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Análisis de los costos de producción de cacao en el ejido Xochimilco viejo municipio de Ostuacan, Chiapas Colegio de Postgraduados
Cruz Jiménez, Joaquín.
Para determinar el nivel de producción que permite a los productores de cacao (Theobroma cacao L), del Ejido Xochimilco Viejo municipio de Ostuacán, Chiapas, maximizar sus ganancias o minimizar sus perdidas en el corto plazo para ello se estimó un modelo de tipo cúbico tal como lo señala la teoría económica. Bajo el supuesto de competencia perfecta, los resultados de la investigación señalan que el nivel de equilibrio del productor es un rendimiento de 964.13 kilogramos por hectárea, dicha producción es la que maximiza las ganancias o minimiza las pérdidas en el corto plazo, pero alcanzar dicho nivel requiere de un verdadero esfuerzo de productividad dada las condiciones de producción en el Ejido. Al nivel de producción promedio actual de 543...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: Cacao; Competencia perfecta; Ganancia unitaria; Costo implícito; Corto plazo; Maestría; Economía; Cocoa; Perfect competition; Unitary profit; Implicit cost; Short run.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Are Local People Conservationists? Analysis of Transition Dynamics from Agroforests to Monoculture Plantations in Indonesia Ecology and Society
Schwarze, Stefan; Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen, Germany;; Levang, Patrice; IRD, Montpellier, France; CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Agrarian transition; Agricultural intensification; Agroforestry; Cocoa; Coffee; Cropping trajectory; Indonesia; Oil palm; Rubber.
Ano: 2010
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Bioactive compounds in different cocoa (Theobroma cacao, L) cultivars during fermentation Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
Cruz,Jaqueline Fontes Moreau; Leite,Paula Bacelar; Soares,Sergio Eduardo; Bispo,Eliete da Silva.
One component that contribute to the flavor and aroma of chocolate are the polyphenols, which have received much attention due to their beneficial implications to human health. Besides bioactive action, polyphenols and methylxantines are responsible for astringency and bitterness in cocoa beans. Another important point is its drastic reduction during cocoa processing for chocolate production and the difference between cultivars. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the modifications in monomeric phenolic compounds and methylxanthines during fermentation of three cocoa cultivars grown in southern Bahia. Cocoa beans from three cultivars were fermented and sun dried and monomeric phenolic compounds and methylxantines were determinated. The results showed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cocoa; Fermentation; Polyphenols; Methylxantines.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Biomassa vegetal em agroecossistema de seringueira consorciada com cacaueiro no nordeste paraense. Infoteca-e
Nos diversos compartimentos do agroecossistema de seringueira com cacaueiro, foram avaliados os estoques de materia organica e a quantificacao da biomassa vegetal. O estudo foi realizado em parcela de consorcio de seringueira com cacaueiro, com quinze anos de idade, instalado no Campo Experimental do Centro de Pesquisa Agroflorestal da Amazonia Oriental-CPATU, localizado no Km 40 da rodovia PA253, em Capitao Poco, PA. A quantificacao das fitomassas de seringueira e de cacaueiro foi realizada em junho de 1991, em cinco plantas de cada cultura do total de 140 plantas de seringueira e 960 plantas de cacaueiro por hectare. Em cada planta foram avaliados ramos, caule, folhas e raizes (pivotante, grossas e finas), estas ate um metro de profundidade no solo. O...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Consorciacao; Disponibilidade; Liteira; Nordeste; Pará; Brasil; Rubber tree; Cocoa; Organic mater; Disponibility; Litter; Biomassa; Cacau; Matéria Orgânica; Seringueira; Amazonia; Biomass; Intercropping.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Biosurfactants synthesized by endophytic Bacillus strains as control of Moniliophthora perniciosa and Moniliophthora roreri Scientia Agricola
Serrano,Lizette; Moreno,Andrea Sosa; Castillo,Daynet Sosa Del; Bonilla,Julio; Romero,Christian A; Galarza,Luis Lenin; Coronel–León,Jonathan Ricardo.
