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A case study of ship track formation in a polluted marine boundary layer 27
Noone, K.J.; Johnson, D.W.; Taylor, J.P.; Ferek, R.J.; Garrett, T.; Hobbs, P.V.; Durkee, P.A.; Nielsen, K.; Öström, E.; O'Dowd, C.; Smith, M.H.; Russell, L.M.; Flagan, R.C.; Seinfeld, J.H.; De Bock, L.; Van Grieken, R.; Hudson, J.G.; Brooks, I.; Gasparovic, R.F.; Pockalny, R.A..
A case study of the effects of ship emissions on the microphysical, radiative, and chemical properties of polluted marine boundary layer clouds is presented. Two ship tracks are discussed in detail. <i>In situ</i> measurements of cloud drop size distributions, liquid water content, and cloud radiative properties, as well as aerosol size distributions (outside-cloud, interstitial, and cloud droplet residual particles) and aerosol chemistry, are presented. These are related to remotely sensed measurements of cloud radiative properties. The authors examine the processes behind ship track formation in a polluted marine boundary layer as an example of the effects of anthropogenic particulate pollution on the albedo of marine stratiform clouds.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aerosols; Air pollution; Albedo; Atmosphere; Atmosphere; Atmospheric boundary layer; Boundary layers; Cloud cover; Clouds; Man-induced effects; Marine environment; Marine pollution; Particulates; Remote sensing; Ships.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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A case study of ships forming and not forming tracks in moderately polluted clouds 27
Noone, K.J.; Öström, E.; Ferek, R.J.; Garrett, T.; Hobbs, P.V.; Johnson, D.W.; Taylor, J.P.; Russell, L.M.; Flagan, R.C.; Seinfeld, J.H.; O'Dowd, C.D.; Smith, M.H.; Durkee, P.A.; Nielsen, K.; Hudson, J.G.; Pockalny, R.A.; De Bock, L.; Van Grieken, R.E.; Gasparovic, R.F.; Brooks, I..
The effects of anthropogenic particulate emissions from ships on the radiative, microphysical, and chemical properties of m(oderately polluted marine stratiform clouds are examined. A case study of two ships in the same air mass is presented where one of the vessels caused a discernible ship track while the other did not. <i>In situ</i> measurements of cloud droplet size distributions, liquid water content, and cloud radiative properties, as well as aerosol size distributions (outside cloud, interstitial, and cloud droplet residual particles) and aerosol chemistry, are presented. These are related to measurements of cloud radiative properties. The differences between the aerosol in the two ship plumes are discussed; these indicate that...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aerosols; Air pollution; Albedo; Anthropogenic factors; Atmospheric boundary layer; Atmospheric particulates; Chemical plumes; Cloud physics; Clouds; Droplets; Fuels; Ocean-atmosphere system; Pollution effects; Radiative transfer; Ships; Size distribution.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Single particle analysis of aerosols, observed in the marine boundary layer during the Monterey Area Ship Tracks Experiment (MAST), with respect to cloud droplet formation 27
De Bock, L.A.; Joos, P.E.; Noone, K.J.; Pockalny, R.A.; Van Grieken, R.E..
The chemical composition of individual particles >0.2 µm sampled during the MAST-experiment were analysed by SEM-EDX, in combination with multivariate techniques. The objective of this experiment was to identify the mechanisms responsible for the modification of marine stratocumulus clouds by emissions from ships and in a wider sense to provide information on the global processes involved in atmospheric modification of cloud albedo. Aerosols were examined under different MBL pollution levels (clean, intermediately polluted and moderately polluted) in five different reservoirs: background below-cloud and above-cloud aerosol; background cloud droplet residual particles; below-cloud ship plume aerosol and ship track cloud droplet residual particles. In...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aerosols; Albedo; Atmospheric boundary layer; Atmospheric particulates; Chemical composition; Clouds; Droplets; Pollution effects; INE.
Ano: 2000 URL:
Registros recuperados: 3
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