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An iron budget during the natural iron fertilisation experiment KEOPS (Kerguelen Islands, Southern Ocean) 5
Chever, F.; Sarthou, G.; Bucciarelli, E.; Blain, S.; Bowie, A. R..
Total dissolvable iron (TDFe) was measured in the water column above and in the surrounding of the Kerguelen Plateau (Indian sector of the Southern Ocean) during the KErguelen Ocean Plateau compared Study (KEOPS) cruise. TDFe concentrations ranged from 0.90 to 65.6 nmol L-1 above the plateau and from 0.34 to 2.23 nmol L-1 offshore of the plateau. Station C1 located south of the plateau, near Heard Island, exhibited very high values (329-770 nmol L-1). Apparent particulate iron (Fe-app), calculated as the difference between the TDFe and the dissolved iron measured on board (DFe) represented 95 +/- 5% of the TDFe above the plateau, suggesting that particles and refractory colloids largely dominated the iron pool. This paper presents a budget of DFe and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phytoplankton bloom; Dissolved iron; Atlantic ocean; Central california; Carbon sequestration; Coastal waters; Surface waters; Plateau region; Organic carbon; Bound iron.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Analyse harmonique des séries chronologiques des niveaux d’eau et des courants au niveau de RasTaguermess et à el kantara dans le golfe de Gabès 20
Atoui., A.; Brahim, M.; Sammari, Ch..
Dans le cadre d’un programme national concernant l’étude de la circulation des eaux dans le littoral tunisien nous avons installé des courantomètres et des houlographes marégraphes dans le golfe de Gabès et notamment à l’Est de Djerba, en face de Ras-Taguermess et au niveau d’El Kantara. L’analyse harmonique des séries temporelles de niveau d’eau au niveau de Ras Taguermess et El-Kantara montre la dominance des composantes de la marée semi-diurne avec prédominance de la composante semi-diurne (M2) de période 12 h 25 mn. L’analyse en composantes principales où en fonction orthogonale empirique (EOF) des courants de la marée montre qu’au niveau d’El- Kantara la vitesse des courants est de 45 cm.s-1 et que sa direction est de 29° par rapport à l’Est ;...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal waters; Current velocity; Harmonic analysis; Tidal currents; Time series; Water circulation; Water currents; Water levels.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Aspectos reproductivos de las principales especies de peces en la Zona Comun de Pesca Argentino-Uruguaya y en El Rincón. Noviembre, 1994 20
Macchi, G.J.; Acha, E.M..
The maturity stages of the main commercial coastal fishes caught during the cruise H-13/94 are macroscopically analyzed, focusing this study on the white croaker Micropogonias furnieri and the striped weakfish Cynoscion striatus. Samples were obtained in the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (AUCFZ) and El Rincón (Buenos Aires Prov., Argentina) during November 1994.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Marine fish; Reproduction; Sexual maturity; Environmental conditions; Coastal waters; Reproduction; Sexual maturity; Environmental conditions; Coastal waters; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Aspects temporels de l' impact de rejets radioactifs effectues en mer, sur les eaux d' une station littorale de la Manche 5
Fraizier, Albert; Guegueniat, Pierre; Salomon, Jean-claude.
Time-dependent impact of seaward radioactive discharges on waters of one coastal station of the English Channel. The disposai at sea of liquid waste from the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at La Hague (CEA/Cogema) causes modifications to the radioactivity of marine waters in both space and time. Fluctuations in this radioactivity are controlled by many different parameters; to study these parameters, samples were taken, in particular, from a coastal site situated 5 km from the outlet pipe. The overall impact of these releases on the radioactivity of sea-water depends on various factors, including the amount and frequency of discharges, the hydrodynamic regime of water masses in the region and local meteorological conditions. In order to assess this...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Manche; Eaux littorales; Radioactivité; Transferts; Analyse temporelle; Channel; Coastal waters; Radioactivity; Mass transfer; Time-series analysis.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Atmospheric Corrections and Multi-Conditional Algorithm for Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing of Suspended Particulate Matter in Low-to-High Turbidity Levels Coastal Waters 5
Novoa, Stefani; Doxaran, David; Ody, Anouck; Vanhellemont, Quinten; Lafon, Virginie; Lubac, Bertrand; Gernez, Pierre.
