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Fig Wasps (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae) Associated to Ficus mexiae Standl (Moraceae) in Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil 82
The paucity of information on the fauna of the fig wasp in Brazil motivated the present research work, which intended to report the genera of Agaonidae that occur associated to syconia of Ficus mexiae Standl in this country. The study was conducted on one individual F. mexiae plant, located at the campus of the Federal University of Lavras, Lavras County, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Four different genera of Agaonidae, from three different subfamilies were found occurring inside the syconia. Three species from the genera Aepocerus, Heterandrium and Idarnes were non-pollinator wasps, while the other two were pollinating wasps of the genus Pegoscapus. The pollinator species were found co-occurring in many syconia of the same fig tree
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aepocerus; Heterandrium; Idarnes; Pegoscapus; Co-occurrence.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Is coexistence between non-native and native Erythrinidae species mediated by niche differentiation or environmental filtering? A case study in the upper Paraná River floodplain 83
Pereira,Larissa S.; Mise,Fábio T.; Tencatt,Luiz F. C.; Baumgartner,Matheus T.; Agostinho,Angelo A..
ABSTRACT The limiting similarity theory predicts that divergence in the functional traits of native and introduced species is an essential component in species establishment, as introduced species must occupy a niche that is unoccupied by resident species. On the other hand, the environmental filtering hypothesis predicts convergence between introduced and native species, as both possess traits that make them adapted to the local abiotic environment. Morphology, spatial co-occurrence, diet, feeding selectivity, and niche breadth and overlap of Erythrinidae were evaluated to detect possible mechanisms acting in the coexistence between non-native and native species. Native (Hoplias sp. B and Hoplias cf. malabaricus) and non-native (Hoplerythrinus...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Competition; Co-occurrence; Fish feeding; Morphology; Predation.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Local distribution of blackfly (Diptera, Simuliidae) larvae in two adjacent streams: the role of water current velocity in the diversity of blackfly larvae 92
Figueiró,Ronaldo; Nascimento,Érika Silva do; Gil-Azevedo,Leonardo Henrique; Maia-Herzog,Marilza; Monteiro,Ricardo Ferreira.
This study aimed to evaluate the influence of water velocity speed on the local distribution and taxocenosis structure of blackfly larvae. The larvae were collected from two adjacent streams located in the municipality of Angra dos Reis (RJ): Caputera River and one of its tributaries. Riffle litter patches were sampled randomly using a 30 x 30 cm quadrat. Four blackfly species were found: Simulium incrustatum s. l. Lutz, 1910; Simulium (Inaequalium) sp. ; Simulium pertinax s. l. Kollar, 1832 and Simulium subpallidum s. l. Lutz, 1909. Among these species, Simulium pertinax s. l. was clearly associated with higher water current speeds, while Simulium subpallidum s. l. showed association with lower water velocities, and Simulium (Inaequalium) sp. had a...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Co-occurrence; Diversity; Neotropical.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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