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Biología reproductiva de algunas especies de la tribu Thenaria (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) en el litoral marplatense 20
Excoffon, A.C..
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (Argentina).
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Sexual reproduction; Asexual reproduction; Gametogenesis; Reproductive cycle; Embryonic development; Larval development; Comparative studies; Asexual reproduction; Gametogenesis; Embryonic development; Sexual reproduction; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Caractères biométriques de la Squille <Squilla mantis> dans les eaux tunisiennes 20
Mili, S.; Jarboui, O..
Pour l’étude biométrique de la squille Squilla mantis, un échantillonnage régulier a été réalisé dans le golfe de Tunis, le golfe de Hammamet et le golfe de Gabès de janvier 2005 à décembre 2006. Les équations morphométriques de la squille, dans le golfe de Gabès, ont montré que la croissance relative du telson, celle de la masse totale et celle de la masse éviscérée par rapport à celle du céphalothorax sont caractérisées par une allométrie positive. Par contre, la longueur totale croît négativement par rapport à celle du céphalothorax. Pour le golfe de Hammamet, ces caractères ont une croissance marquée par une allométrie négative à part la masse éviscérée. Les équations morphométriques de la squille du golfe de Tunis ont montré une allométrie positive...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Squilla mantis; Biometrics; Comparative studies; Population dynamics; Statistical analysis; Shrimp culture; Statistical analysis; Population dynamics; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Caractères biométriques de la squille squilla mantis dans les eaux tunisiennes 20
Mili, S.; Jarboui, O.; Missaoui, H..
Pour l’étude biométrique de la squille Squilla mantis, un échantillonnage régulier a été réalisé dans le golfe de Tunis, le golfe de Hammamet et le golfe de Gabès de janvier 2005 à décembre 2006. Les équations morphométriques de la squille, dans le golfe de Gabès, ont montré que la croissance relative du telson, celle de la masse totale et celle de la masse éviscérée par rapport à celle du céphalothorax sont caractérisées par une allométrie positive. Par contre, la longueur totale croît négativement par rapport à celle du céphalothorax. Pour le golfe de Hammamet, ces caractères ont une croissance marquée par une allométrie négative à part la masse éviscérée. Les équations morphométriques de la squille du golfe de Tunis ont montré une allométrie positive...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Biometrics; Comparative studies; Population dynamics; Population structure; Statistical analysis; Squilla mantis; Http://
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Caractérisation et variation phénotypique et biologique des deux sexes du sandre "Sander lucioperca" (l., 1758) (teleosteen, percidae) dans la retenue de barrage de Nebhana (Tunisie Centrale). 20
Turki, O.; M'Hetli, M.; Chriki, A.; Kraiem, M.M..
Dans le but de caractériser phénotypiquement et biologiquement la population de sandre (Sander lucioperca (L, 1758)), et de détecter une éventuelle variabilité entre les sexes, une étude des variables méristiques et morphométriques ainsi que la croissance, a concerné 133 mâles et 166 femelles issus de la retenue de barrage de Nebhana. Le choix des variables méristiques et morphométriques a été décelé à partir de travaux bibliographiques montrant un taux important de variabilité chez les poissons marins et d'eau douce. Ainsi 9 caractères méristiques et 23 variables morphométriques ont été retenus. Les résultats ont montré une invariance des caractères méristiques entre les mâles et les femelles. Quant aux rapports morphométriques, les mâles diffèrent des...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Animal morphology; Biological data; Cell differentiation; Comparative studies; Freshwater fish; Growth; Meristic counts; Morphometry; Phenotypes; Phenotypic variations; Population structure; Water reservoirs; Sex; Sex characters; Marine fisheries; Pike perch.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Combining quantitative and qualitative models to identify functional groups for monitoring changes in the Bay of Biscay continental shelf exploited foodweb 5
Lassalle, Geraldine; Pasqual, Jean-sebastien Nelva; Boet, Philippe; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Trenkel, Verena; Niquil, Nathalie.
