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A influência da mineralogia na evolução micromorfológica do colapso em saprólito e latossolo. Infoteca-e
CARDOSO, F. B. da F.; MARTINS, E. de S.; CARVALHO, J. C. de.
Resumo: Este trabalho mostra a aplicação de técnicas modernas de micromorfologia e mineralogia no desenvolvimento de um modelo evolutivo do colapso em solos tropicais profundamento intemperizados. Abstract: This work exibition the application of modern techniques of micromorphology and mineralogy in the development of an evolutionary model of the collapse in deeply weathering tropical soils.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: ECOSOL170; Micromorfologia; Colapso; Micromorphology; Collapse; Soil testing; Análise do Solo; Cerrado; Geoquímica; Mineralogia; Solo; Geochemistry; Mineralogy; Soil.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Navigating the adaptive cycle: an approach to managing the resilience of social systems Ecology and Society
Fath, Brian D; Advanced Systems Analysis, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis; Department of Biological Sciences, Towson University;; Dean, Carly A; Advanced Systems Analysis, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis;; Katzmair, Harald; FAS.research;
The concept of resilience continues to crescendo since the 1990s, touching on multiple fields with multiple interpretations and uses. Here, we start from its origins in systems ecology, framing the resilience concept explicitly in the adaptive cycle with the observation that resilient systems are ones that successfully navigate all stages of growth, development, collapse, and reorientation of this cycle. The model is explored in terms of the traps and pathologies that hinder this successful navigation, particularly when applied to socioeconomic organizations and decision-management situations. For example, for continuous function over the adaptive life cycle, a system needs activation energy or resources to grow, followed by adequate structure and...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Adaptive cycle; Collapse; Development; Growth; Re-orientation; Resilience; Succession; Thresholds.
Ano: 2015
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Speaking Stata: How to repeat yourself without going mad AgEcon
Cox, Nicholas J..
This column will focus on how to improve your fluency in Stata. Over the next issues we will look at Stata problems of intermediate size which turn out to be soluble with a few command lines. As an introduction, systematic ways of repeating the same or similar operations are surveyed to give one overview of the territory to be covered.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Append; By; Collapse; Contract; Do-files; Egen; For; Foreach; Forvalues; Log files; Merge; Naming conventions; Programs; Repetition; Reshape; Statsby; Subset or group structure; Tabulations; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Stock collapses and their recovery: mechanisms that establish and maintain life-cycle closure in space and time ArchiMer
Petitgas, Pierre; Secor, Dave H.; Mcquinn, Ian; Huse, Geir; Lo, Nancy.
Experience has established that the recovery of many collapsed stocks takes much longer than predicted by traditional fishery population models. We put forward the hypothesis that stock collapse is associated with disruption of the biological mechanisms that sustain life-cycle closure of intrapopulation contingents. Based on a review of case studies of nine marine fish stocks, we argue that stock collapses not only involve biomass loss, but also the loss of structural elements related to life-cycle diversity (contingents), as well as the breakdown of socially transmitted traditions (through a curtailed age range). Behavioural mechanisms associated with these structural elements could facilitate recovery of depleted populations. Migratory behaviour is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Behaviour; Collapse; Life-cycle diversity; Recovery.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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