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A handbook for measuring the progress and outcomes of integrated Coastal and Ocean Management 20
The handbook aims to contribute to the sustainable development of coastal and marine areas by promoting a more out-come-oriented, accountable and adaptive approach to ICOM. It provides a step-by-step guide to help users in developing, selecting and applying a common set of governance, ecological and socioeconomic indicators to measure, evaluate and report on the progress and outcomes of ICOM interventions. Intended as a generic tool with no prescriptive character, the handbook proposes analytical framework and indicators that from the basis for the customized design of sets of indicators. The handbook also includes results, outcomes and lessons learned from eight pilot case studies conducted in several countries. A network of ICOM experts in these...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Oceanography; Coastal zone management; Coastal zone; Oceanography; Oceanographic data; Oceanographic institutions; Oceanographic equipment; Oceanographic surveys; Indicators; Ecological balance; Oceanography; Ecological balance; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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An experiment on the relative importance of denitrification, nitrate reduction and ammonification in coastal marine sediment 27
Goeyens, L.; De Vries, R.T.P.; Bakker, J.F.; Helder, W..
Simultaneous determinations of <sup>15</sup>N-nitrogen gas production, <sup>15</sup>N-ammonia formation by nitrate reduction and ammonia production from organic nitrogen were carried out after addition of <sup>15</sup>N-nitrate to anaerobically incubated sediment slurries from a location in the Dutch Wadden Sea. The rate of nitrogen gas production was 1.75 µmol<sup>-3</sup> wet sediment.d<sup>-1</sup>, nitrate reduction to ammonia occurred to a rate of 0.79 µmol <sup>-3</sup>.d <sup>-1</sup> and ammonification at 1.17 µmol N-cm <sup>-3</sup>.d <sup>-1</sup>. At the end of the incubation experiment (after 30 h) 63% of the originally added...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ammonia; Biogeochemical cycle; Coastal zone; Denitrification; Nitrates; Nitrogen cycle; Sediments.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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An Overview of the Concept of Regional Sediment Management. 20
Lei, Huaiyan; Basoglu,Serif; Shi, Yuezhong; Lin, Binghuang; Gong, Chenlin.
In this article we described the concept of “regional sediment management” (RSM), and identified opportunities for and impediments to implementing regional approaches to sediment management, and also summarized the background information and applications of RSM. Furthermore, we considered the needs of RSM studies and, suggested the framework for developing RSM strategies, and described the specific studies for the Xiamen region.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal zone; Dredging; Sediments.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Análisis comparativo del estado trófico de las aguas en la costa oriental de la provincia de Cienfuegos, Cuba. 20
Seisdedo, M.; Moreira, A.; Arencibia, G.; Pérez, I..
El propósito de este trabajo es evaluar el estado trófico de las aguas en la costa oriental de la provincia de Cienfuegos, a partir de las concentraciones de nutrientes y del fitoplancton. Se utilizaron dos métodos de evaluación del estado trófico y se consideraron los resultados de nitrógeno inorgánico (NI), fósforo inorgánico (FI), Si y fitoplancton, los cuales se obtuvieron durante cuatro campañas de muestreo llevadas a cabo en el período 2006-2007. Se analizó la proporción elemental disponible Si/NI según criterio de Redfield, así como también se obtuvieron los coeficientes de correlaciones entre las concentraciones de nutrientes y fitoplancton. Los resultados mostraron al Si como el nutriente más disponible en el área de estudio y a las...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Trophic status; Nutrients (mineral); Phytoplankton; Coastal zone.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Análisis de tendencia de series de tiempo oceanográficas y meteorológicas para determinar evidencias de cambio climático en la costa del Ecuador 20
Nieto, J.J.; Martínez, R.; Regalado, J.; Hernández, F..
El propósito de la investigación es evidenciar la influencia física del cambio climático global en la costa del Ecuador, procurando inferir escenarios más precisos a escala local, en cuanto a temperatura del mar, temperatura del aire y nivel medio del mar.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Time series; Oceanographic data; Meteorological data; Surface temperature; Mean sea level; Air temperature; Climatic changes; Climatology; Water temperature data; Coastal zone; Climatology; Meteorological data; Air temperature; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Assessment of CBNRM Best Practices in Tanzania. 20
Kajuni, A.; Alcorn, J.; Winterbottom, B..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Coastal zone; Water resources; Community participation; Pastoral society; Wildlife; Forests; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Atmospherically-promoted photosynthetic activity in a well-mixed ecosystem: Significance of wet deposition events of nitrogen compounds 5
Boulart, C; Flament, Pierre; Gentilhomme, V; Deboudt, K; Migon, C; Lizon, F; Schapira, M; Lefebvre, Alain.