ABSTRACT: Ecuador is responsible for up to 70 % of the world’s production of fine flavor cocoa. Although fungal diseases have reduced cocoa production, eco–friendly alternatives have been implemented to control the spread of phytopathogens. This study aimed to explore the potential of endophytic strains isolated from fine flavor Nacional cocoa trees to synthetize compounds with antimicrobial and surface active properties. It was determined that under in vitro conditions, seven strains (DS03, DS07, DS18, DS23, DS31, DS34 and DS50) exhibited antifungal activity that inhibited the mycelial growth of Moniliophthora roreri and Moniliophthora perniciosa. The strains were identified based on their morphological (pattern forming Bacilli) and genetic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Antimicrobial biosurfactant; Biocontrol; Cocoa; Endophytes microorganisms.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Caracterización del sistema proteolítico de Moniliophthora roreri (Cif.) Evans et al., causante de la moniliasis del cacao Colegio de Postgraduados
García Hernández, Claudia.
El presente trabajo constituye el primer reporte sobre el estudio del sistema proteolítico del hongo Moniliophthora roreri, agente causal de la moniliasis del cacao. El trabajo inició con la identificación de la cepa aislada a partir de frutos de cacao infectados. La amplificación y secuenciación de un fragmento del gen 18S rDNA, permitió la identificación molecular de la cepa aislada como M. roreri, designada como MRO1. A continuación, se evaluó el crecimiento celular de M. roreri en los medios de cultivo líquidos mineral y V8 enriquecido, indicando que en este último se obtiene mayor peso seco en mg mL-1. La determinación de los niveles de las actividades proteolíticas de aspartil proteasa (mrAP), aminopeptidasa (mrAPE), carboxipeptidasa (mrCP) y...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: Moniliophthora roreri; Moniliasis; Proteasas; Proteasas secretadas; Metaloproteasas; Maestría; Producción Agroalimentaria en el Trópico; Cocoa; Frosty pod rot; Proteases; Secreted proteases; Metalloproteases.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Characterization of polyphenol oxidase in two cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) cultivars produced in the south of Bahia, Brazil Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
MACEDO,Adrielle Souza Leão; ROCHA,Fátima de Souza; RIBEIRO,Margareth da Silva; SOARES,Sergio Eduardo; BISPO,Eliete da Silva.
Abstract The reactions leading to the formation of precursors of chocolate flavor are performed by endogenous enzymes present in the cocoa seed. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) presence and activity during fermentation of cocoa beans is responsible for the development of flavor precursors and is also implicated in the reduction of bitterness and astringency. However, the reliability of cocoa enzyme activities is complicated due to variations in different genotypes, geographical origins and methods of fermentation. In addition, there is still a lack of systematic studies comparing different cocoa cultivars. So, the present study was designed to characterize the activity of PPO in the pulp and seeds of two cocoa cultivars, PH 16 and TSH 1188. The PPO activity was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cocoa; Fermentation; Enzyme activity; Chocolate.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Combate a formiga caçarema (Azteca chartifex For.). Infoteca-e
COSTA, A. da S.; FRAZÃO, D. A. C..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Controle; Azteca chartifex; Ant; Control; Cocoa; Pest; Cacau; Formiga; Praga.
Ano: 1973 URL:
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Comparative marketing performance between the Peruvian Cooperatives and the Intermediaries: Acopagro cooperative vs. Intermediaries- a Case Study AgEcon
Higuchi, Angie; Moritaka, Masahiro; Fukuda, Susumu.
In the Peruvian jungle, there are two main cocoa marketing channels: the intermediaries and the cooperative. For example, the Acopagro Cooperative, a Peruvian organization, has contributed to the shift from illegal crops like coca to an alternative crop like cocoa which gives small scale farmers a sustainable welfare. Despite the fact that the Acopagro cooperative benefits their members by paying a fair price, supplying technical assistance and credit, many farmers still prefer commercializing their cocoa via the intermediaries. A further analysis of cocoa prices was carried out through personal interviews and a survey made between December 2009 and January 2010, of 243 farmers in Juanjui, San Martin, Peru's main cocoa production area. The outcomes...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Acopagro cooperative; Peruvian jungle; Intermediaries; Cocoa; Price; Agri-marketing channel; Marketing channel.; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Cultura do cacau. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Cultivo; Cultivar; Controle; Armazenagem; Classificação; Cocoa; Cultivation; Variety; Cultural practices; Disease; Pest; Cotrol; Processing; Production; Beneficiamento; Cacau; Clima; Doença; Praga; Pratica Cultural; Produção; Solo; Climate; Classification; Storage; Soil.
