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Aquaculture en système clos : estimation des coûts de production pour l'élevage du bar et du turbot 5
Lavenant, M; Paquotte, Philippe.
Two major constraints to aquaculture have raised in most countries : the little availability of convenient sites because of the competition for the use of the coastline and the progressive implementation of regulations to reduce the impact of the farms on the environment. The technique of recirculation, widely used for hatcheries, has been developed to answer these constraints and to get free of the natural variations in order to regulate the résults. The ongrowing experimental facilities have proved good enough results to make it possible to conceive industrial projects for sea-bass and turbot. In first approach, the production costs of these systems are similar to traditional techniques but expected productivity gains due to an increase of zootechnical...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Economical aspects; Production costs; Sea bass; Turbot; Marine aquaculture; Recirculation; Closed system; SEM; Aspects économiques; Coût de production; Bar; Turbot; Aquaculture marine; Système clos; Circuit fermé.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Description et fonctionnement d'une installation en circuit fermé destinée à l'élevage de larves et juvéniles de soles. Premiers résultats 5
Alayse, J.p.; Lahaye, J..
The experimental unit used previously in our laboratory for the study of the effect of the photoperiod on the growth of flatfish was based on the use of tanks with separate recirculation systems. We modified it, connecting the different tanks to a single, more powerful recirculation system. This new unit comprised four different parts s - a biological filtar and an ultraviolet sterilizer. - a gravity operated water distribution system. - a series of 12 rearing tanks. - a piping system connecting the tank outlets to the biological filter. The total volume of the unit was 8 900 l. 200 l were changed every week. The main advantages of this new unit was that the quality of the water supplied to all tanks could be exactly the same, and that various parameters...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Circuit fermé; Élevage; Sole; Closed system; Breeding; Sole.
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Economic analysis of soilless and soil-based greenhouse cucumber production in Turkey 63
Engindeniz,Sait; Gül,Ayse.
Since the onset of the commercial application of soilless culture, this production approach has evoluted at a fast pace, gaining popularity among growers throughout the world. As a result, a lot of information has been developed by growers, advisors, researchers, and suppliers of equipment and substrate. This study aimed to determine the cost and return of soilless greenhouse cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) production and to prepare a sample budget for growers. Soilless cultivation is an alternative production method for Turkish growers and it is being practised on a commercial basis on 180 ha. Cost and return budgets can be useful for growers because they allows growers to compare total production cost and revenue varying grower type, production time,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cucumis sativus L.; Vegetable; Alternative agriculture; Closed system; Economic feasibility.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Effect of density of fingerling and juvenile pirarucu during transportation on water quality and physiological parameters 36
LIMA,Adriana Ferreira; OLIVEIRA,Hyago Jovane Borges de; PEREIRA,André Silvério; SAKAMOTO,Silmara Sanae.
ABSTRACT We assessed the effect of stocking density on physiological parameters (blood lactate, glucose, cortisol, hematocrit), water quality (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, unionized ammonia, carbon dioxide), and survival during the transportation of fingerling (24.5 ± 4.7 g) and juvenile (615.8 ± 122.2 g) pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) for six hours in plastic bags. The tested densities were 65, 80, 95, 110 and 125 g L-1 for fingerlings, and 50, 80, 110, 140 and 170 g L-1 for juveniles (three replicates each). Parameters were measured prior to and immediately after transportation, and at 24 and 96 hours recovery after transportation. No mortality was observed, except for fingerlings (< 3%) at densities of 110 and 125 g L-1 during recovery. All the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Arapaima gigas; Closed system; Lactate; Cortisol; Glucose.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Elevage intensif du loup Dicentrarchus labrax 5
Coves, Denis; Gasset, Eric.
Different seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) intensiv rearing technics have been experimented in the pilot scale unit of our laboratory. During these upscalfing operation, the results obtained allow us to compare costs related to each fingemng production method. Closed system combined with early weaning with an efficient micropellet saves at least 69 % of direct production costs by comparison with an open system with Arternia during larval phase. However if closed systems are commonly used by private hatcheries, larval micropellets are always at experimental step.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Production cost; Early weaning; Closed system; Intensiv; Rearing; D. Labrax; Coût de production; Sevrage précoce; Recyclage; Intensif; Elevage; D. Labrax.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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