Wet atmospheric deposition of dissolved N, P and Si species is studied in well-mixed coastal ecosystem to evaluate its potential to stimulate photosynthetic activities in nutrient-depleted conditions. Our results show that, during spring, seawater is greatly depleted in major nutrients: Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN), Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus (DIP) and Silicic acid (Si), in parallel with an increase of phytoplanktonic biomass. In spring (March-May) and summer (June-September), wet atmospheric deposition is the predominant source (> 60%, relative to riverine contribution) for nitrates and ammonium inputs to this N-limited coastal ecosystem. During winter (October-February), riverine inputs of DIN predominate (> 80%) and are annually the most...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Strait of Dover; Nutrient cycles; River plumes; Atmospheric deposition; Coastal zone; Primary production.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Bases para el manejo integrado del recurso langosta (panulirus argus) en la zona costera sur de Pinar del Río, Cuba, II. Factores socio-económicos. 20
Piñeiro, R.; Puga, R.; González-Sansón, G..
Social-economical activities in the western area of the Batabanó gulf, southern coast of Pinar del Río are analized. The communities do not have a compression of the environmental on the resource, as well as the fragility of the coastal ecosystems. Between the negative effects over the environmental are the indiscriminate cutting, the pollution, all of them due to the ignorance of the mangove forests benefits. The economic activities are industrialists and agriculturists where the spiny lobster fishery (P. argus) is the most important. A decrease of the level of captures from 1990 to 2003, was observed. This behavior reflects the deteriorate conditions of the environment, which limit the recruitment and affect some nursery areas, as well as the...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Environment management; Coastal zone; Lobster fisheries.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Bases para el manejo integrado del recurso langosta (panulirus argus) en la zona costera sur de Pinar del Río, Cuba. III. Manejo integrado 20
Piñeiro, R.; González-Sansón, G.; Puga, R..
Integrated management study of the western area of Batabanó gulf, southern coast of Pinar del Río, is presented. A taxonomy of uses and of matrices relating uses and resources, were done. Uses are biological, hydrological, populational and recreational and are also included the run-offs from the coast and the research studies done in the area. Hydrological uses present a high level of interaction with other factors, showing it importance in the activities taken place in the zone. This interaction may be dangerous over the resources where the fisheries are developed. The resources studied were from the agriculture and fishery ones, woodland and bee production and the ecosystem. Lobster fishery is affected by a varied group of factors, like the volume of...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal zone management; Taxonomy; Coastal zone; Taxonomy; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Bathymetric estimation using MERIS images in coastal sea waters 5
Minghelli Roman, Audrey; Polidori, Laurent; Mathieu-blanc, Sandrine; Loubersac, Lionel; Cauneau, François.
Bathymetric estimation using remote sensing images has previously been applied to high spatial resolution imagery such as CASI, Ikonos, or SPOT but not on medium spatial resolution images (i.e., MERIS). This choice can be justified when there is a need to map the bathymetry on large areas. In this letter, we present the results of the bathymetry estimation over a large known area, the Gulf of Lion (France), expanding over 270 x 180 km.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MERIS; Coastal zone; Bathymetry.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Behaviour and fate of urban particles in coastal waters: Settling rate, size distribution and metals contamination characterization 5
Oursel, B.; Garnier, C.; Pairaud, Ivane; Omanovic, D.; Durrieu, G.; Syakti, A. D.; Le Poupon, C.; Thouvenin, Benedicte; Lucas, Y..
The evaluation of contaminant net fluxes from the coast to the open sea requires the study of terrigeneous particles behaviour and fate. We studied the particles issued from two small coastal rivers whose waters are mixed with treated wastewater (TWW) coming from the Marseille wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) just before discharge to the Mediterranean Sea. An experimental device was developed and used to investigate particles settling rates, size distribution and metallic contamination when mixing with seawater. The particles were sampled in flood deposits of rivers and outlets during rainy periods and in the outlet water during dry periods. The flood deposits were mainly composed of 50–200 μm-sized particles, higher metals content being observed in the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Particles contamination; Urban rivers; Coastal zone; TWW; Hydro sedimentation modelling.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Bilan des connaissances sur la qualité de l'eau dans la zone du polder conchylicole de Bouin - Projet LEAUPOLD 5
Hatt, Philippe-jacques; Stavrakakis, Christophe; Buchet, Vincent; Dupuy, Beatrice.