To develop and implement ecosystem-based management, it is critical to monitor foodweb components or functional groups which are robust to uncertainty in ecosystem structure and functioning yet sensitive to changes. To select such functional groups for the Bay of Biscay continental shelf, both quantitative and qualitative foodweb models were developed. First, functional groups for which predictions of directions of change following an increase in primary productivity, prey or predators, or in fishing activities were identical across alternative qualitative model structures were identified. Second, the robustness to model type was assessed by comparing qualitative predictions with quantitative Ecopath model results. The demersal fish community was...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Comparative studies; Ecosystem management; Foodweb; Loop analysis; Northeast Atlantic continental shelf.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Comparative study on growth of chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus Houttuyn, 1782) from three different regions: NW Mediterranean, NE and SW Atlantic 20
Perrotta, R.G.; Carvalho, N.; Isidro, E..
The von Bertalanffy growth parameters for chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) from the NW Mediterranean, along the Catalan coast (Spain), were estimated. These results constitute the first estimated values for chub mackerel in this area and were as follows: L∞(cm) = 39.75; K (years-1) = 0.298; t0 (years) = -1.40 (for age groups 0 to 8). These results were compared with the estimated growth parameters for the chub mackerel that inhabits other two regions: NE Atlantic (Azores) and SW Atlantic (Argentina). Significant differences in growth curves between regions were found when the growth parameters, L∞, K and t0, were simultaneously compared. When comparing the growth parameters L~! and K individually, significant differences between regions were also...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Environmental conditions; Surface temperature; Comparative studies; Environmental conditions; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Complement a la definition "dotea chelipes , espece polytypique" a partir des fractions proteiques et particulierement de l''hemocyanine. Comparaison avec Idotea balthica basteri 5
Charfi, C.
Electrophoregrams of proteins on polyacrylamid gel concentrated at 2.5 - 15% made it possible to separate 24 protein fractions in polytypic Idotea chelipes species, 4 of which having a higher activity and corresponding to hemocyanin. A clear resemblance is evident in proteinograms of various sub-species and in I. chelipes populations whereas those of I. b. basteri seem to be quite different. A variation also exists between sexes within the same population. It corresponds to the slowest fraction whose activity is more intense with females.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Idotea balthica basteri; Idotea chelipes; Malacostraca; Comparative studies; Haemocyanins; Proteins.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Courantometrie en Baie de Seine: Comparaison d''une modelisation numerique et de mesures par radar 5
Broche, P; Salomon, J; Maistre (de), J; Devenon, J.
2-D models of tide currents are the most used to obtain a description of the circulation in coastal zones, from initial conditions in this area, and limit conditions (depth water). The lack of precision in open limits and the approximation of mathematical calculation, involve the validation of these models with the use of coherent decametric radar. This report deals with a comparative study.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Comparative studies; Mathematical models; Current prediction; Radar; Current data.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Diagnostic écologique, usages et analyse des perceptions des acteurs : vers une gestion intégrée de la baie du Lévrier 20
Cheikhna Lemrabott, sidi Yahya.
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Oceans; Ecological sciences; Comparative studies; Geological systems; Capture fisheries; Oceans; Ecological zones.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Dosage des carotenoides de la macrofaune benthique par spectrometrie d'adsorption visible 5
Merlin, J; Noel, Philippe; Lafageoe-szydlowski, S; Petitt-cossi, G; Wallart, F.
The resonance Raman spectrometry allows the determination carotenoid composition. This method has many advantages in particular to analyse a non-purified solution without measuring the other constituents. The application of this technique is used for benthic macrofauna studies.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Comparative studies; Absorption spectroscopy; Zoobenthos; Carotenoids.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Ecología trófica de estadios juveniles de los esciénidos dominantes en el estuario de Bahía Blanca. Pescadilla de red (Cynoscion guatucupa) y corvina rubia (Micropogonias furnieri) 20
Sardiña, P..
Striped weakfish (Cynoscion guatucupa)and whitemouth croaker(Micropogonias furnieri)are one of the most important coastal resources of Bahia Blanca Estuary (Buenos Aires Prov., Argentina). The aims of this thesis were: 1, to analyze the population and morphological characteristics of the juveniles stages of the striped weakfish and the whitemouth croaker living in Bahia Blanca Estuary; 2, to describe the dietary habits of the juveniles of these two species; 3, to analyze the ontogenetic and seasonal diet changes in both species, and 4, to study the feeding interrelationships between both species as well as the interrelationships between each species and its prey. In view of the mentioned objectives, diet was evaluated taking into account the following...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Brackishwater environment; Brackishwater fish; Comparative studies; Feeding behaviour; Trophic relationships; Zooplankton; Juveniles; Feeding behaviour; Zooplankton; Brackishwater environment; Juveniles; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Efecto de la salinidad y la temperatura sobre el ciclo de vida de cangrejos estuariales (Decapoda, Grapsidae). 20
Bas, C..
