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1º Inventário das emissões de gases de efeito estufa do município de Rio Branco, Acre: série 2012-2016. Infoteca-e
COSTA, F. de S.; AMARAL, E. F. do; MELO, C. S. de; MARTINS, D. A..
Este inventário apresenta sugestões a partir dos resultados obtidos para mudanças estruturais no município objetivando reduzir as emissões, como, por exemplo, aumentar a robustez e a intercomunicação dos bancos de dados setoriais. A abordagem dada ao inventário permitiu demonstrar a tendência temporal de cada sumidouro/fonte de gases de efeito estufa por setor da matriz de produção do município e, portanto, prever o que assumir como prioridade para redução das emissões e/ou aumento da capacidade do sumidouro. Este inventário está de acordo com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 11 (Cidades e Comunidades Sustentáveis), 13 (Combate às Alterações Climáticas) e 17 (Parcerias em prol das Metas). Os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) são uma...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Inventário de Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEE); Sumidouros de gases; Emissões antrópicas; Vehicles; Cambio climático; Efecto invernadero; Gases de invernadero; Reservorios de carbono; Actividades antropogénicas; Estimación del riesgo; Uso de la tierra; Desechos sólidos; Rio Branco (AC); Acre; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Amazonia Occidental; Selo ODS 17; Selo ODS 13; Selo ODS 11; Mudança Climática; Efeito Estufa; Carbono; Estoque; Estimativa; Energia Elétrica; Resíduo Solido; Eliminação de Resíduo; Uso da Terra; Veiculo; Climate change; Greenhouse effect; Greenhouse gases; Carbon sinks; Risk estimate; Anthropogenic activities; Electric power industry; Land use; Solid wastes.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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A 1.2 Ma record of glaciation and fluvial discharge from the West European Atlantic margin ArchiMer
Toucanne, Samuel; Zaragosi, S.; Bourillet, Jean-francois; Gibbard, P. L.; Eynaud, F.; Giraudeau, J.; Turon, J. L.; Cremer, M.; Cortijo, E.; Martinez, P.; Rossignol, L..
The correlation of continental sedimentary records with the marine isotope stratigraphy is a challenge of central importance in Quaternary stratigraphy, particularly in Western Europe where long records of glaciation on land areas are particularly rare. Here we demonstrate for the first time the interrelationship of events during the last 1.2 Ma in an ocean-sediment core from the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic), SW of the Channel. The identification of discharge variations from tributary river systems to the 'Fleuve Manche' palaeoriver during glacio-eustatic sea-level lowstands demonstrates the correlation of the marine sediment stratigraphy to the expansion and recession of the European ice-sheets. The amplitude and chronology of European ice-sheet...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Middle pleistocene transition; Ice sheet dynamics; Sea level; Climate change; North Atlantic; English channel; Heinrich events; Fleuve manche; Deep; Origin.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A bioüzemanyagok használatával járó várható földhasználati változások Magyarországon AgEcon
Vida, Adrienn; Baksa, Adrienn.
Az egyre növekvő energiafelhasználás, világnépesség és éhezés olyan, több évtizede megoldatlan problémák, amelyeket a klímaváltozás és az ez által kialakult szélsőséges időjárási viszonyok tovább súlyosbítottak, a napjainkban tapasztalható gazdasági válság pedig még inkább megnehezítheti megoldásukat. A megújítható energiaforrások szerepének növelésében katalizátorszerepet betöltő Európai Unió már a 80-as évek elején megoldást keresett a túltermelés következtében felhalmozódott szántóföldi termékek felhasználására. Az idők során a támogatási rendszer is a non-food termelést helyezte egyre inkább előtérbe, majd a kialakított direktívák és piaci intézkedések előkészítették, és így biztosították az összefoglalóan biomasszának nevezett megújítható...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Földhasználat; Bioüzemanyagok; Klímaváltozás; Környezeti terhelés; Fenntartható gazdálkodás; Land usage; Bio-fuels; Climate change; Environmental burden; Sustainable farming.; Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A Case for Developing Place-Based Fire Management Strategies from Traditional Ecological Knowledge Ecology and Society
Ray, Lily A; Department of Geography, Clark University; Resilience and Adaptation Program, University of Alaska, Fairbanks ;; Kolden, Crystal A; Department of Geography, University of Idaho;; Chapin III, F. Stuart; Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska, Fairbanks ;
Sustainability science promotes place-based resource management because natural processes vary among ecosystems. When local science is limited, land managers may be forced to generalize from other ecosystems that function differently. One proposed solution is to draw upon the traditional ecological knowledge that indigenous groups have accumulated through resource use. Integrating traditional ecological knowledge with conventional resource management is difficult, especially when the two offer competing explanations of local environments. Although resource managers may discount traditional ecological knowledge that contradicts conventional resource management, we investigate the possibility that these disagreements can arise when nonlocal resource...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Alaska; Climate change; Indigenous knowledge; Traditional ecological knowledge; Wildfire.
