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A methodology based on data filtering to identify reference fleets to account for the abundance of fish species: Application to the Striped red mullet (Mullus surmulletus) in the Bay of Biscay ArchiMer
Caill-milly, Nathalie; Lissardy, Muriel; Bru, Noëlle; Dutertre, Marie-adèle; Saguet, Cassandre.
For data-limited stocks (DLS), professional fishing data can be used as a potential source of information, especially in the absence of appropriate scientific survey, to understand abundance evolution under realistic hypothesis on resource catchability. This work focuses on a data-filtering approach, the selected fishing effort must reflect vessel activity that is least dependent on their technical characteristics and as stable as possible over time. The variable of interest is landing by fishing sequence (landing for a given gear, gear mesh, day and ICES statistical rectangle) called LPUE. In order to account for the abundance of the species, it was necessary to consider the discards. The method thus proceeds in 4 steps: (i) focus on LPUE variability and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Data-limited stock; Commercial data; Discards; LPUE; Professional knowledge; Data filtering.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Impact d’une obligation de débarquement sur les dynamiques couplées écosystème-pêcheurs : approche par modélisation individu-centrée appliquée à la Manche orientale ArchiMer
Bourdaud, Pierre.
The objective of this thesis was to anticipate the effects if the EU Landing Obligation (LO) implemented since the beginning of 2015 in the Eastern English Channel (EEC). To achieve these objectives, it was planned to: i) better understand seasonal spatial distribution of commercial species using on-board commercial vessels observation data, ii) compare them with the fine scale fishing effort distribution of EEC bottom otter trawlers (OTB), and iii) develop an individual-based model of fleet-dynamics, DSVM, to be integrated within the ecosystem model OSMOSE to simulate a LO. The usefulness of on-board observation data was proved for a main part of a species sample, using validation from the literature and a geostatistical indicator. Then the comparison of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Distribution spatiale; Saisonnalité; Données commerciales; Données de campagnes scientifiques; Manche Orientale; Effort de pêche; Assemblages d’espèces cibles; Obligation de débarquement; Modèle individu-centré; Dynamiques des flottilles; Spatial distribution; Seasonality; Commercial data; Survey data; Eastern English Channel; Fishing effort; Target species assemblages; Landing obligation; Individual-based model; Fleet dynamics.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Inferring the annual, seasonal, and spatial distributions of marine species from complementary research and commercial vessels’ catch rates ArchiMer
Bourdaud, Pierre; Travers-trolet, Morgane; Vermard, Youen; Cormon, Xochitl; Marchal, Paul.
The objective of this study is to analyse at fine scale the annual, seasonal and spatial distributions of several species in the Eastern English Channel (EEC). On the one hand, data obtained from scientific surveys are not available all year through, but are considered to provide consistent yearly and spatially resolved abundance indices. On the other hand, on-board commercial data do cover the whole year, but generally provide a biased perception of stock abundance. The combination of scientific and commercial catches per unit of effort (CPUEs), standardized using a delta-generalized linear model, allowed to infer spatial and monthly dynamics of fish distributions in the EEC, which could be compared with previous knowledge on their life cycles....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Commercial data; Eastern English Channel; Seasonality; Spatial distribution; Survey data.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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