El ciclo de vida de los cangrejos verdaderos (Crustacea, Brachyura) incluye en la mayoria de los casos cuatro etapas. Una etapa embrionaria, en la cual los huevos en desarrollo protegidos por una membrana de varias capas, se mantienen adheridos a los ple6podas de la hembra, expuestos a las mismas condiciones ambientales que el adulto . Posteriormente una etapa larval planct6nica y finalmente una fase juvenil y una adulta, ambas bent6nicas en igual o diferente ambiente . Muy frecuentemente [as historias de vida de los organismos son referidas como rigidamente definidas para cada especie, sin embargo existen numerosos ejemplos en invertebrados donde las caracteristicas del desarrollo y la reproducci6n de una especie son ampliamente influenciadas y...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Salinity effects; Temperature effects; Life cycle; Comparative studies; Larval development; Embryonic development; Feeding; Reproduction; Seasonal variations; Feeding; Embryonic development; Life cycle; Reproduction; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Efectos directos e indirectos de la bioturbación producida por el cangrejo cavador Chasmagnathus granulata en ambientes estuariales 20
Botto, F..
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (Argentina)
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Bioturbation; Sediment analysis; Sediment transport; Comparative studies; Detritus; Population number.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Enclave coralligène de l'infralittoral de Korbous (nord de la Tunisie) : Aire minimale qualitative du phytobenthos et inventaire scépifique 20
Romdhane, N.; Ben Mustapha, K.; Romdhane, M. S.; El Abed, A..
دراسة التنوع البيولوجي للكائنات البحرية القاعية للشعب المرجانية « coralligène »للطابق « infralittoral » لقربص سمحت لنا للتعرف على ادنى مساحة نوعية لمثل هذه الدراسات التي تقام لاول مرة في تونس وتخص هذه الشعب.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Benthos; Comparative studies; Coral; Phytobenthos; Stock identification; Benthos; Phytobenthos; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Etude de l'age et de la croissance de deux especes de Dentes (Dentex dentex et de Dentex maroccanus) des cotes tunisiennes 20
Chammam-Abdelkader. B.; Kraiem. M.M.; El Abed. A..
The survey of age and growth of two Dentex species (Dentex dentex and Dentex maroccanus) from the Tunisian coasts shows a difference of the growth rate between the two species with a faster growth for Dentex dentex. Any difference of growth has been noticed within the same species. However females present superior maximal sizes comparing to the males for the two species. Concerning the weight growth, the males of Dentex dentex seemed heavier than the females, whereas for Dentex maroccanus the females show a weight growth superior to that of the males.Original Abstract: L'etude de l'age et de la croissance de deux especes de Dentes (Dentex dentex et Dentex maroccanus) des cotes tunisiennes nous a permis de degager une difference du taux de croissance entre...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Dentex Dentex dentex Dentex maroccanus; Age; Comparative studies; Growth; Dentex; Dentex dentex; Dentex maroccanus; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Etudes pathologiques et epidemiologiques des lesions parasitaires chez Ostrea edulis : Premiers resultats d'un recherche prospective comparative chez les principales especes de mollusques des zones ostreicoles de Bretagne nord 5
Poder, M; Auffret, Mathieu; Balouet, G.
This paper is a contribution to the study of the Bonamia ostreae epizooty in french european oyster Ostrea edulis : parasite process (hemocytic parasitosis); experimental contaminations on parks and in tanks. First results of an epidemiological watch conducted in oyster culture sites show in molluks mytilidae, pectinidae, cardiidae, veneridae: the absence of Bonamia ostreae forms; the existence of different types of parasitism or commensalisus of inequal pathological importance and especially a parasite of the Marteilia genus in Tapes sp . digestive epithelium. Additionally, a new example of hemocytosercoma is observed in Cerastoderma edule .