Ano: 2012
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A cognitive psychological approach of analyzing preference uncertainty in contingent valuation AgEcon
Akter, Sonia; Bennett, Jeffrey W..
The sources of preference uncertainty in contingent valuation (CV) studies have rarely been investigated from a theoretical standpoint. This paper proposes a holistic theoretical framework of preference uncertainty that combines microeconomic theory with the theories of cognitive psychology. Empirical testing of the proposed theoretical model was carried out in Australia in the context of a national ‘Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS)’ to be introduced in 2010. Two separate ordered probit models for a certainty score associated with CV ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ responses were estimated. The results of the estimated regression models provide evidence supporting the hypotheses drawn from the theoretical model.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Contingent valuation; Preference uncertainty; Cognitive uncertainty; Climate change; Australia.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A cultural landscape approach to community-based conservation in Solomon Islands Ecology and Society
Walter, Richard K; University of Otago;; Hamilton, Richard J; The Nature Conservancy, Asia Pacific Division; ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University;
International environmental organizations have an increasing commitment to the development of conservation programs in high-diversity regions where indigenous communities maintain customary rights to their lands and seas. A major challenge that these programs face is the alignment of international conservation values with those of the indigenous communities whose cooperation and support are vital. International environmental organizations are focused on biodiversity conservation, but local communities often have a different range of concerns and interests, only some of which relate to biodiversity. One solution to this problem involves adoption of a cultural landscape approach as the ethical and organizational foundation of the conservation program. In our...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Archaeology; Biodiversity; Climate change; Coral Triangle; Heritage; Solomon Islands.
Ano: 2014
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A fenntartható fejlődést szolgáló paradigma AgEcon
Meszaros, Sandor.
Az uralkodó neoklasszikus paradigma alapján a 20. század második felében a gazdasági növekedés a várható klímaváltozás, a Föld természeti erőforrásai és a társadalmi egyenlőtlenségek figyelembevétele nélkül ment végbe. Erre a helyzetre szolgált válaszul a fenntarthatóság koncepciója, amely az utóbbi két évtizedben globális mozgalommá vált, és nemzeti alkalmazkodási stratégiák kidolgozásához vezetett. A gazdaság működésére azonban igazán új paradigma mégsem született, bár a köz¬gazdaságtan a komplexitás irányába látszik fejlődni. Az új (transzdiszciplináris) paradigma eddigi hiánya ellenére a szükséges változások irányai már felismerhetők: a fosszilis energiaforrások mielőbbi helyettesítése és az erdőgazdaság kiemelt kezelése (Low Carbon Economy), valamint...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Gazdasági paradigmák; Fenntarthatóság; Klímaváltozás; Globalizáció; Modellezés; Economic paradigms; Sustainability; Climate change; Globalisation; Modelling; Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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A Holocene pollen record of savanna establishment in coastal Amapá Anais da ABC (AABC)
Toledo,Mauro B. de; Bush,Mark B..
The main goal of this study was to investigate how climate and human activities may have influenced ecotonal areas of disjoint savannas within Brazilian Amazonia. The fossil pollen and charcoal records of Lake Márcio (Amapá) were used to provide a Holocene palaeoecological history of this region. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was used to enhance the patterns of sample distribution along the sediment core. A marked vegetation change from closed forests with swamp elements to open flooded savanna at c. 5000 yrs BP was evident from the pollen record. Charcoal analysis revealed a pattern of increased accumulation of particles coincident with the establishment of savannas, suggesting higher fire frequency and human impacts near the lake. A 550-year...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pollen record; Palaeofires; Amazonia; Savannas; Climate change; Palaeoecology.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A mezőgazdasági területek érzékenységének és adaptációs képességének mérési lehetőségei AgEcon
Farkas-Fekete, Maria.
A tanulmány alapvető célja az, hogy hozzájáruljon az érzékenység, sérülékenység és adaptációs képesség vizsgálatának módszertanához. A kutatások eredményei felhívják a figyelmet arra, hogy bár az európai vidék összessége egyre sérülékenyebbé válik a különböző globális kihívásokra, a veszélyeztetettség mértéke régiónként eltérő. A kutatások eredményei megerősítették az IPCC 3. jelentésében megfogalmazott hipotéziseket, melyek szerint a gazdag országok ugyanolyan veszélyeztetettség mellett is kevésbé sérülékenyek, mivel nagyobb az alkalmazkodóképességük. A klímaváltozás, amely pozitív és negatív hatást is gyakorol Európa mezőgazdaságára, módosítja az eddigi komparatív előnyöket, illetve hátrányokat. Gazdasági szempontból Dél- és Közép-Kelet-Európa minden...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Fenntarthatóság; Klímaváltozás; Érzékenység; Sérülékenység; Veszélyeztetettség; Adaptáció; Sustainability; Climate change; Vulnerability; Sensitivity; Adaptability; Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A multi-period positive mathematical programming approach for assessing economic impact of drought in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia AgEcon
Qureshi, Muhammad Ejaz; Ahmad, Mobin-ud-Din; Whitten, Stuart M.; Kirby, Mac.