Ano: 1973 URL:
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Current state of and perspectives on cocoa production in Mexico Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Díaz-José,Oscar; Aguilar-Ávila,Jorge; Rendón-Medel,Roberto; Santoyo-Cortés,V. Horacio.
O. Díaz-José, J. Aguilar-Ávila, R. Rendón-Medel, and V.H. Santoyo-Cortés. 2013. Current state of and perspectives on cocoa production in Mexico. Cien. Inv. Agr.40(2): 279-289. Cocoa is one of the principal agricultural and cultural resources of the humid Mexican tropics. At present, the cocoa system is facing an unprecedented production crisis in relation to several factors, including the presence of frosty pod rot (Moniliophthora roreri), plantation neglect and low farm profitability. The aim of this study was to formulate a medium-term plan for cocoa production in Mexico by constructing a Technology Roadmap (TRM). Using an econometric model, production statistics were analyzed for national and international data. Producers participated in 185 surveys,...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Cocoa; Mexican cocoa; Frosty pod rot; Technology roadmap; Theobroma cacao.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Teixeira, Gibran da Silva; Maia, Sinezio Fernandes; Figueiredo, Nayana Mangueira; Pereira, Elenildes Santana; Pinto, Pablo Aurelio Lacerda De Almeida.
Este artigo trata da aplicabilidade de modelos da família ARCH como ferramenta de análise quanto ao comportamento do retorno do cacau, do boi gordo, do café, tradicionais commodities agrícolas brasileira, servindo de auxílio para decisão dos agentes na compra e venda destes produtos. De forma geral, para as três commodities estudadas, as volatilidades do retorno indicam fortes sinais de persistência, os choques levam um longo tempo para dissipar-se, e choques positivos e negativos têm impacto distinto sobre a volatilidade. Os mercados são assimétricos para o retorno destas commodities. Os mercados futuros do boi gordo e do cacau também sofrem influência do efeito alavancagem, ou seja, se torna mais volátil perante informações negativas do que informações...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cacau; Boi gordo; Café; Cocoa; Fatcow; Coffee; Community/Rural/Urban Development; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Does the WTO Increase Trade? The Case of U.S. Cocoa Imports from WTO-Member Producing Countries AgEcon
Yeboah, Osei-Agyeman; Shaik, Saleem; Wozniak, Shawn J.; Allen, Albert J..
Replaced with revised version of paper 06/08/2010.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Gravity models; Exports; Market liberalization; Cocoa; Fixed Effects; Random Effects and Pooled Models; International Relations/Trade; F10; F13.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Effect of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and air treatments on total phenol and tannin content of cocoa nibs Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
Brito,Edy Sousa de; García,Nelson Horacio Pezoa; Amâncio,Allan César.
Cocoa flavour is greatly influenced by polyphenols. These compounds undergo a series of transformations during cocoa processing leading to the characteristic cocoa flavour. The use of exogenous polyphenol oxidase (PPO) proved to be useful to reduce polyphenol content in cocoa nibs. The effect of a PPO associated or not with air over total phenol and tannin content was evaluated. Cocoa nibs were autoclaved and treated with a PPO or water in the absence or presence of an air flow for 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 hours. Total phenol content was reduced in PPO or water treatments, but when associated with air there was an increase in phenol content. Tannin content was reduced only by the treatment with water and air.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cocoa; Processing; PPO; Enzyme; Air; Theobroma cacao.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Enzymatic activity of proteases and its isoenzymes in fermentation process in cultivars of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) produced in southern Bahia, Brazil Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
SOUSA,Luciane Santos; ROCHA,Fátima de Souza; SILVEIRA,Paulo Túlio de Souza; BISPO,Eliete da Silva; SOARES,Sérgio Eduardo.