Le polder conchylicole de Bouin (Vendée) est le principal bassin français de production de naissains d’huîtres creuses issus d’écloseries. Depuis 2007, et malgré l’installation de dispositifs de traitement de l’eau, des anomalies dans les élevages voire des mortalités affectent la production des écloseries et nurseries du secteur, ainsi que celle de microalgues en grand volume d'une entreprise spécialisée. Les observations des professionnels orientent la recherche de la cause de ces mortalités sur les contaminants chimiques, notamment les pesticides utilisés par l'agriculture, dont les exploitations du polder agricole, qui jouxtent le polder conchylicole. Comme l'ont montré de nombreux travaux, certains de ces produits altèrent la qualité de l’eau de mer...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bassin Loire-Bretagne; Baie de Bourgneuf; Environnement; Conchyliculture; Qualité de l'eau; Pollution chimique; Bassin versant; Mortalité; Zone côtière; Loire-Bretagne district; Bourgneuf bay; Environment; Shellfish aquaculture; Water quality; Chemical pollution; Watershed; Mortality; Coastal zone.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Biología y distribución de la familia Aplysiidae (Babosas de mar), en la zona intermareal del Ecuador, desde el 2003 al 2005 20
Cruz, M.; Hill, D.; Cortez, P..
El propósito de este trabajo es contribuir a conocer que especies de vaquitas o babosas de mar tenemos en la costa del Ecuador, cual es su abundancia, distribución, densidad, hábitat e importancia que tienen estas especies, dar a conocer sus características taxonómicas, que permitan ser identificadas por otros investigadores para que puedan desarrollar otros trabajos de investigación.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Marine molluscs; Abundance; Habitat; Coastal zone; Geographical distribution; Intertidal environment; Organism morphology; Geographical distribution; Intertidal environment; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Biomasa y distribución espacial del bacterioplancton en el sector norte de la plataforma continental argentina (34º S-41º S) 20
Hozbor, M.C.; Hernández, D.R.; Cucchi Colleoni, A.D.; Costagliola, M.C.; Peressutti, S.R..
The northern sector of the Argentine continental shelf (34º S-41º S) is a highly productive area that sustains important fishery resources like Argentine anchovy (Engraulis anchoita) and is characterized by the presence of frontal zones with retention of detritus and plankton. In marine environments the bacterioplankton represents one of the main components of the trophic nets and plays a key role in biogeochemical cycles. In this ecosystem biomass and bacterioplankton distribution as well as their relation to environmental variables were analyzed. The highest chlorophyll a values, not significantly related to bacterioplankton (p > 0.05), were found in frontal and coastal areas. Abundance, bacterial biomass and cell volume values ranged 0.48-5.42 x 106...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Picoplankton; Bacteria; Biomass; Fronts; Coastal zone; Abundance; Environmental factors; Geographical distribution.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Bio-oceanografía en el entorno de la isla de La Plata, durante agosto/2001 20
Torres, G.; Calderón, T.; Calderón, G.; Franco, V.; Correa, C..
El objetivo de la presente investigación, fue dar un comprensivo entendimiento de las condiciones bio-oceanográficas del fitoplancton-zooplancton-ictioplancton, y las interacciones con el medio circundante (físico, químico), procesos que son complicados cuando involucran aspectos hidrográficos costeros como áreas de afloramiento, áreas de pesca y áreas de soporte alimentario para los diferentes recursos marinos costeros planctónicos-bentónicos y aves-mamíferos marinos.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Marine ecology; Phytoplankton; Zooplankton; Ichthyoplankton; Upwelling; Biological production; Marine resources; Cruises; Oceanic islands; Coastal zone; Marine resources; Phytoplankton; Zooplankton; Biological production; Marine ecology; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Características estratigráficas y morfodinámicas de la franja litoral Caribe colombiana (Sector Barranquilla (Bocas de Ceniza) - Flecha de Galerazamba) 20
Molina-M., A.; Molina-M., C.; Giraldo-O., L.; Barrera-O., R..
