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Advances in gastropod immunity from the study of the interaction between the snail Biomphalaria glabrata and its parasites: A review of research progress over the last decade 5
Coustau, C.; Gourbal, B.; Duval, D.; Yoshino, T. P.; Adema, C. M.; Mitta, Guillaume.
This review summarizes the research progress made over the past decade in the field of gastropod immunity resulting from investigations of the interaction between the snail Biomphalaria glabrata and its trematode parasites. A combination of integrated approaches, including cellular, genetic and comparative molecular and proteomic approaches have revealed novel molecular components involved in mediating Biomphalaria immune responses that provide insights into the nature of host-parasite compatibility and the mechanisms involved in parasite recognition and killing. The current overview emphasizes that the interaction between B. glabrata and its trematode parasites involves a complex molecular crosstalk between numerous antigens, immune receptors, effectors...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biomphalaria glabrata; Schistosoma mansoni; Echinostoma caproni; Immunity; Compatibility.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Effect of Disinfectants and Pesticides Used in Poultry Houses on Beauveria Bassiana (Bals.) Vuill.fungus 89
Alves,LFA; Mamprim,AP; Formentini,MA; Martins,CC; Pinto,FG.
ABSTRACT This study aimed at evaluating the effect of the use of disinfectants and insecticides recommended for the control of pathogens and insects in poultry houses on the biological parameters of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana strain Unioeste 4. Disinfectants and insecticides were used at recommended concentration (RC), half the recommended concentration (0.5 RC), and twice there commended concentration (2RC). All treatments were sprayed on the fungus previously inoculated on PDA culture media. Germination, colony forming unit (CFU), vegetative growth and conidial yield were evaluated. Germination was the most affected parameter by insecticides, with reduction of up to 25% using Couro Limpo and Cypermil products. Cypermil also reduced...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Entomopathogenic fungus; Compatibility; Associated control; Animal production.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Effect of Thiamethoxam on Entomopathogenic Microorganisms 82
The compatibility of entomopathogenic microorganisms with thiamethoxam and other insecticides was studied in vitro and under field conditions. The microorganisms tested were: Aschersonia aleyrodis, Bacillus thuringiensis, Baculovirus anticarsia (NPVAg), Beauveria bassiana, Hirsutella thompsonii, Metarhizium anisopliae, Nomuraea rileyi, Paecilomyces farinosus, Sporothrix insectorum and Verticillium lecanii. Two concentrations of each product were tested in the laboratory, based on the maximum and minimum recommended rates for application in the field. The products were added to specific culture medium for growth of the entomopathogens. Reproductive and vegetative growth were evaluated for fungi, and colony forming units (CFU) were evaluated for bacteria....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Insecta; Insecticide; Microbial control; Compatibility.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Fasciola hepatica-Pseudosuccinea columella interaction: effect of increasing parasite doses, successive exposures and geographical origin on the infection outcome of susceptible and naturally-resistant snails from Cuba 5
Alba, Annia; Vazquez, Antonio A.; Sanchez, Jorge; Duval, David; Hernandez, Hilda M.; Sabourin, Emeline; Vittecoq, Marion; Hurtrez-bousses, Sylvie; Gourbal, Benjamin.
Background: Pseudosuccinea columella is one of the most widespread vectors of Fasciola hepatica, a globally distributed trematode that affects humans, livestock and wildlife. The exclusive occurrence in Cuba of susceptible and naturally-resistant populations to F. hepatica within this snail species, offers a fascinating model for evolutionary biology, health sciences and vector control strategies. In particular, resistance in P. columella is characterized by the encapsulation of the parasite by host's immune cells and has been experimentally tested using different Cuban F. hepatica isolates with no records of successful infection. Here, we aimed to explore for the first time, the effect of different parasite doses, successive exposures and different...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Snail-trematode interaction; Lymnaeidae; Liver fluke; Experimental infection; Immune priming; Compatibility; Allopatric parasites.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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In vitro sensitivity of antagonistic Trichoderma atroviride to herbicides 52
Santoro,Patricia Helena; Cavaguchi,Silvia Akimi; Alexandre,Talita Moretto; Zorzetti,Janaina; Neves,Pedro Manuel Oliveira Janeiro.
Trichoderma atroviride was tested in vitro for its sensitivity to different herbicides. The dosages tested were recommended dosage (RD), half dosage (½RD), and double dosage (2RD). Germination, colony-forming units (CFU), radial growth, and spore production were evaluated. Carfentrazone-ethyl and sulfentrazone inhibited the germination at RD and 2RD. A reduction in the CFU was observed for glufosinate-ammonium, atrazine, carfentrazone-ethyl, diuron + paraquat dichloride, imazapyr, oxyfluorfen, and sulfentrazone at each of the tested dosages. Radial growth was influenced by ametryn, atrazine, carfentrazone-ethyl, oxyfluorfen, and sulfentrazone herbicides, with an 80% reduction of the colonial area. Spore production was affected by carfentrazone-ethyl,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biological control; Compatibility; Conservative management; Antagonistic microorganisms; Plant pathogens.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary. I. Host-Pathogen specificity and resistance components 115
Lozoya-Saldaña,Héctor; Guzmán-Galindo,Leonel; Fernández-Pavia,Sylvia; Grünwald,Niklaus J.; McElhinny,Elaine.