In the last decade, the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB), Australia faced a severe drought which affected its agriculture production. Sustainable diversion limits as proposed in the Australian Government’s basin plan together with climate change is expected to impact on future agriculture production and development in the MDB. We developed a biophysical-economic mathematical model calibrated against the observed multi-period land use data utilising the positive mathematical programming (PMP) approach to evaluate the impacts on agricultural production activities of a range of climate events and policy options. This is an extension of our previous work where the model was calibrated against a single year and focus was on the southern MDB only. The multi-period...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Integrated hydrology and economic model; Multi-period calibration; Climate change; Drought; Agriculture; Positive mathematical programming; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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A Nemzeti Vidékstratégia a mezőgazdasági vízgazdálkodás és az öntözésfejlesztés tükrében AgEcon
Biro, Szabolcs; Kapronczai, Istvan; Szekely, Erika; Szucs, Istvan.
A Nemzeti Vidékstratégiai Koncepció (Vidékfejlesztési Minisztérium, 2011) vitaanyagának előszava a természeti erőforrások felértékelődésére, a természeti környezet védelmére, valamint a mezőgazdaság és a vidék szoros kapcsolatára hívja fel a figyelmet. Ennek tükrében élelmiszerelőállítás csak a talajok, az ivóvízbázisok és a táj fenntartását eredményező, a jó környezeti állapotot és az élővilág sokszínűségét megőrző, valamint a vidéki életformát, a helyi közösségeket és kultúrát megóvó jó minőségű és biztonságos alapanyagokra épülő termelés mellett értelmezhető. Jelen vitacikk a mezőgazdasági vízhasználat vidékstratégiai vonatkozásait kívánja feltárni, felhasználva kutatási eredményeinket1 és figyelembe véve vizsgálataink alapján megfogalmazott...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Természeti erőforrások; Föld; Öntözés; Klíma; Role of natural resources; Land; Climate change; Irrigation; Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Production Economics.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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A new method to simulate the hydrological state of soil under natural conditions PAB
Wild,Anna-Katharina; Marx,Michael Thomas; Eisenbeis,Gerhard.
Micro, macro and mesofauna in the soil often respond to fluctuating environmental conditions, resulting in changes of abundance and community structure. Effects of changing soil parameters are normally determined with samples taken in the field and brought to the laboratory, i.e. where natural environmental conditions may not apply. We devised a method (STAFD - soil tubes for artificial flood and drought), which simulates the hydrological state of soil in situ using implanted cores. Control tubes were compared with treatment tubes in which floods of 15, 30, 60 and 90 days, and droughts of 60, 90 and 120 days were simulated in the field. Flooding and drought were found to reduce number of individuals in all soil faunal groups, but the response to drought...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Climate change; Drought; Flooding; Soil invertebrates; Soil tubes; STAFD method.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A Ricardian analysis of the impact of climate change on African cropland AgEcon
Kurukulasuriya, Pradeep; Mendelsohn, Robert.
This study examines the impact of climate change on cropland in Africa, using a Ricardian cross-sectional approach. Relying on farm data from an 11-country survey of over 9500 farmers, annual net revenue is regressed on climate and other variables. The study confirms that current climate affects the net revenues of farms across Africa. Applying these results to possible future climates reveals that dryland farms are especially climate sensitive. Even as early as 2020, climate change could have strong negative impacts on currently dry and hot locations. By 2100, dryland crop net revenues could rise by 51% if future warming is mild and wet but fall by 43% if future climates are hot and dry. The crop net revenues of currently irrigated farms are likely to be...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Climate change; Agriculture; Valuation; Africa; Crop Production/Industries; Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q12; Q25.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A Ricardian Analysis of the Impact of Climate Change on South American Farms Chilean J. Agric. Res.
Niggol Seo,S; Mendelsohn,Robert.
This study estimates the impact of climate change on South American agriculture taking into account farm adaptations. The study used a Ricardian analysis of 2300 farms to explore the effects of global warming on land values. In order to predict climate change impacts for this century, were examined climate change scenarios predicted by three Atmospheric Oceanic General Circulation Models (AOGCM): the Canadian Climate Center (CCC), the Centre for Climate System Research (CCSR), and the Parallel Climate Model (PCM) models. Several econometric specifications were tested, and five separate regressions were run: for all farms, small household farms, large commercial farms, rainfed farms, and irrigated farms. Farmland values will decrease as temperature...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Climate change; Agriculture; Ricardian approach; South America.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A Structural Land-Use Analysis of Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change: A Proactive Approach AgEcon
Kaminski, Jonathan; Kan, Iddo; Fleischer, Aliza.
