 clavicles of known sex (66 male and 34 female) and age (range 25­95 years). The mean maximum length, mid-shaft circumference and maximum breadth of the sternal and acromial ends of the male clavicles were greater in females. However, the mean medial curve of the clavicle was greater in females than in males on both sides, and on the right side the female clavicles also had a greater mean lateral curve than the males. The maximum length and mid-shaft...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Clavicle; Clavicular length; Mid-shaft circumference; Sex determination.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Study on the Time Frame for Ossification of the Medial Clavicular Epiphyseal Cartilage by X-ray in Ghanaian Students International Journal of Morphology
Brown,A. A; Derkyi-Kwarteng,L; Amonoo-Kuofi,H. S.
The objective of this study was to determine the rate of ossification of the medial epiphysis of the clavicle and some of the different factors that may influence the rate of ossification in the Ghanaian population. The study was a retrospective study and was conducted at the University of Cape Coast hospital, Cape Coast, Ghana. Chest x-rays of 1035 first year University of Cape Coast students admitted, for the 2008/2009 academic year were used. Statistically significant differences were produced for some of the stages when sex comparisons were done using the t-test for two independent groups with a 95% confidence level. Stages 2 (p=0.001), stage 3 (p<0.001) and stage 4 (p=0-001). The age of onset of ossification of the medial clavicle appeared...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Clavicle; Anatomy; Ossification.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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