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A cophenetic correlation coefficient for Tocher's method 86
Silva,Anderson Rodrigo da; Dias,Carlos Tadeu dos Santos.
The objective of this work was to propose a way of using the Tocher's method of clustering to obtain a matrix similar to the cophenetic one obtained for hierarchical methods, which would allow the calculation of a cophenetic correlation. To illustrate the obtention of the proposed cophenetic matrix, we used two dissimilarity matrices - one obtained with the generalized squared Mahalanobis distance and the other with the Euclidean distance - between 17 garlic cultivars, based on six morphological characters. Basically, the proposal for obtaining the cophenetic matrix was to use the average distances within and between clusters, after performing the clustering. A function in R language was proposed to compute the cophenetic matrix for Tocher's method. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cluster analysis; Optimization methods; Clustering consistency.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Kemenyne Horvath, Zsuzsanna.
A tanulmány bemutatja a hazai gabona keresletében bekövetkezett vertikális és horizontális átrendeződést és annak hatásait. A kérdőíves megkeresés és a mélyinterjúkból született válaszokat felhasználva, klaszteranalízis segítségével lehetővé vált a felvásárlói oldalon álló szereplők tipizálása, továbbá az áralku döntéseik modellezése. Megállapítható, hogy a gabonapiacon elsősorban a nagy kereskedelmi cégek és holdingok az árvezetők, ami méretükkel, tároló kapacitá-saikkal, logisztikai adottságaikkal és stratégiájukkal magyarázható. A feldolgo-zók (malom, takarmánykeverő, vetőmagos cégek), az integrátorok, kiskereskedők és egyéb cégek árelfogadók a gabonapiacon. Az intervenciós árszint a keresleti oldalon álló szereplők áralkuit, gabonapiaci stratégiáját...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Gabonapiac; Intervenció; Klaszteranalízis; Keresleti oldal; Áralku; Grain market; Intervention; Cluster analysis; Demand side; Price deal; Agribusiness; Crop Production/Industries; International Relations/Trade; Production Economics.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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A Mixed Geographically Weighted Approach to Decoupling and Rural Development in the EU-15 31
Pecci, Francesco; Sassi, Maria.
The CAP reform and the recent EC communication aimed at preparing its Health Check emphasise the need for interventions locally based where agricultural policy integrates with a broader policy for rural areas growth. In this context, the paper investigates the possible different sets policy indicators affecting agricultural productivity at the regional level considering spatial heterogeneity by means of a Mixed Geographically Weighted Regression approach. The analysis is based on a set of policy sensitive indicators selected according to the key component of the CAP reform and referred to a sample of 164 EU-15 regions at NUTS2 level. The methodology adopted, new for the empirical literature on the topic, allows for a more accurate understanding of spatial...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: CAP reform; Agricultural productivity; Spatial analysis; Cluster analysis; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A munkahelyi étkezés hazai fogyasztói piacának vizsgálata 31
Fodor, Monika; Gyenge, Balazs; Horvath, Agnes.
Tanulmányunkban 1000 fős országos felmérés eredményei alapján azonosítottuk a hazai munkahelyi étkezés fogyasztói szegmenseit. Bebizonyítottuk, hogy a célcsoportok szocio-demográfiai ismérvek mellett az étkezési és élelmezési szokások, a munkahelyi étkezéshez való viszony szerint is eltéréseket mutatnak, amely igazolja, hogy ezen ismérvek befolyásolják az egyént abban, hogy milyen munkahelyi étkezési formát választ. Megállapítható, hogy a munkahelyi étkezés igénybevétele leginkább az időtudatos élelmiszer-fogyasztói magatartással függ össze, de megjelennek a kényelem, a termékminőség és a kiegészítő szolgáltatások iránti fogyasztói elvárások is. Az eredmények segítséget jelenthetnek a piacfejlesztési, piacbővítési lehetőségek definiálásában és a célpiaci...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Munkahelyi étkezés; Faktoranalízis; Klaszteranalízis; Institutional catering; Factor analysis; Cluster analysis; Consumer/Household Economics; Marketing.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Parsons, Robert L.; Hanson, Gregory D..