The geologic (stratigraphic) and morphodynamic characteristics throughout 76 km of the coastal profile of the Colombian Caribbean, including those between Barranquilla (Bocas de Ceniza) and the spit of Galerazamba are described. The sections of the coast that have been affected by erosive events and those with sedimentary accretion are described. Some of them are associated to both natural and anthropic phenomena. Geologically, the coastal edge is defined by sedimentary rocks, weakly consolidated sediments and inconsolidated sediments, that include ages from the upper Paleocene to the Recent. From the point of view of the evaluation of the coast in terms of stability and instability, the high coasts are classified as: Critic zones (Punta Sabanilla,...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Stratigraphy; Coastal zone; Erosion; Sedimentation; Stratigraphy; Erosion; Sedimentation; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Caracterización ecológica y pesquera del área de reserva artesanal entre la I y II Regiones 20
González, J.; Catrilao, M.; Barahona, N.; Martínez, C.; Tapia, C.; Wilson, A.; Garrido, J.; Baros, V.; Young, Z.; Cortes, C.; Guevara, C.; Gaspar, C.; Saavedra, J..
El sector pesquero de la I y II Regiones, comprende un importante segmento de la economía nacional, contribuyendo fuertemente con el empleo en las zonas costeras y al abastecimiento de materia prima. En esta macrozona la pesca está representada por dos sectores: industrial y artesanal y a su vez está constituída por tres segmentos principales de recursos: pesquerías bentónicas, pesquerías de peces y recolección de algas. Dada la importancia de la actividad extractiva artesanal e industrial en la franja de las 5 millas de la I y II Regiones, en el presente informe se describe y analiza la actividad extractiva de las principales pesquerías. Además se entrega una completa revisión de los principales antecedentes eco-pesqueros del litoral de las regiones I y...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Artisanal fishing; Coastal zone; Ecology; Fishery resources; Ecology; Fishery resources; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Cartographic Atlas of Marine Environmental Law in West Africa. Methodology and use for spatial planning 5
Le tixerant, Matthieu; Bonnin, Marie; Gourmelon, Françoise; Ragueneau, Olivier; Rouan, Mathias; Ly, Ibrahima; Ould zein, Ahmed; Ndiaye, Fatou; Diedhiou, Mohamed; Ndao, Souleye; Ndiaye, Mamadou Bassirou.
In the marine environment, positive law generates multiple zones and regulatory limits that overlap in space, justifying a cartographic representation as a relevant approach to promote understanding (synthetic vision), analysis (highlighting legal anomalies, inconsistencies and redundancies), dissemination and communication to different audiences (awareness-raising). The article presents a methodology leading to the mapping of marine and coastal environmental law in West Africa, using a geographic information base to produce static or interactive cartographic representations via a Geographic Data Infrastructure (GDI). It shows the contribution of this type of mapping to a transversal approach in a multi-activity, multi-sectoral and multi-scale context. A...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Afrique de l’ouest; Mer; Littoral; Droit de la mer; Environnement; SIG; Cartographie; West Africa; Sea; Coastal zone; Law of the sea; Environment; GIS; Cartography.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Coastal Ecosystems 20
The coastal forest communities of Kenya exist mainly as isolated blocks which show high levels of species endemism and comprise a total of about 83,800ha in a narrow belt which extends inland for about 30km. The forests are characterized by dense or moderately dense stands of tall trees, species of the genera Sterculia, Chlorophora and Memecylon. The drier woodlands include stands of Cynometra, Manilkara and Afzelia. Centuries of human occupation have reduced the forest element which was originally more extensive. Mangrove swamps occur in tidal estuaries and lagoons while coconut palms are common above high tide. A complex of many bush types occur in the high bush area. Scattered baobab trees present a striking appearance while the prevalence of mango...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Coastal zone; Ecosystems; Forestry; Http://
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Coastal resources and management systems influenced by conflict and migration: Mecúfi, Mozambique 20
Bryceson, I.; Massinga, A..
Coastal resource utilization and management systems, bothtraditional and more recently conceived, were studied in Mecufidistrict, northern Mozambique in a post-conflict situation prior towhich a significant migration of people to the coast had occurred.A wide variety of coastal biotopes containing a multitude ofresources had been affected in various ways. Intertidalorganisms exhibited signs of decreasing abundance and averagesize, whereas offshore fishes and mangrove forests did not showsigns of overutilization. It was observed that traditional coastalmanagement systems were still influential, but that newerinitiatives were only beginning to enter into significant dialogueand cooperation with these. In the current circumstances ofpeace and political...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal zone; Resources; Ecosystem management.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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