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Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) hatchery-to-market aquaculture technology: recent advances at the University of Miami Experimental Hatchery (UMEH) R. Bras. Zootec.
Benetti,Daniel; Sardenberg,Bruno; Hoenig,Ron; Welch,Aaron; Stieglitz,John; Miralao,Sasa; Farkas,Daniel; Brown,Patrick; Jory,Darryl.
Among warm-water marine fishes, cobia is one of the best aquaculture candidate species in the world. Currently there are commercial culture operations in several Asian countries and the industry has started developing elsewhere, including the Western Central Atlantic region. Significant research has been conducted at the University of Miami's Aquaculture Program / University of Miami Experimental Hatchery (UMEH) during the last eight years, involving research to develop and optimize advanced technology to demonstrate the viability of raising hatchery-reared cobia in collaboration with the private sector. This paper reviews some of this recent advances for the development of Hatchery-to-Market Aquaculture Technology for commercial production of cobia.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cobia; Commercial aquaculture; Research; Sea cages.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Determination of sexual dimorphism using morphometric techniques in Rachycentron canadum (Perciformes: Rachycentridae) cultivated in captivity Boletín de Investigaciones
González G.,Roy; Bermúdez Tobón,Adriana; Navas-S.,Gabriel R..
ABSTRACT Rachycentron canadum is an economically important fish in aquaculture due to its resistance to environmental variations, the feasibility of culture in confinement, high growth rates, and good acceptance by consumers. The profitability of their cage culture is negatively affected by the difficulty of implementing monosex cultures due to the apparent similarity between sexes. In this study, morphometric techniques were used to determine sexual dimorphism by analyzing measurements and the fish’s shape. Differences were found between the sexes in the position of the eyes, lips, pectoral fin and ventral fin, and the body’s general shape. The sexing precision of the individuals was 75.4 % with distances and 82.7 % with geometric morphometry.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cobia; Geometric morphometry; Distances morphometrics; Colombian Caribbean..
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Ontogenic development of kidney, thymus and spleen and phenotypic expression of CD3 and CD4 receptors on the lymphocytes of cobia (Rachycentroncanadum ) Anais da ABC (AABC)
ABSTRACT In the present study was evaluated the ontogenic of immunocompetent organs of cobia up to 53 days after hatching (dah) through histology and immunohistochemistry techniques. The kidney was the first lymphohematopoietic organ to appear, at 1 dah, followed by the spleen at 5 dah and the thymus at 7 dah. The first CD3 receptors on the lymphocytes were observed in 27% of the thymic tissue at 7 dah and in 99% at 53 dah. The phenotypic expression of CD3 receptors was registered in 10% of the kidney at 8 dah and in 32% at 53 dah. CD4 receptors were observed in 5% and 63% of the thymic area at 7 and 53 dah, respectively. In the kidney, T4 lymphocytes were first observed at 13 dah in 9% of the organ and in 28% at 53 dah, defining the functional development...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cobia; Immune system; Ontogeny; Immunohistochemistry; Lymphoid organs.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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