A financial training program designed by Cooperative Extension specialists was provided to over 2,000 USDA/FSA borrowers from the Northeast during the period 1994-1999. Key to the success of the workshops was an in-depth, user-friendly curriculum that evolved over time, eventually replacing satellite-feed instruction with pre-taped videos. Cluster analysis classified nearly 70 percent of workshop participants as "Low Finance Priority" or "Low Finance Knowledge." Farmers in these clusters received a relatively greater educational benefit from the program than those not in these clusters.. Impact analysis indicated that perceived annual gain in farm net worth from application of workshop tools ranged from approximately $5,000 to $10,000. The training...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural finance; Workshop methods; Borrower training; Cluster analysis; Impact analysis; Agricultural Finance; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Acceptance of Transgenic Milk in La Araucania Region,Chile 117
Schnettler M,Berta; Sepúlveda B,Oriana; Ruiz F,Danilo.
Considering the high level of concern caused by genetically modified foods (GMF) in developed countries, the relevance of this variable in decision-making about the purchase of fluid milk among consumers in Temuco (La Araucanía Region, Chile) was determined. By means of a personal survey of 400 people and using conjoint analysis, it was determined that the presence of genetic modifications in food was more important (44.7%) than brand (29.5%) and price (25.5%) in the decision-making process. By cluster analysis three segments were identified; the largest group (46.5%) gave similar relevance to food production and brand, preferring genetically modified milk. For the second group (41.5%), the presence or absence of genetic modification was the most important...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Genetically modified foods (GMF); Fluid milk; Cluster analysis; Conjoint analysis.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Advantages and challenges for Brazilian export of frozen beef 96
Pereira,Paulo Rodrigo Ramos Xavier; Barcellos,Júlio Otávio Jardim; Federizzi,Luiz Carlos; Lampert,Vinícius do Nascimento; Canozzi,Maria Eugênia Andrighetto; Marques,Pedro Rocha.
The objectives of this research were to analyse data on the international market of frozen boneless beef and to classify its participants into groups according to their trade relationships, identifying the main factors that influence the preference of a country to beef from a determined supplier country. International beef trade is composed of two markets: in one of them, the relationships between supplier and client depend on the lowest price, and Brazil is found in favorable conditions; and the other, the relationships are preferably based on the sanitary quality of the herd and traceability systems recognized by the purchaser, to which Brazilian participation is low.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bovine spongiform encephalopaty (BSE); Cluster analysis; Data mining; Foot and mouth disease; International trade beef.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Agricultural Input Market Segments: Who Is Buying What? 31
Alexander, Corinne E.; Wilson, Christine A.; Foley, Daniel H..
For agribusiness managers and salespeople, understanding customers and their preferences and behaviors is crucial to success. This study uses cluster analysis to identify five distinct buyer segments for expendable input purchases for U.S. crop and livestock commercial producers. A multinomial logit model is used to predict segment membership based on demographic, behavioral, and business management factors. Results provide important information for agricultural input suppliers.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cluster analysis; Input suppliers; Market segmentation; Multinomial logit; Marketing; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Altitudinal vegetation belts in the high-Andes of central Chile (33°S) 97
Cavieres,Lohengrin A.; Peñaloza,Alejandro; Kalin Arroyo,Mary.
The limits of alpine vegetation belts have been established mainly based on physiognomic criteria. However, a more objective approach for fixing limits of vegetation belts are methods based on species composition and relative abundance of each species. While these methods are more time consuming, they are more detailed and permit the detection of physical factors affecting the limits of vegetation belts. In this paper we: 1) describe the altitudinal changes of vegetation above timberline, 2) compare vegetation belts defined with physiognomy and two floristic methods (a qualitative one based on altitudinal changes in species composition, and a quantitative one based on changes in dominant species); and 3) detect some environmental factors responsible for...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Altitudinal vegetation belts; Alpine vegetation; Andes; Central Chile; Cluster analysis.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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An alternative method for assessing the equivalence among treatments in survival analysis 65
Peternelli,Luiz Alexandre; Tomaz,Flávia Sílvia Corrêa; Bernardes,Diego Paiva; Silva,Gilson Fernandes da; Lacerda,Fabricia Gonçalves.
This work aims to evaluate the use of parametric models instead of a nonparametric procedure to adjust survival curves related to different treatments, and to verify the equivalence among treatments by the multivariate method of cluster analysis. The dataset used to validate the method was obtained from a laboratory experiment with cutting ants. Eight colonies of cutting ants were used, each one receiving different treatments. The exponential, Weibull, log-normal, and logistic models were adjusted for each treatment, along with the usual Kaplan-Meier adjustment. The logistic model used was the best option for evaluating the survival of the ants. Therefore, this model was adjusted for each treatment. The estimates of the parameters of each adjusted model...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Logrank test; Cluster analysis; Curves comparison.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Arrington, Kendra; Dennis, Jennifer H.; Mazzocco, Michael A..