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ruditapes philippinarum; Tapes rhomboides; Tapes pullastra; Mytilus edulis; Cerastoderma edule; Ostrea edulis; Bivalvia; Marteilia; Bonamia ostreae; Comparative studies; Parasitic diseases; Commensalism; Parasitology; Marine mollusks; Epidemiology; Pathology; Pathologie; Mollusques; Bonamia ostreae; Epizootie; Ostrea edulis.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Grossissement des juveniles de palourdes "Ruditapes decussatus" (l., 1758), sur l’estran de Zarat (golfe de Gabès, Tunisie), dans des conditions expérimentales. 20
Zouari, M.; Hitonori, N.; Lymayem, Y.; M'Rabet, R.; Dhraief, M.N.; Missaoui, H.; Guergej, H.; Kraiem, M.M..
Le potentiel de grossissement de la palourde Ruditapes decussatus (L. 1758), élevée dans des poches de filet de 1 m2 de surface, a été évalué sur l’estran de Zarat (golfe de Gabès) pour la période de juillet 2006 à novembre 2007. Dans une première expérience, trois niveaux de la marée, représentant des chenaux de drainage de l’eau, existants entre la ligne de marée haute et celle de marée basse, ont été comparés sur une durée de 16 mois. Chacun des niveaux a été représenté par un triplicata de sacs de 150 individus. Dans une seconde expérience, trois densités de mise en charge différentes ont été comparées sur une durée de 17 mois. Pour cela, deux sacs de 100 individus chacun et deux autres de 200 individus chacun ont été alignés à l’expérience précédente,...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Clam culture; Comparative studies; Environmental conditions; Estuaries; Experimental culture; Growth; Growth rate; Marine aquaculture; Marine molluscs; Population density; Rearing; Stocking density; Clams.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Growth response of penaeid postlarvae to dry diets containing <i>Artemia</i> biomass meal 27
Abelin, P.; Tackaert, W.; Sorgeloos, P..
The results are presented of a feeding experiment conducted with post-larvae of <i>Penaeus monodon</i> and <i>P. vannamei</i> using formulated dry feeds in which <i>Artemia</i> biomass was incorporated. The total and partial substitution for Artemia nauplii were evaluated. Survival rates in the experiment were not very high, indicating that nutritionally balance dry diets do not support the same growth as Artemia nauplii, which must contain a particular ingredient yet to be identified
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Artificial feeding; Comparative studies; Diets; Food organisms; Nauplii; Shrimp culture; Artemia; Penaeus monodon [giant tiger prawn].
Ano: 1989 URL:
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HUFA levels in eggs of wild and cultured broodstock of <i>Macrobrachium rosenbergii</i> 27
Lavens, P.; Piyatiratitivorakul, S.; Menasveta, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
The variation in egg quality, i.e. the potential of the egg to produce viable fry, is still a limiting factor in the commercial production of marine fish and crustacean fry. Better knowledge in this field would contribute to improved and especially more consistent hatchery outputs and to the development of more suitable broodstock diets. So far, objective criteria to evaluate egg quality are scarce. However, it is very likely that the nutrient composition of the eggs may be a good indicator for egg viability as it reflects the nutrient demands of the developing embryo and larva. Since (n-3) highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) have been identified as essential nutrients for the larvae of marine fish, shrimp and prawn a case study has been initiated with...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biochemical composition; Brood stocks; Comparative studies; Eggs; Fatty acids; Prawn culture; Shrimp culture; Macrobrachium rosenbergii.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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International study on <i>Artemia</i> : 18. The hatching rate of <i>Artemia</i> cysts: a comparative study 27
Vanhaecke, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
A comparative study has been carried out on the hatching rate of <i>Artemia</i> cysts of different geographical origin and on different batches of the same source. Substantial variation, among as well as within geographical strains, indicates that the hatching-rate criterion is not strain specific. In an attempt to identify the parameters which influence the hatching rate, it was found that the cyst-drying technique as well as the storage conditions may significantly affect this criterion. It has also been demonstrated that the cysts' hatchability is influenced by their previous drying and storing conditions. Optimal hatching results are guaranteed when a fluidized bed dryer is used and the cysts are stored under vacuum or nitrogen.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Comparative studies; Hatching; Artemia.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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