The accurate measurement of suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations in coastal waters is of crucial importance for ecosystem studies, sediment transport monitoring, and assessment of anthropogenic impacts in the coastal ocean. Ocean color remote sensing is an efficient tool to monitor SPM spatio-temporal variability in coastal waters. However, near-shore satellite images are complex to correct for atmospheric effects due to the proximity of land and to the high level of reflectance caused by high SPM concentrations in the visible and near-infrared spectral regions. The water reflectance signal ((w)) tends to saturate at short visible wavelengths when the SPM concentration increases. Using a comprehensive dataset of high-resolution satellite...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Remote sensing; Suspended particulate matter; Coastal waters; River plumes; Multi-conditional algorithm.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Balneola vulgaris gen. nov., sp nov., a member of the phylum Bacteroidetes from the north-western Mediterranean Sea 5
Urios, Laurent; Agogue, Hélène; Lesongeur, Francoise; Stackebrandt, Erko; Lebaron, Philippe.
A novel aerobic, Gram-negative bacterium, named 13IX/A01/164(T), was isolated from surface waters in the coastal north-western Mediterranean Sea. Cells were motile, straight rods, 2-5 mu m long and 0-2 mu m wide, and formed orange colonies on marine agar medium. The G+C content of the genomic DNA of strain 13IX/A01/164T was 42 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence placed the strain in the phylum Bacteroidetes within the family Crenotrichaceae. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence comparison and physiological and biochemical characteristics, this isolate represents a novel species of a new genus, for which the name Balneola vulgaris gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of Balneola vulgaris is 13IX/A01/164T (=DSM 17893T=CIP...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mediterranean sea; Coastal waters; Microbiology; Physiology; Biochemistry; Gene sequence; Balneola vulgaris.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Bilan 1997 de la contamination des eaux côtières françaises par les composés organostanniques. 5
Michel, Pierre; Averty, Bernard.
Il y a quinze ans, la France prenait des mesures réglementaires pour restreindre l'usage des composés organostanniques dans les peintures antisalissures utilisées pour la protection des coques de bateaux. Il s'agissait alors d'une réaction d'urgence face au problème vital posé à l'ostréiculture française. La France était le premier pays à prendre de telles dispositions. Depuis, la réglementation a été confirmée à plusieurs reprises, en dernier lieu par le décret n°92-1074 du 2 octobre 1992. Quinze ans plus tard, où en sommes nous ? La campagne de mesure des composés organostanniques dans l'eau de mer, conduite par l'IFREMER de juillet à septembre 1997 a permis de faire le point de la situation. La contamination des côtes françaises reste préoccupante. Pour...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Composés organostanniques; Tributyl étain; TBT; Peintures antisalissures; Eaux côtières; Organotin compounds; Ributyltin; TBT; Antifouling paints; Coastal waters.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Biología reproductiva comparada de especies de la familia Sciaenidae en aguas del Río de la Plata y Costa Bonaerense 20
Militelli, M.I..
In the Argentine Sea (SW Atlantic), particularly in the Bonaerense Coastal Zone there are two frontal zones, the waterfront area of the Rio de la Plata and the southern area of the province called El Rincón. The fauna of the Bonaerense Coastal Area has its own characteristics and in the case of fish is defined by dominant species, as is the whole of Sciaenidae family composed of seven species: white mouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri), striped weakfish (Cynoscion guatucupa), king weakfish (Macrodon ancylodon), black drum (Pogonias cromis), Argentine croaker (Umbrina canosai), drum (Paralonchurus brasiliensis) and southern kingfish (Menticirrhus americanus). In the present work is discussed in a comparative way various aspects of the reproductive cycle...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Brackishwater fish; Reproduction; Spawning grounds; Coastal waters; Fronts; Environmental conditions; Histology; Reproduction; Spawning grounds; Coastal waters; Environmental conditions; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Calidad ambiental de las aguas del tramo costero Bacuranao – Rincón de Guanabo, Playas del Este, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba 20
Martín Páramo, A.; Pérez, M.; Beltrán, J.; Mancebo, H.; Rosabal, M..
This study presents some results of monitoring the beaches at East of Havana City, Cuba, during February and August corresponding to the rainy and less rainy seasons, respectively. For the bacteriological analysis were carried out 5 samplings in a period of 30 days, the rest of the samples was collected as punctual samples. The results are compared with those obtained in other samplings, specifically with 2004 period and with the requirements in the Cuban Standard NC: 22, (1999). Practically, the whole area showed pollution indicators deteriorated, such as: the permanganate oxidability value, bacteriological indicators and hydrocarbons, the last one corresponds to a lightly polluted area by hydrocarbons. The most affected areas were the outlet of the...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Coastal waters; Water quality control; Pollution monitoring; Bacteriology; Coastal waters; Bacteriology; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Cambios de la densidad de los cladóceros P. avirrostris y E. tergentina durante las épocas cálidas y frías (Dic. 2004 y nov. 2005) en la Bahía de Santa Elena (La Libertad - Ecuador) 20
Andrade, C..