In Spring 2005 and Fall 2009 consumer surveys were collected in several Metropolitan 4 cities in Indiana and Illinois to explore differences based on psychographic and behavioral 5 characteristics of farmers’ market consumers. Consumer intercept surveys were conducted in: 6 South Bend, IN; Bloomington, IN; Springfield, IL and Peoria, IL. Likert scale questions were 7 analyzed using factor and hierarchical cluster analysis to identify clusters of consumers based on 8 several farmers’ market characteristics. Survey results show that of the 164 Metropolitan 9 surveys analyzed, 85.3% of respondents were Caucasian, 71.9% were between the ages of 35 and 10 64 and 78% were female. Data analysis showed that four clusters were formed: Recreational 11 (42%),...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cluster analysis; Consumers; Farmers’ market; Primary data; Surveys; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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An Innovative Tool to Assess Marketing Capabilities of Traditional Producers within the European Food Industry 31
Banterle, Alessandro; Carraresi, Laura; Stranieri, Stefanella.
The purpose of this paper is to assess the marketing management capabilities of SMEs producing traditional food products in EU throughout the development of a benchmarking tool. SMEs represent the greater part of European food firms and they find it very difficult to adapt to market changes, and to compete with big enterprises. In this context, marketing management plays a key role in good SMEs performances in the market. The benchmarking tool, utilised to assess marketing capabilities, is aimed at improving critical points in the marketing area of traditional food firms by following the example of the best ones. This method is developed in the innovative form of an interactive questionnaire published on the Web. At the moment the sample is composed by 60...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Marketing capabilities; Traditional food; Benchmarking; Cluster analysis; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Industrial Organization; L25; L66; M31; Q13.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Analysing the Impact of Decoupling at a Regional Level in Ireland: A Farm Level Dynamic Linear Programming Approach 31
Shrestha, Shailesh; Hennessy, Thia C..
This paper describes a methodology to assess the impact of the decoupling of payments on Irish farms at a regional level. The methodology is based on a farm level dynamic linear programming model which optimises regional gross margin under a set of constraints. Regionally representative farms are selected using cluster analysis. The model maximises aggregate gross margins from all the farm types in a region allowing land and milk quota to transfer between farms within the region. The model is estimated for a baseline scenario, assuming no policy change, and under a decoupled scenario where farm payments are fully decoupled from production. An example of an impact study at the Border region in Ireland is presented in this paper to demonstrate the methodology.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Decoupling; Linear Programming; Cluster analysis; Agricultural policy; Regional level; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Analysis of genetic diversity in Argentinian heterotic maize populations using molecular markers 118
Morales,Marcelo; Decker,Viviana; Ornella,Leonardo.
Over the past three decades, traditional Argentinean Orange Flint maize cultivars have been replaced by the higher yielding U.S. Yellow Dent germplasms. However, fint cultivars are potentially resistant to biotic and/or abiotic stress. Thus, knowledge of genetic diversity and relationships among fint inbred lines would help reduce genetic vulnerability and broaden the genetic base of crops in national improvement programs. In this study, we report the analysis of 25 inbred Orange Flint germplasms and one dent using 21 microsatellite markers or Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR). The aim was to assess genetic diversity among these accessions and evaluate the usefulness of SSR markers for defning heterotic groups in temperate germplasm. Genetic diversity values...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Cluster analysis; Microsatellite; Zea mays.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Analysis on genetic diversity of 51 Grape germplasm resources 65
Yue,Qingchun; Zhang,Chenfei; Wang,Qinghao; Wang,Wenjing; Wang,Jinyang; Wu,Yueyan.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to research the genetic diversity of the ‘ Zuijinxiang ’ grape and its mutant breeding F1 plants, we screened the excellent mutant plants with potential breeding value. 50 mutated single plants obtained from 137Cs-γ irradiated ‘Zuijinxiang’ grape seeds were used as research objects, and SCoT molecular marker technology was used for genetic diversity and variation analysis, and clustering research was carried out. The results showed that: (1) 36 SCoT primers produced abundant polymorphisms, and the amplification results showed obvious bright bands, and the amplification efficiency and polymorphism rate were 100%. (2) A total of 221 bands were amplified by 36 primers, of which 175 were rich in polymorphism, the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Grape; SCoT markers; Genetic diversity; Cluster analysis.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Aplicación de métodos multivariados para la tipificación y caracterización de almacenes de maíz en México. 32
Ortíz Rosales, Miguel Angel.