Abstract The fermentation of cocoa seeds envolves microbial processes and the action of enzymes. To identify the possible differences in the cocoa fermentation process, with regards to proteolysis, this study has the objective of determining protease activity (under predetermined conditions) and its isoenzymes in two cocoa cultivars (PH-16 and HRT-1188) in different cocoa fermentation times, in addition to establishing the microbial load (molds and yeasts and aerobic mesophilic). Protease and its isoenzymes were extracted and partially purified and the enzymatic activities determined by spectrophotometry. The results showed that the proteases activity was higher at 66h of fermentation for both cultivars. When the isoenzymes activity was evaluated, the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cocoa; Proteolysis; Aminopeptidase; Carboxypeptidase; Endoprotease.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Establishing the Presence of a Risk Premium in the Cocoa Futures Market: An Econometric Analysis AgEcon
Armah, Stephen E..
Previous attempts at identifying and estimating a time-varying risk premium in the cocoa futures market yielded conflicting results. Using a longer series that includes the most recent cash and futures data, the existence of a time-varying risk premium in the cocoa futures market is re-investigated using LM ARCH tests and a Quadratic ARCH in Mean Error Correction Model. In contrast to available research the time series properties of the data are carefully accounted for by employing the most recent econometric techniques in testing for the presence of a risk premium. No evidence is found in support of a positive time-varying [or constant] risk premium in the cocoa futures market at conventional significance levels. The result suggests that cocoa producing...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cocoa; Futures markets; Time-varying risk premium; Error-correction model; Agribusiness; Marketing; M.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Executive Interview: Anton von Weissenfluh; Reconfiguring Supply Schemes in the Cocoa Value Chain: Organic Chocolate from Honduras for the Swiss Market AgEcon
Fromm, Ingrid.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cocoa; Certification; Collaboration; Honduras; Switzerland; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Floral biology of cacauhy (Theobroma speciosum - Malvaceae) BABT
Souza,Márcio Silva de; Venturieri,Giorgini Augusto.
In the present work, cacauhy's (Theobroma speciosum) floral biology was studied. Flower buds split their sepals at 14h reaching its maximum at 22h, but all flowers were fully opened at 6:00 h of the following morning. Stigmatic branches showed exudates, reaching maximum between 6:00 h and 10:00 h at the same day. Ligules and petal hoods were the floral parts with highest intensity of odour. Flowers were receptive along all the morning and noon of the anthesis day. Approximately 65% of the flowers were naturally pollinated, but only 0.85% of them set a fruit. Abscission occurred on its higher frequency at 6:00 h of the second day after anthesis. Controlled pollinations showed that cacauhy was self-incompatible species.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Self-incompatibility; Flower behavior; Hybridization; Cocoa.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Increased Cocoa Bean Exports under Trade Liberalization: A Gravity Model Approach AgEcon
Yeboah, Osei-Agyeman; Shaik, Saleem; Wozniak, Shawn J.; Allen, Albert J..
Gravity models were developed to estimate the potential bilateral exports of cocoa under trade liberalization by the sixteen major cocoa producing countries to the US using panel data from 1989 to 2003. The results indicate that differences between resource endowment, relative size of economies, and the sum of bilateral GDP of U.S. and exporting countries are the major determinants. Thus, as trade is liberalized, farmers share of the world price of cocoa increases and this raises exports.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Gravity models; Bilateral exports; Market liberalization; Cocoa; Fixed Effects Model; Random Effects Model; Pooled O.L.S.; International Relations/Trade; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; F10; F13.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Increasing Profitability of Small Scale Orchard Producers through Optimizing Replacement Rate: The Case Study of Ghana AgEcon
Mahrizal; Nalley, Lawton Lanier; Dixon, Bruce L.; Popp, Jennie S. Hughes.
This study sets out to empirically estimate the optimum annual replacement rate and age of cocoa trees in order to maximize the net present value of four common cocoa production systems. The study examines the costs and returns of four common cocoa production systems in Ghana associated with changes in cocoa prices, fertilizer prices, inflation rates, and labor prices. While this study focuses on cocoa, the methodology is applicable to any perennial crop. This study uses empirical yield curves and cost of production data from Ghana to determine when and what percentage of a cocoa orchard should be replaced annually to maximize net present value of revenues over time. Successive versions of the model are solved to determine how input and output price...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Cocoa; Replacement Rate; Net Present Value (NPV); Production Economics; Q01; Q15; Q32.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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