Registros recuperados: 23 | |
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Aguirre-velarde, Arturo; Thouzeau, Gerard; Jean, Frederic; Mendo, Jaime; Cueto-vega, Rosa; Kawazo-delgado, Midori; Vásquez-spencer, Jazmín; Herrera-sanchez, Diego; Vega-espinoza, Alex; Flye-sainte-marie, Jonathan. |
The response of Argopecten purpuratus (Peruvian scallop) to environmental conditions was studied in the upwelling-influenced Bay of Paracas (Peru). Scallops growth and reproduction were monitored weekly over a 7-month period under two conditions (culture depths): on the bottom and 2 m above (suspended culture). At the same time, a high-frequency environmental monitoring was realized at the aforementioned depths. The results indicate that environmental conditions in the Bay are highly variable, especially during the summer: temperature fluctuations up to 8∘C were recorded in less than one day while oxic conditions ranged from oversaturation to anoxia. Milky-turquoise waters discoloration events (sulphide presence suspected) were simultaneously observed... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Argopecten purpuratus; High frequency monitoring; Coastal upwelling; Hypoxic/anoxic conditions; Growth; Reproduction; Aquaculture; Milky-turquoise water/aguas Blancas. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00504/61547/65430.pdf |
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Lucero, M.. |
De la información de corrientes, obtenidas en forma directa con un correntómetro ADCP WHS300, durante el Crucero Oceanográfico realizado desde el 31 de julio al 16 de agosto del 2000, se determinó el patrón de circulación alrededor de las Islas Galápagos, el mismo que no sigue estrictamente la distribución encontrada en forma global por otros autores. La circulación en el área de estudio está principalmente gobernada por la presencia de los fuertes afloramientos producidos al oeste de las islas, por la topografía submarina del Archipiélago y por la presencia de las derivas superficiales hacia el oeste, producto de la convergencia de las Corrientes Sur Ecuatorial y Corriente de Humboldt. Los mayores flujos fueron observados en los niveles superficiales en... |
Tipo: Journal Contribution |
Palavras-chave: Current data; Oceanographic equipment; Cruises; Acoustic current meters; Oceanic islands; Ocean circulation; Coastal upwelling. |
Ano: 2000 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/2243 |
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Zambrano, E.; Moreano, H.R.; Trejos de Suescum, R.; Paredes, N.. |
"El Niño" 1982-83 respondió a un patrón de formación diferente a aquel que había sido característico para los fenómenos anteriores, a tal punto que sobrevino en forma sorpresiva y como una consecuencia de las fluctuaciones climáticas relacionadas con la oscilación Sur. Su desarrollo se inició en Junio de 1982 y no llegó a la costa ecuatoriana sino hasta Octubre, aunque en agosto ya se sentían sus primeras manifestaciones como la tendencia del Frente Ecuatorial a desplazarse hacia el sur y la profundización de las isotermas y la termoclina. En Noviembre el fenómeno estaba en pleno desarrollo en las aguas nacionales y en enero llegaba a la máxima intensidad, para posteriormente notarse un ascenso paulatino de las isotermas y termoclina, aunque las... |
Tipo: Journal Contribution |
Palavras-chave: El Nino phenomena; Coastal upwelling; Biota; Isotherms; Biota. |
Ano: 1986 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/2122 |
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Moreano, H.R.; Zambrano, E.; Trejos de Suescum, R.; Paredes, N.. |
"El Niño" 1982-83 respondió a un patrón de formación diferente a aquel que había sido característico para los fenómenos anteriores, a tal punto que sobrevino en forma sorpresiva y como una consecuencia de las fluctuaciones climáticas relacionadas con la oscilación Sur. Su desarrollo se inició en Junio de 1982 y no llegó a la costa ecuatoriana sino hasta Octubre, aunque en agosto ya se sentían sus primeras manifestaciones como la tendencia del Frente Ecuatorial a desplazarse hacia el sur y la profundización de las isotermas y la termoclina. En Noviembre el fenómeno estaba en pleno desarrollo en las aguas nacionales y en enero llegaba a la máxima intensidad, para posteriormente notarse un ascenso paulatino de las isotermas y termoclina, aunque las... |
Tipo: Journal Contribution |
Palavras-chave: El Nino phenomena; Coastal upwelling; Biota; Isotherms; Biota. |
Ano: 1986 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/2122 |
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Bernal, A.; Zea, S.. |
Se estudiaron las variaciones en la estructura taxonómica y trófica de la comunidad de zooplancton en la provincia nerítica del área de Santa Marta, Mar Caribe Colombiano, asociadas a fertilizaciones alternantes entre descarga continental y afloramiento costero. Los muestreos se efectuaron en noviembre de 1991 durante la temporada mayor de lluvias, y en marzo de 1992 durante la temporada seca. Los organismos fueron identificados y contabilizados, determinándose la biomasa por nivel trófico. Se discriminaron 82 especies-taxa, la mayoría de ellas oceánico costeras y con predominancia de omnívoros. La composición de la comunidad varió temporal y espacialmente con las condiciones oceanográficas predominantes, evidenciando procesos sucesionales relacionados con... |
Tipo: Journal Contribution |
Palavras-chave: Zooplankton; Trophic structure; Coastal upwelling; Zooplankton; Http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_15490. |