El principal cultivo en producción, importaciones y consumo en México es el maíz, su correcto almacenamiento permite hacerlo disponible en todo momento, incide directamente en la seguridad alimentaria del país, permite hacer más competitiva la oferta y es un detonante de ingresos y empleos. Por otro lado, la oferta de maíz en México se encuentra dispersa por todo el país y entre propietarios con distintos niveles de desarrollo; en consecuencia, las características de los almacenes pueden obedecer a varios factores. En este contexto, las políticas dirigidas a eficientar el sistema de almacenamiento de maíz en México deben considerar dicha heterogeneidad. En este estudio se propone una tipología de almacenes de maíz que permite agrupar características en...
Palavras-chave: Seguridad alimentaria; Análisis de componentes principales (ACP); Análisis clúster; Economía; Doctorado; Food security; Principal component Analysis (PCA); Cluster analysis.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Approaches for Selecting Product Innovation Projects in U.S. Food and Agribusiness Companies 31
Roucan-Kane, Maud; Gray, Allan W.; Boehlje, Michael.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Food; Agribusiness; Innovation; Selection method; Portfolio; Functional area; Cluster analysis; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Demand and Price Analysis; Productivity Analysis; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Are commercial logbook and scientific CPUE data useful for characterizing the spatial and seasonal distribution of exploited populations? The case of the Celtic Sea whiting 5
Verdoit, Marion; Pelletier, Dominique; Bellail, Robert.
A statistical approach is proposed to utilize the information contained both in scientific surveys and commercial fishing logbooks, in order to determine spatial and temporal distributions of recruiting and spawning fish of exploited populations. The approach is based on multivariate descriptive methods including ordination methods and classification techniques. A typology involving a principal component analysis (PCA), followed by a hierarchical ascending classification (HAC), is applied to both scientific and commercial data. PCA that accounts for spatial and temporal contiguities were performed. These analyses allow to compare structures observed at global and local scales, with those observed without focusing on a particular scale. The method is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Contiguity analysis; Cluster analysis; Factorial analysis; Atlantic Ocean; Whiting; Survey data; Commercial catch and effort data; Stock assessment; Bottom trawl survey design.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Assessing Food Safety Concepts on the Dairy Farm: The Case of Chemical Hazards 31
Valeeva, Natasha I.; Meuwissen, Miranda P.M.; Oude Lansink, Alfons G.J.M.; Bergevoet, Ron H.M.; Huirne, Ruud B.M..
Adaptive conjoint analysis was used to elicit farmers' and experts' preferences for attributes of improving food safety with respect to chemical hazards on the dairy farm. Groups of respondents were determined by cluster analysis based on similar farmers' and experts' perceptions of food safety improvement. Results show differences in priority of the more important attributes. However, respondents in all groups valued "identification of treated cows" as one of the most important attributes. The results provide the processing industry and extension service with a better understanding of aspects that may form farmers' perceptions of improving food safety, and thus help to define the message for targeting different farmer groups.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food safety; Dairy farm; Conjoint analysis; Cluster analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Assessment of genetic diversity and relationships among Osmanthus fragrans cultivars using AFLP markers 69
Yuan,Wang Jun; Han,Yuan Ji; Dong,Mei Fang; Shang,Fu De.
This study was conducted to reveal genetic diversity among 100 Osmanthus fragrans cultivars using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Eight AFLP primer combinations produced a total of 443 polymorphic fragments with an average of 64 per primer combination. The percentage of polymorphic bands (86.81%), the resolving power (Rp) (32.71) and the PIC values (0.331) showed the efficiency of used primer combinations. The revealed AFLP makers were effective in distinguishing all the cultivars considered. Cluster analysis were performed to assess patterns of diversity among cultivars and showed the abundant genetic diversity. The overall distribution pattern of molecular variation suggested that 93.33% of the total genetic variance was within the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: AFLP marker; Cluster analysis; Genetic diversity; Osmanthus fragrans.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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