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Adult-mediated connectivity and spatial population structure of sardine in the Bay of Biscay and Iberian coast 5
Silva, Alexandra; Garrido, Susana; Ibaibarriaga, Leire; Pawlowski, Lionel; Riveiro, Isabel; Marques, Vitor; Ramos, Fernando; Duhamel, Erwan; Iglesias, Magdalena; Bryere, Philippe; Mangin, Antoine; Citores, Leire; Carrera, Pablo; Uriarte, Andres.
This work investigated adult-mediated connectivity and spatial population structure of sardine in the European Atlantic waters. The spatial and temporal progress of cohorts was modelled using abundance-at-age survey data by area in the period 2000 to 2016, covering the region from the northern Bay of Biscay to the eastern Gulf of Cadiz. A novel methodology was used to calculate indices of cohort movement between areas. Movement was relatively low between three large regions, the Bay of Biscay, the northern Spanish and Portuguese waters and the Gulf of Cadiz, each hosting a recruitment hotspot. On the other hand, one half of the sardines recruited in North Portugal and a quarter of those recruited in Southwest Portugal moved to northern Spanish waters and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Metapopulation; Source-sink dynamics; Adult-mediated connectivity; Cohort dispersal; Small pelagic fishes; Stock identity; Fisheries management.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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