This article proposes a proactive approach for analyzing agricultural adaptation to climate change based on a structural land-use model wherein farmers maximize profit by allocating their land between crop-technology bundles. The profitability of the bundles is a function of four technological attributes via which climate variables‟ effect is channeled: yield potential; input requirements; yields' sensitivity to input use; and farm-level management costs. Proactive adaptation measures are derived by identifying the technological attributes via which climate variables reduce overall agricultural profitability, despite adaptation by land reallocation among bundles. By applying the model to Israel, we find that long-term losses stem from yield potential...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Adaptation; Agricultural land use; Climate change; Crop-technology bundles; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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About the origin of the Mediterranean Waters warming during thetwentieth century ArchiMer
García-martínez, María Del Carmen; Vargas-yáñez, Manuel; Moya, Francina; Zunino Rodriguez, Patricia; Bautista, Begoña.
The Mediterranean Sea transforms Atlantic Waters inflowing through the Strait of Gibraltar into saltier, cooler and denser Mediterranean Waters that outflow into the Atlantic Ocean. A theoretical steady state functioning of the Mediterranean Sea would be the result of the balance between the net heat and volume transports through the Strait of Gibraltar and the heat loss to the atmosphere through the sea surface and the net evaporation. The salt transport for the inflow and outflow should be balanced. Changes in the heat content, temperature and salinity of the Mediterranean waters reveal that the present Mediterranean functioning is out of this equilibrium state. A new analysis for MEDAR data shows that the temperature and salinity averaged for the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Temperature and salinity trends; Climate change; Mediterranean Sea..
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Abundance, breeding and food of the Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea (Aves, Ardeidae) in the Patos Lagoon estuary, a recently colonized area in southern Brazil Iheringia, Sér. Zool.
Gianuca,Dimas; Gianuca,Andros T.; Vooren,Carolus M..
We document the expansion of the breeding distribution of the Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea (Linnaeus, 1758) to 850 km beyond its previous southern limit in South America. In addition we present data on abundance, breeding biology and food of the species in the Patos Lagoon estuary, the area which the species recently colonized. The maximum abundance recorded in the breeding colony and in a nocturnal roosting site was 53 and 49 individuals respectively. Nesting occurred from September to March. Birds nested in a mixed breeding colony together with about 3,000 breeding pairs of seven other species of Pelecaniformes, in a swampy forest near the margin of the estuary. Five nests were between 1.5 and 4.3 m from the ground, on the shrub Daphnopsis racemosa...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Climate change; Herons; Reproduction; Rio Grande do Sul; Range expansion.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Accelerating Deforestation in the Congo Basin Can Pose Climate Risks Ecology and Society
Baidya Roy, Somnath; Duke University;; Walsh, Peter D; Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Primatology;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Africa; Climate change; Conversion to grassland; Deforestation; Logging.
Ano: 2005
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Acclimation of the marine diatom Pseudo‐nitzschia australis to different salinity conditions: effects on growth, photosynthetic activity and domoic acid content ArchiMer
Ayache, Nour; Hervé, Fabienne; Lundholm, Nina; Amzil, Zouher; Caruana, Amandine.
oxic Pseudo‐nitzschia australis strains isolated from French coastal waters were studied to investigate their capacity to adapt to different salinities. Their acclimation to different salinity conditions (10, 20, 30, 35 and 40) was studied on growth, photosynthetic capacity, cell biovolume and domoic acid (DA) content. The strains showed ability to acclimate to a salinity range from 20 to 40, with optimal growth rates between salinities 30 and 40. The highest cell biovolume was observed at the lowest salinity 20 and was associated with the lowest growth rate. Salinity did not affect the photosynthetic activity; Fv/Fm values and the pigment contents remained high with no significant difference among salinities. An enhanced production of zeaxanthin was,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Acclimation; Climate change; Domoic acid; Pseudo-nitzschia australis; Physiology; Salinity.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Ações de mitigação e adaptação frente às mudanças climáticas. Infoteca-e
Neste capítulo, serão apresentados processos, tecnologias, modelos e exemplos de agricultura familiar no Semiárido brasileiro que alcançam condições para manter a resiliência dos seus agroecossistemas num cenário de mudanças climáticas globais, destacando-se ações relacionadas à adaptação e mitigação.
Tipo: Parte de livro Palavras-chave: Agricultura dependente de chuva; Mitigação; Desenvolvimento regional; Semiárido; Agroecossistema; Mudança Climática; Agricultura; Agricultura Familiar; Segurança Alimentar; Desenvolvimento Sustentável; Políticas Públicas; Climate change.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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