Abstract The molecular identity of Phytophthora infestans strains infecting potatoes in the Toluca Valley has been documented. Nevertheless, the relationship of the P. infestans genotypes to the host’s genetic resistance is unclear. In order to identify potential host-pathogen specificity, isolates of the oomycete obtained from five potato varieties with differing levels of disease resistance were compared regarding mating type (MT), isozyme genotype for glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (Gpi) and peptidase (Pep), and sensitivity to metalaxyl. Also, host resistance components and specificity on the host-pathogen interaction were assessed twice in detached leaves in the laboratory and once in attached leaves in the greenhouse for three of the varieties. No...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Compatibility; Isozymes; Metalaxyl resistance; Genetic resistance; Host-pathogen specificity.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Population density of Beauveria bassiana in soil under the action of fungicides and native microbial populations 1
Soares, Flávia Barbosa; Monteiro, Antonio Carlos; Babosa, José Carlos; Mochi, Dinalva Alves.
This study investigated whether populations of naturally-occurring soil bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes influence the effect of fungicides on the survival and growth of Beauveria bassiana. The toxicity of methyl thiophanate, pyraclostrobin, mancozeb and copper oxychloride at the recommended doses was analyzed in culture medium and in soil inoculated with fungus at various time points after addition of fungicides. All fungicides completely inhibited the growth and sporulation of B. bassiana in the culture medium. The fungicides were less toxic in soil, emphasizing the action of the microbial populations, which interfered with the toxic effects of these products to the fungus. Actinomycetes had the greatest influence on the entomopathogen, inhibiting it or...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ciências Agrárias; Microbiologia; Biological control; Entomopathogenic fungus; Soil microorganisms; Compatibility; Toxicity. Ecologia de Micro-organismos; Fungo entomopatogênico; Polulações nativas do solo; Micro-organismos do solo.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Barrett, Christopher B.; Yang, Yi-Nung.
This paper considers the incentives of firms to conform to an exogenous international product standard. Product standardization enables traditional, price-based international competition. But the existence of redesign costs or network effects creates market frictions that diminish the incentive to standardize if there already exists a different technology in an established market. This leads to multi-attribute competition between products and will generally reduce trade flows. Not only do incumbent firms using a different technology have an incentive to deviate from the international standard, but a host country government that is also concerned for the welfare of consumers who own the old technology has no incentive to enforce the international standard....
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Compatibility; International standardization; Network effects; Redesign costs; Technical barriers to trade; International Relations/Trade; F02; F13; F15; L11; L13; L51.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Stock-scion interactions on growth and rubber yield of Hevea brasiliensis 63
Cardinal,Átila Bento Beleti; Gonçalves,Paulo de Souza; Martins,Antônio Lúcio Mello.
Rubber tree cultivation [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell.-Arg.] uses mostly the budding propagation method, however the expected stand uniformity due to the use of vegetative propagation is theoretical, since high variation for yield and vigor is caused by rootstock influence. The objective of this study was to assess several combinations between clonal rootstocks and clone scions through diallel analysis, aiming at high productivity and vigor. Data consisted of five years of dry rubber yield and girth at panel opening from an experiment using a split-plot design with four replications, conducted at Pindorama, SP, Brazil, considering six rootstocks (GT 1, IAN 873, PB 235, RRIM 600, RRIM 701 and unselected seedlings) and six scions (GT 1,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Compatibility; Diallel analysis; Girth; Grafting; Rubber tree.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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The Effects of Different Fungicides on the Viability of Entomopathogenic Nematodes Steinernema feltiae (Filipjev), S. carpocapsae Weiser, and Heterorhabditis downesi Stock, Griffin & Burnell (Nematoda: Rhabditida) under Laboratory Conditions 117
Laznik,Žiga; Vidrih,Matej; Trdan,Stanislav.
To increase our knowledge on the susceptibility of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) species to agrochemicals, the compatibility of the infective juveniles (IJ) of the entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema feltiae, S. carpocapsae, and Heterorhabditis downesi with 15 chemical fungicides was investigated under laboratory conditions. The effect of direct IJ exposure to fungicides for 24 h was tested in a petri dish at 15, 20, and 25 °C. The results showed that the compatibility of S. feltiae with azoxystrobin was high, and similar findings were obtained for S. carpocapsae (strain C67) and all of the tested fungicides, except for tebuconazole + spiroxamine + triadimenol, maneb, dinocap, and copper (II) hydroxide + metalaxil-M. Nematode H. downesi (strain 3173)...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Compatibility; Fungicides; Viability.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Two mistletoes are too many?: Interspecific occurrence of mistletoes on the same host tree 39
Arruda,Rafael; Lunardelli,Caroline; Kitagawa,Clóvis; Caires,Claudenir Simões; Teodoro,Grazielle Sales; Mourão,Fabiana Alves.
Mistletoe can have a major impact on the fitness of the host plant. If there is more than one species of mistletoe on the same host tree, the overall impact might be amplified. We report the occurrence of more than one species of mistletoe on the same host tree. Although it is not a rule in the field, to our knowledge, there have been no studies of this topic. In most cases, two species of mistletoe were recorded on the same host tree, although we recorded three species of mistletoe on one occasion. This demonstrates that different species of mistletoe can be compatible with the same host species. Therefore, compatibility (structural and physiological) might be an important factor for the occurrence of mistletoe. Recent studies have shown that if the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Parasite-host relationship; Compatibility; Specificity; Parasitic plants; Red Queen hypothesis.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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การเข้ากันได้และการเจริญเติบโตในระยะแรกของพลับพันธุ์ Fuyu บนต้นตอเพาะเมล็ดชนิดต่าง ๆ 106
Watcharaphon Satheinkhot.
Thesis (M.Sc. in Agriculture)
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Diospyros kaki; Grafting; Fuyu persimmon; Seedling rootstocks; Species; Scions; Growth; Compatibility; พลับ; การขยายพันธุ์; การต่อกิ่ง; ต้นตอเพาะเมล็ด; พันธุ์เต้าซื่อ; พันธุ์ Fuyu; ชนิด; กิ่งพันธุ์; การเจริญเติบโต; การเข้ากันได้.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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