El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar los cambios poblacionales durante las estaciones cálida y fría de este grupo taxonómico y del zooplancton acompañante más abundante en aguas de la Bahía de Santa Elena vs. las variables ambientales temperatura y salinidad.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Zooplankton; Seasonal variations; Coastal waters; Community composition; Population number; Zooplankton; Coastal waters; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Características físicas, químicas y microbiológicas de las aguas marino costeras del área de Caleta Aeolian, Isla Baltra - Prov. de Galápagos, septiembre - 2006 20
Gamboa, M.C..
El presente trabajo da a conocer las condiciones ambientales actuales en que se encuentran las aguas costeras en Caleta Aeolián de la Isla Baltra, a fin de contribuir a futuras investigaciones.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Chemical oceanography; Coastal waters; Nutrients (mineral); Petroleum hydrocarbons; Microbiology; Pollution detection; Chemical oceanography; Coastal waters; Microbiology; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Salamanca,Marco A.; Camaño,Andrés; Jara,Bibiana; Rodríguez,Tatiana.
An extensive spatial survey metal content to study the spatial distribution of Cu, Pb and Zn concentration in nearshore waters of San Jorge Bay, along the coast of Antofagasta City, Chile was carried out located near the Atacama desert, which represent the largest populated urban settlement in northern Chile (~ 260,000 inhabitants). The coastal zone of this area is under an intensive use as discharge location of pollutants of different sources. Dissolved Cu varies between 0.97 to 1.65 mug l-1, in the southern part of the study area and in front of an industrial discharge, respectively. The dissolved Pb shows a narrow concentration range (0.019 to 0.029 mug l-1) and Zn content varies between 1.7 mug l-1 in the northern part of the study area to 2.0 mug l-1,...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Trace metal distribution; Coastal waters; Desert areas.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Determination du profil des flores bacteriennes des zones littorales. Application a l'evaluation de l'impact des rejets 5
Bunetel, L; Segui, A; Guerin, J; Lerman, I; Cormier, M.
The principle of this method is to evaluate, by counts exercised upon selective media, the relative importance of the different bacteria families in the flora of the coastal waters. It is important to separate the contaminant species and the commensal species in the marine environment. Ten culture media distributed into four categories (selective, non selective, saline and non saline) were examined by numeration. Counts were transferred on a diagram allowing to plot down a profile of bacterial flora of water sampled from a given geographical area. The profiles are arranged by a classification method. The sampling points with similar or adjoining profiles were assembled and marked on the chart. In this way, the authors obtained areas representing the impact...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bacteria; Coastal waters; Microbiological culture; Sewage disposal; Microbial contamination; Bacterial counters; Bacteria collecting devices.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Determination of persistent organic pollutants in water of new Damietta harbour, Egypt 20
Hamed, M.A.; Said, T.O..
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) which include chlorinated pesticides and petroleum hydrocarbons were determined in water samples collected from Damietta Harbour during 2005. Concentration of total pesticides ranged from 0.02 to 0.07 ng/L and from 1.09 to 201.82 ng/L during winter and summer seasons, respectively. The increasing order of total pesticides was: THCHs < TC < total DDTs with concentrations ranged from 0.004-3.20 ng/L, 0.001-3.93 ng/L and 0.002-194.68 ng/L, respectively in the area of study. The average concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons were below the admissible environmental levels. They ranged from 2.17-72.89 µg/L and from 5.67-87.56 µg/L during January and July 2005, respectively. However, concentrations of PAHs were...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Environmental Studies (Pollution Studies); Pollutants; Coastal waters; Pollutants; Coastal waters; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Development of a Semi-Analytical Algorithm for the Retrieval of Suspended Particulate Matter from Remote Sensing over Clear to Very Turbid Waters 5
Han, Bing; Loisel, Hubert; Vantrepotte, Vincent; Meriaux, Xavier; Bryere, Philippe; Ouillon, Sylvain; Dessailly, David; Xing, Qianguo; Zhu, Jianhua.
Remote sensing of suspended particulate matter, SPM, from space has long been used to assess its spatio-temporal variability in various coastal areas. The associated algorithms were generally site specific or developed over a relatively narrow range of concentration, which make them inappropriate for global applications (or at least over broad SPM range). In the frame of the GlobCoast project, a large in situ data set of SPM and remote sensing reflectance, R-rs(lambda), has been built gathering together measurements from various coastal areas around Europe, French Guiana, North Canada, Vietnam, and China. This data set covers various contrasting coastal environments diversely affected by different biogeochemical and physical processes such as sediment...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Specific backscattering coefficient; Empirical algorithm; Semi-analytic algorithm; Coastal waters; Suspended particulate matter; Ocean color.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Distribución del nitrito en las aguas costeras ecuatorianas 20
Trejos de Suescum, R.; Okuda, T..