Ano: 2000 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/3303 |
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Blanke, Bruno; Speich, Sabrina; Bentamy, Abderrahim; Roy, Claude; Sow, Bamol. |
The structure and patterns of variability of the southern Benguela coastal upwelling system are investigated with a high-resolution regional model forced by QuikSCAT winds over 1999-2003. The relevance of this global wind product is tested, at first, for the specific nearshore southeast Atlantic; then, the wind products are spatially or temporally degraded from the original 0.5 degrees daily fluxes and are used to diagnose the main scales of the surface dynamical forcing variability. Time resolution appears as a crucial factor in the wind stress to retrieve the patterns of interannual anomalies in sea surface temperatures in a good agreement with independent NASA Pathfinder observations. Various upwelling indices are also calculated in the model to study... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: High resolution model; Ai sea interaction; Coastal upwelling. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2005/publication-768.pdf |
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Berger, W.H.; Lange, C.B.; Wefer, G.. |
A central finding of the ocean drilling expedition off Namibia and South Africa (Leg 175, 1997) is that the history of the intense coastal upwelling in that region is intimately tied into global climate change and the geochemistry of the deep ocean. The high productivity associated with this flow of cool, nutrient-dense deep water upwards along the coast cannot simply be described as a progressive increase of productivity that began ten million years ago. Instead, physical upwelling of cold water follows global cooling rather closely, while silicate content of the water (crucial for diatom production) runs out of phase with upwelling but is highly correlated with changes in thermohaline circulation. |
Tipo: Working Paper |
Palavras-chave: Coastal upwelling; Climate change; Http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_35367. |
Ano: 2001 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/552 |
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Hagen, E; Zulicke, C; Feistel, R. |
A meso-scale CTD survey was conducted off Cape Ghir (31 degrees N) from 29 September to 3 October 1992, with the inspection of mass-field structures in the 300 dbar layer as its main objective, and relatively large tongue of cold surface water as the subject of investigation. This filament of upwelled water extends about 200 km seaward from the coastal zone of Morocco. Our CTD survey included two zonal transects 213 km in length, sampled synchronously by R/Vs Hudson along 31 degrees 30' N and A. v.Humboldt along 30 degrees 30' N. A meridional section followed the shelf edge at 10 degrees 10' W, and five zigzag sections were carried out above the Cape Ghir Plateau (CGP). Data resulting from an extended transect, sampled ten days earlier between 9 degrees... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Coastal upwelling; Filament; Northwest Africa; Water mass; Eddy. |
Ano: 1996 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00096/20728/18365.pdf |
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Bertrand, P; Pedersen, Tf; Schneider, R; Shimmield, G; Lallier-verges, E; Disnar, Jr; Massias, D; Villanueva, J; Tribovillard, N; Huc, Ay; Giraud, X; Pierre, C; Venec-peyre, Mt. |
Sediments on the Namibian Margin in the SE Atlantic between water depths of similar to1000 and similar to3600 m are highly enriched in hydrocarbon-prone organic matter. Such sedimentation has occurred for more than 2 million years and is geographically distributed over hundreds of kilometers along the margin, so that the sediments of this region contain a huge concentrated stock of organic carbon. It is shown here that most of the variability in organic content is due to relative dilution by buried carbonates. This reflects both export productivity and diagenetic dissolution, not differences in either water column or bottom water anoxia and related enhanced preservation of organic matter. These observations offer a new mechanism for the formation of... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Petroleum source rocks; Coastal upwelling; Deep-sea sediments; Quaternary climate; Southwestern African Margin. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00224/33553/31977.pdf |
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Ibe, A.C.; Ajayi, T.O.. |
Published information favour the occurrence in certain years of wind related upwelling in Nigeria's inshore waters especially between July and September. This is corroborated by the prevalence of petroleum source beds, glauconite, phosphorite and periodic abundance of some fish including Engraulis encrassicolus, Sardinella maderensis and the bonga Ethalmosa fimbriata which are pelagic and are associated with upwelling phenomena. Examination of temperature and salinity data for 1978 - 81 suggested that upwelling occurred during certain periods of each year. However, wind data for the same period lacked details to support postulates of wind driven upwelling. Instead, dynamic upwelling resulting from the juxtaposition of the currents in the area is... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Coastal upwelling. |
Ano: 1985 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/2444 |
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Registros recuperados: 23 | |