Este trabajo fue realizado con el fin de analizar la distribución regional y vertical del nitrito máximo en relación con las características hidroquímicas y la posible existencia de un segundo máximo de nitrito en las aguas costeras del Ecuador, y está basado en los datos obtenidos a través de varios cruceros de investigación realizados por el Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada del Ecuador (INOCAR) durante los años comprendidos entre 1973-1980.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Distribution; Nitrites; Coastal waters; Distribution; Nitrites; Coastal waters; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Edad, crecimiento e influencia del ambiente en la distribución de Paralichthys patagonicus en el Sistema Costero del Atlántico Sudoccidental ( 34º-41ºS) 20
Riestra, C.M..
La edad, el crecimiento y la influencia del ambiente en la distribución estacional (invierno y primavera) de las clases de edad de Paralichthys patagonicus fueron estudiadas en el Sistema Costero del Atlántico Sudoccidental (SCAS) (34º-41ºS). Para determinar la edad se analizaron los otolitos sagittae provenientes de 1402 ejemplares colectados en otoño-invierno (n = 695) y en primavera-verano (n = 707) en campañas de investigación y desembarque comercial realizados entre el 2005 y 2009. En cada ejemplar se determinó largo total, peso, sexo. La validación de la formación de los anillos de crecimiento se realizó mediante el análisis mensual del borde del otolito. La precisión de las lecturas se evaluó a través del índice de precisión, coeficiente de...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Age determination; Growth; Environmental conditions; Geographical distribution; Coastal waters; Geographical distribution; Age determination; Growth; Coastal waters; Environmental conditions; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2010 URL:
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El zooplancton de las Islas Galápagos 20
Bonilla, D..
El presente trabajo es el resultado de un análisis cuali-cualitativo de 84 muestras de plancton colectadas en aguas costeras (10.-0 m de profundidad) en diez localidades de las Islas Galápagos entre Agosto de 1975 - Julio de 1976. Se da a conocer 29 grupos de organismos del zooplancton, determinándose que los grupos dominantes en las estaciones objeto de este estudio y en orden decreciente de su abundancia fueron: Copépodos, Pterópodos, Apendiculares, Quetognatos, Decápodos y Huevos de Peces. Se hacen evaluaciones del volumen de plancton y de la cantidad de organismos del zooplancton. Se detrmina que la distribución del zooplancton fue poco homogénea en las localidades estudiadas. mayores concentraciones se registraron hacia la parte central del...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Zooplankton; Coastal waters; Geographical distribution; Abundance; Zooplankton; Geographical distribution; Coastal waters; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1983 URL:
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environmental assessment on the aqaba gulf coastal waters, egypt 20
Abdel-Halim, A.M.; Aboel-Khair, E.M.; Fahmy, M.A.; Shridah, M.A..
Environmental Information and Monitoring Programme (EIMP) for the Egyptian coastal waters of Aqaba Gulf was established to initial monitoring and data base system by applying quality control assessments in order to evaluate, protect and sustainable use of coastal regions. Within the framework of this programme six bimonthly field campaigns were carried out annually during 1998 – 2004. A total of 11 coastal stations were selected to cover different locations of the Gulf. The surface distribution patterns of hydrographical parameters (water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH) as well as chlorophyll-a, total suspended matter, transparency, nitrogen and phosphorus forms and reactive silicate were investigated. The obtained data of seven years work...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Environmental Field Study; Coastal waters; Hydrographic data; Environmental assessment; Coastal waters.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Environmental Pollution In The Nigeria Coastal Waters; A Case Study Of The Lagos Lagoon 20
Adekanbi, E.O.; Okoye, B.C.O.; Ajao, E.A..
The state of pollution in the Lagos lagoon was examined by a field survey of twenty-six sites (stations) in the dry and wet season in 1985. Some selected sites were further re-examined in the same period in 1986. The sediment trace metals and total hydrocarbons were analysed. The relationship between non residual and residual trace elements was examined. For both years of study, total trace metal levels (mg/kg) fell in the ranges: Cu,1.9 – 132.4, Cr, 2.9 – 167; 7.8 – 830. 6; Ph, 1.6 – 483.1 and Cd, 0.04 – 15.5. Total hydrocarbon concentrations in 1985 ranged from 0.25 to 2766.27 mg/g with high concentrations in muddy and sandy sediments. The results show marked variations and non – uniform distribution from one season to another. With few exceptions,...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental pollution; Coastal waters.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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